The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 173: The Scum Goes To The Immortal

Gu Linglong's eyebrows were slightly frowned, as the peak of the Golden Core, she had sharp eyes and ears, so she naturally heard what the disciples on duty were talking about.

All the soundproof formations used in the family retreat can shield the internal and external sounds at ordinary times. As long as the retreater does not take the initiative to listen, they will not be disturbed inside.

But Gu Linglong, as the wife of the patriarch, is very concerned about the affairs of the clan.

In addition, in the early stage of the Nine Dragons True Fire Art, it is not suitable for women to practice. The spiritual energy is circulating, the blood is boiling, and there are many illusions.

Make a note in mind, you must educate these disciples well when you go out, no matter whether you are practicing, performing duties, or going out to perform tasks, you must not be distracted.

On duty, you must concentrate on duty, chat privately, and there are no rules at all.

Discussions affected my thoughts, I couldn't break through today, let's continue tomorrow, Gu Linglong put away her exercises and was about to get up and walk out of the quiet room.

But Wang Yin, who was hiding in the quiet room space, quit. Why did I wait for you for half a month, and you said that if you don’t break through, you won’t break through? Continue to break through.

Seeing that Gu Linglong had already walked to the door of the quiet room, Wang Yin had no choice but to cough, and showed ~ figure from the hiding space.

"Mrs. Gu, why did you stop? You can break through a few more times, maybe - today you will succeed."

Gu Linglong's complexion changed drastically, she suddenly turned around, and the sound of shock resounded through the quiet room.


Just turned around and saw the quiet room, flashing like water waves, a man in strange clothes appeared.

Gu Linglong's face was gloomy. It is a trivial matter for someone to come in silently in the family's retreat. The most important thing is that the person who came in made her desperate.

This is not a method that should appear on the ancient continent, even the ancestor of Dujie did not have this method of breaking through space.

This is a method of immortals, a space method that only immortals in the upper realm have. Although she has never seen such a method, the Gu family once had an ancestor of Feisheng, and there is a description of "this kind of method in the fairyland" in the family secret book.

Seeing Wang Yin appearing from the space, she knew that this was an immortal descending from the earth. If Dujie Patriarch had this method, he would have broken through the space and ascended to the upper realm.

Gu Linglong is not a brain-dead woman. As the mistress of the rich family of the Northern Xia Empire, she has already analyzed the powerful relationship in her mind, her face returned to calm and indifferent, and she calmly bowed to Wang Yin.

"Hi senior, I don't know what orders senior has for visiting the Gu family."

Looking at Gu Linglong who calmed down in a blink of an eye and looked calm, Wang Yin held back her mouth. This is a woman who shows no emotions.

If this woman lives in the Gongdou drama [it will be the big boss over all women.

When dealing with this kind of woman, if you are not as capable or strong as her, then go back to where you came from, and the result of entanglement is that you will be gnawed by her until there is no bone left.

However, my mind is inferior to yours, but my strength can suppress you, and only absolute strength has the right to speak.

Without any nonsense, he stretched out his hand and took Gu Linglong, who looked calm, to his side, grabbed her plump waist and limbs, and put her back in the meditation room.

In his Gujing Wubo's eyes, he tore off a thumb-sized lock-shaped top-quality Lingshi ornament on her neck, with the word Yelu branded on it.

"Your name should actually be Yelu Linglong, right? After marrying into the Gu family, you took your husband's surname as Gu and changed your name to Gu Linglong."

Gu Linglong was extremely obedient to everything Wang Yin did, and replied softly: "Yes, senior."

After returning, she quietly waited for Wang Yin's orders, not anxious or anxious, and not worried about what would happen to the man in front of her. She had completely let go of herself and accepted any changes at any time.

"The Gu family is very interesting. Anyone who marries or joins the Ao clan can only have the surname Gu. Are you afraid of messing up the relationship?

Gu Linglong's gentle voice continued to sound like gossip: "No, the records of the branches of the Gu family tree are very detailed."

After finishing speaking, he didn't talk too much, didn't ask Wang Yin what's the matter, and didn't answer any questions that Tian Yin didn't ask.

If someone else faced this kind of non-aggressive, calm and comfortable woman, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to continue the conversation, but Wang Yin doesn't care, he is a scumbag with a thick skin.

Shi Shiran sat in front of Gu Linglong, and hung the lock-shaped top-quality spirit stone back to Gu Linglong's neck.

"Is this left to you by your mother's family? It has been worn for hundreds of years. If you can produce the best spirit stone, your family's strength is not bad."

"Yes, senior. The Yelu family is also considered a prominent local family, but it is not comparable to the Gu family."

Wang Yin got to the point: "Don't worry, I'm here today just to watch you break through, not to embarrass your family."

"Because this king has some needs and needs to study your exercises, all you have to do is make a breakthrough, don't think about anything else."

After directly making a request to Gu Linglong, Wang Yin looked at her quietly. For this kind of woman who is gentle and virtuous on the surface, but actually has a will as hard as iron and a deep thought, all good words are pale.

Use your strength to suppress her directly and let her do as required. Gu Linglong didn't ask anything, and she didn't even bother to think about why this superpower in the upper realm made such a request.

0…ask for flowers……

Sitting cross-legged in a very bachelor, running the Kowloon True Fire Jue began to break through the golden core and continued to conceive a baby

This is where she is smart. Knowing this kind of superpower in the upper realm, she will not come to see her breakthrough for no reason. If people don't want to talk about it, it's useless for her to ask, and she won't anger the other party

Nine rounds of meritorious deeds, nine fire dragons galloped and roared in Gu Linglong's body, making her whole body boil with blood, scalding like a furnace. In a blink of an eye, the nine fire dragons entangled together and rushed towards the entrance.

Right now, Wang Yin will naturally not let her break through, the reason why she came to find her is because of the Heavenly Demon, she succeeded in breaking through and looking for a fart Heavenly Demon.

Although it is impossible to succeed once, what if it breaks through this time.


Sometimes things are like this, when you think it will not succeed, it will succeed, and when you think it will succeed, it will fail.

There was a sudden crackling sound when he made a quick move. He hadn't collected the congenital essence liquid in the exercise yet. Although Gu Linglong's level is low, the quality should be good.


Gu Linglong let out a muffled snort, never dreaming that this immortal, who was suspected to be from the upper realm, would do this.

With a firm will, her breath was instantly confused, and illusions appeared in her soul, and she blurted out two words: "Scum."

Fortunately, she has been weather-beaten and has rich experience in life. The chaotic breath only appeared for a moment, and she quickly restrained her mind and devoted herself to running the Nine Dragons True Fire Art.

Now is the critical moment. If you are distracted by the outside world, you are most likely to go crazy.

She understands this truth very well, if the breakthrough fails, it will be a big deal to start all over again.

But if one goes mad, one hundred years of cultivation will be destroyed once, and one will never recover.

Wang Yin was so impressed that this woman was born strong, and she could recover her breath immediately.

But do you think this king only has this kind of means? Then you underestimate this king too much.

"Hiss..., you really deserve to be the real fire of Nine Dragons, your spiritual power is very hot!"

Namo Amitabha's gun barrel Gatling spun crazily, shooting out countless uranium bullets for Purdue sentient beings.

Gu Linglong's complexion changed drastically again, and she spewed out a mouthful of high-temperature flames as high as 10,000 degrees. Wang Yin swallowed it in one gulp. Sure enough, the innate essence liquid produced by practicing the Nine Dragons True Fire Art is also the fire attribute innate essence liquid.

If he was at the fifth rank of the world of mortals, if he devoured Gu Linglong's innate essence liquid, he would probably be burned to death by him. .

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