The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 174 Patriarch, What's Wrong With You?

Losing a lot of vitality support, the nine fire dragons finally collapsed with a trembling sound, and the blood and aura returned to Gu Linglong's body, declaring that she had completely failed in this pass.

Gu Linglong opened her eyes quietly, looking at the unfathomable immortal from the upper realm, for the first time there was brain anger in her eyes, but she quickly suppressed it, and continued to use her spiritual power to accumulate the next wave of shock.

Hey... This woman is so invulnerable, Wang Yin saw that she didn't let her go crazy, so he stopped disturbing her.

This king is here to toss you into obsession, how can you look for the demon.

Flicking his sleeves, he looked out of the quiet room and said, "Madam Gu, please continue to break through.

Gu Linglong's face turned red, and she let out a long breath of anger. This superpower in the upper realm was simply inexplicable, causing her to almost go mad. She stopped and urged her to continue to break through. You are still not human, you did it on purpose.

Well, my old lady can't afford to provoke you, so bear with it.

"Eight Nine Three" forcibly regained the mind after being disturbed by Wang Yin, and ran the Nine Dragons True Fire Jue again, rushing towards the entrance of Tianmen. Wang Yin saw Gu Linglong making another breakthrough, and continued to feel bad.

This patriarch's wife is difficult to deal with. It seems that the method of disturbing her mind just now is not very effective. She can suppress her anger when she wakes up. In order to protect herself, it is still for the Baogu clan. If she is a hero among the girls of the Baogu clan.

It's not that it doesn't work, he clearly felt that there was an aura of anger on Gu Linglong's body, but it was quickly suppressed.

Suddenly pulling Gu Linglong's soul closer to the dream, all kinds of vicious monsters in the dream rushed towards her.

With a cold mouth, he said: "Don't stop, you must break through the Nascent Soul today, stop this king and destroy your entire clan.

After hearing this, Gu Linglong's body stiffened, and she tried her best to run the Nine Dragons True Fire Jue, resisting the attack of the monster in the dream. In her eyes, it was not a dream, but a monster that jumped out of the real quiet room.

Wang Yin felt that this was not enough, this woman was too determined, and stronger methods were needed to make her go mad.

As a result, in the real space, there were countless more true blood avatars, participating in disturbing her mind.

Under multiple mental and physical attacks, the corners of Gu Linglong's red eyes burst, and finally she couldn't bear the explosion of vitality, and she raised her head and screamed.


The nine fire dragons suddenly inflated like balloons, emitting a sun-like light, and burst in front of the gate of Tianmen. Gu Linglong's body exploded, and she was about to die.

Wang Yin's galaxy's energy quickly helped it recover, and then continued to self-destruct. This cycle was repeated nine times, which meant that Gu Linglong had died nine times.

Finally, thunderbolts and lightning resounded through the entrance of the ancient Linglong Tianmen, and the shock wave of the ninth explosion hit the entrance of the Tianmen again, knocking out a big hole in the entrance of the Tianmen.

Endless scorching energy like a great sun, from the big hole, attacked the Xuanguan Lingtai, merged with the true yin of the Lingtai, and in the fast rotation, a lifelike, small, ancient and exquisite, condensed and appeared sitting cross-legged in the Xuanguan Lingtai. The sound of Mingfeng howling is endless.

Gu Linglong successfully crossed the border and formed the Nine Dragons Yin and Yang Nascent Soul, stepping into the ranks of the top powers in the barren ancient continent, becoming the latest Nascent Soul boss of the Gu Clan.

Wang Yin opened his mouth wide and had nothing to say, it hurt his self-esteem too much to be able to break through, the demon he wanted, the demon of this king, you, you, you, how did you fly away.

From then on, Yuan Yingcheng was able to fly into the sky and escape from the earth without the help of a spiritual weapon. Gu Linglong was overjoyed, and forgot about Wang Yin next to her, and tried her best to stabilize the Yuan Ying realm.

An hour later, Gu Linglong finally woke up leisurely, her temperament was very different from that of Jindan, she was dignified and virtuous, and bowed to Wang Yin: "Thank you for your help, senior, Linglong was able to gather this, Nine Dragons Yin and Yang Supreme Nascent Soul.

I was very happy in my heart. The Nine Dragon Yin-Yang Supreme Nascent Soul that she condensed was the most perfect Nascent Soul of the Gu Clan. There was not a single flaw on the Nine Dragons. She maintained nine soul explosions, and she couldn't condense such a perfect Nascent Soul.

"But senior, you should be a good person, your behavior is simply shameless."

Wang Yin had no expression on his face, the Heavenly Demon didn't see it, and he helped people condense such a perfect Nascent Soul, he hummed twice, and suddenly released a world-shattering aura.

The building on the roof of the quiet room disappeared without a sound. The sky above Gu's head shattered and the earth shattered, opening an endless gaping void. All the violent energy was wiped out inside, and countless stars fell straight towards the Gu's clan.

Seeing the scene of the destruction of this era, Gu Linglong's face turned pale and bloodless in an instant, and she knelt down on the ground, hugging Wang Yin's legs and frantically begging for mercy: "Shangxian, spare my life, Shangxian, spare my life, Shangxian, let's go around the Gu clan. Dare to be presumptuous."

"You can do whatever you want, Linglong can be a slave or a handmaiden, she can be a cow or a horse for Shangxian."

Wang Yin regained his breath, and all the visions of destroying the world disappeared without a trace. He stretched out his hand and rubbed Gu Linglong's black hair into a mess, and said with a smile.

"Don't think that since you entered the Nascent Soul stage, you have the foundation to face this king. The gap between you and this king is so huge that you can't imagine."

Gu Linglong crawled on the ground, no joy in reaching the Nascent Soul Realm in her eyes, only endless panic, confusion and helplessness in her eyes.

She was really frightened at that moment just now, the feeling that everything in the family, relatives, elders and children will be wiped out at any time, she doesn't want to experience it again, not at all.

At that moment, she really felt how terrifying the fairy in front of her was.

Even if she had already guessed before that this man was an immortal from the upper realm, she had never intuitively felt the terror of a man destroying the power of heaven and earth.

This is a taboo, an existence that cannot be provoked or guessed. The amount of immortals recorded in the clan is not so terrifying at all.

Gu Linglong's breakthrough was successful outside the quiet room, and the movement had already alarmed everyone in the Gu family. The aura of heaven and earth surged from the quiet room, forming a huge vortex of aura.

The sky was turbulent, and nine fire dragons rolled in it, turning into a sky full of fire clouds, surrounded by Yin and Yang.

This is the Nine Dragons True Fire Jue, which completely transforms the vision of the Nine Dragons Yin and Yang Jue. It represents the birth of another Yuanying ancestor of the Gu family, and he is still the most perfect ancestor.

The disciples on duty around the quiet room looked at the vision in the sky with excitement in their eyes: "The mistress is the mistress, and the mistress has finally become the ancestor of Yuanying.

"That's right, our Gu family has taken another big step up in the ranking of the seven major families of the empire."

In the inner house, a man hugged his wife and shouted: "Mother has become the ancestor of Yuanying, and mother has become the ancestor of Yuanying. Now I am the patriarch of this young man. Let's see who dares to fight for it. It's all a dream."

Deep in the family's hidden forbidden area, a pair of vicissitude-stricken eyes looked towards the direction of Gu Linglong's quiet room. Linglong finally broke through at 5.7. Not bad, old Yelu, gave birth to a good wife for the Gu family.

In the patriarch's meeting hall, Gu Patriarch, who was looking through the clan report, looked up in the direction of the quiet room.

"Madam is so talented, she broke through in a short time."

A family elder happened to come over to report on the affairs, looked at the head of the family blankly and said: "What's wrong with you, head, your body is full of green light, did you practice some incredible magic skill?"

Patriarch Gu's expression changed drastically, and he checked his body carefully, but found no clues.

"Is there? Why didn't the patriarch see it? Are you dazzled?"

Before the words fell, the sky suddenly thundered and lightning flashed, and a huge space crack appeared in the sky above the Gu Clan, and the destruction storm swept everything inside, countless stars roared towards the Gu Clan's ancestral land.

That day when the earth collapsed and everything died away, all the disciples vomited blood and fainted to the ground. .

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