The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 175: Invite The Patriarch To Be Demonic

In the depths of the forbidden area in the back mountain, the ancestor of the Gu family crossed the robbery and wailed in despair: "This is a natural disaster. Is the sky going to destroy my Gu family? Not convinced."

In the patriarch's meeting hall, the family elders who were talking to the patriarch, Gu Patriarch, and all the Yuanying elders of the Gu Clan felt the coercion of the doomsday.

After flying to the clan protection formation and pouring spiritual power desperately, seeing that the formation was torn like paper, he could only stay where he was, trembling and waiting to die.

At this moment, the world was so big that they felt that they had nowhere to go, and a supreme will firmly locked them in. The weak-willed elders and disciples were even more frightened, and they collapsed on the ground and lost control of their bowels.

Fortunately, this devastating attack came and went quickly. When everyone in the Gu family resigned to their fate and closed their eyes to wait for death, the space crack in the sky disappeared without a trace.

If it wasn't for all Gu Clan Yuanying and above standing beside the shattered clan protection formation, trying their best to repair and activate the formation, and the disciples vomiting blood all over the ground, Song feared that everyone would think it was just an illusion of heaven and earth.

Gu's patriarch recovered in a blink of an eye, there was no trace of abnormal sky above, just for a while, his hair was already gray and gray, he let out a long breath, and his trembling voice spread throughout 04 Gu's.

"From today onwards, the Gu clan will be enshrined for a hundred years, all business in the empire will cease, and the children of the family will return to the ancestral land of the clan. For a hundred years, they will not be allowed to go out to provoke disputes, and those who violate it will be killed immediately. The god cards of the three generations will never enter the ancestral hall."

Patriarch Gu was tongue-tied, wondering how his ancestors would suddenly issue such an order. Although the clan was almost wiped out just now, it was a natural disaster, and it had nothing to do with the family's children's business.

Puzzled, the sound transmission asked: "Old Ancestor, what's going on here."

The ancestor of the Gu clan looked haggard, stepped out of the forbidden area, and came to the head of the Gu clan.

"Feng'er, the old ancestor of Feisheng has passed down the news that the upper realm is about to launch a catastrophe of conferring gods, the world will be turned upside down, and yin and yang need to be corrected."

"The saints in the ancient continent have appeared, and today there is a warning of natural disasters. If you don't enshrine your clan, you will be involved in it."

"Grandpa can't fly up now and dare not go out. The Holy Master of the Mantra Holy Sect is actually a golden core girl in the Nine Heavens Sword Palace."

"Grandpa once met this girl when he visited Nine Heavens Sword Palace. Her thinking is simple and she doesn't know right from wrong. The most fearful thing is that she doesn't know the importance of the sage's ability and thinks it's just for fun."

"I'll give you a holy word when I meet you, hey, ordinary people won't kneel down when they see me."

"She's funny, but you've become a real mortal, and your thousand-year cultivation base has been wiped out, so many ancestors who have crossed the catastrophe all hide and don't meet her.

Patting Patriarch Gu on the shoulder: "However, for those below Yuanying, they are all opportunities. If the disciples in the Qi training period can be told by her, you are the peak of the tribulation, and you can directly save the millennium practice."

"You can try it and please that girl's mother. Her mother is Jian Yutian. You used to admire her."

In other words, Patriarch Luo Dujie turned around and returned to the retreat, put down the broken dragon stone directly, and released the death pass of this ancestor to the outside world, with an attitude of getting out if there is nothing to do.

The ancient patriarch saw that his grandfather had sealed off the Dragon Breaking Stone, but he had no choice but to know that his grandfather was determined, so he ordered the two Nascent Souls around him to change the mausoleum.

"Everything is done according to the order of the ancestors. The family is not allowed to contact the world for a hundred years. Those who violate it will be killed. The three generations will not be included in the family tree of the ancestral hall."

After giving the order, he went to the quiet room in the back house. There was so much commotion just now, and there was no sound in the quiet room in the back house. He was a little worried that his wife would break through the situation, but he must not be affected by the external situation to stabilize the realm.

In the quiet room, Wang Yin took out a huge recliner from the space around him and lay down leisurely. Since he advanced the galaxy life and comprehended the space skills, he can just pick up whatever he wants. He doesn’t need any space rings at all. He knows how to use space rings. They are all low-level monks.

Gu Linglong was kneeling beside him, carefully pinching his shoulders and beating his back, and from time to time, sending unknown fruits that were glistening and translucent into his mouth.

What the Patriarch Gu saw when he came in was this scene. His wife was as beautiful as a flower, and like a servant girl, she was attentively serving a strange man whom he had never seen before.

And greeted him with a smile.

"Hi Patriarch Gu."

If you are a peak Nascent Soul, you are about to enter the catastrophe stage, or you are the patriarch of a huge cultivation family.

The Patriarch, the pinnacle of tribulation crossing in the clan, sits in the town. He is the top dignitary who dominates one side of the huge cultivation empire, turning his hands into clouds and raining his hands.

Then in your own home, you bump into your beloved wife, who is like a servant woman, mouthing fruit, feeding a strange man you have never seen before, what is your reaction, and what will you do.

Everyone's reaction to this kind of thing is different, and Patriarch Gu told others what his reaction was with practical actions.

He didn't rush up immediately, shouting and killing, but first rubbed his eyes, turned his head and looked outside, it was true that he was indeed in the quiet room of his house.

Then mechanically, he responded with a stiff smile to the strange man who greeted him: "Hello, do we know each other?"

Then he walked towards Gu Linglong quickly, and while Gu Linglong was not looking sideways, he circled around Gu Linglong seven or eight times in a row, pinched his face seven or eight times, rubbed his eyes fiercely, and said to himself.

"My patriarch's Jiulong Zhenhuo Jue seems to be a bit crazy, but this patriarch hasn't practiced it today. Could it be an illusion of a demon."

Wang Yin heard the ancient patriarch muttering, talking about the obsessed voice, and his eyes sparkled. Could it be that Gu Linglong can make this ancient patriarch go crazy? "Then the master will add more noise to you.

A long whip appeared in his hand, and it hit Gu Linglong's body several times, causing Gu Linglong to cry out in pain, with blood stains all over his body. Unexpectedly, Gu Linglong not only did not resist, but also prostrated himself on the ground and kissed the upper of his shoe to thank him.

"Thank you for the reward, master. The master's leather whip is the greatest leather whip, and the master's whip is the greatest spur. Come on, master, please give Linglong a few more whips."

The ancient patriarch's eyes widened, hehe... This demon is too much, even if you want to create illusions for this patriarch, don't hurt this patriarch, my beloved wife, okay?

Concentrating his mind, he summoned the secret method and shouted angrily: "Shameless demon, don't think about breaking the mind of this patriarch, look at the palm, the nine dragons swallow the sky."

As the palms of the wrathful drink light up a dazzling red light 427, nine ferocious and terrifying fire dragons entangled together and turned into a giant dragon with a bloody mouth. The flaming red magma in the dragon's mouth was boiling and boiling, and the mouth was directed at Wang Yin who was on the recliner. Write that Gu Linglong swallowed too much.

In his eyes, no matter Wang Yin or Gu Linglong are demons now, his patriarch Gu is determined, so the demons don't try to confuse him and make him believe that the woman is his wife.

Feeling the fire dragon drawn by the ancient patriarch carefully, Wang Yin was very excited. This power can destroy a space with a diameter of three kilometers. Is this the power of the Nascent Soul in this world? Sure enough, there is no stable Great Thousand World, and the foundation is indeed relatively weak.

If the ancestor of this world is equivalent to the life of the eighth rank of the world of mortals, then the power of the Nascent Soul is equivalent to the great monster of the seventh rank of the mortal world.

However, a full-strength blow of life at rank eight in the world of mortals can destroy a hundred kilometers of mountains and rivers, and even a monster at rank seven in the world of mortals can destroy mountains and rivers of ten kilometers with one full blow.

But this ancient patriarch's full blow can only destroy three kilometers of mountains and rivers, which is a bit weak compared to the seven-rank monster in the Blue Star Red Dust Realm, not to mention that the ancient patriarch represents the top family strength.

Either there are strengths and weaknesses in the Nascent Soul stage, or the foundation of this world is too weak to produce invincible beings of the same level.

Of course, Patriarch Gu didn't think so. He has been in Yuanying for many years, and the Nine Dragons True Fire Jue has already reached the level of Dacheng. All the power is concentrated in one point, concentrated in this quiet room, even the peak Yuanying has to avoid its edge.

Dealing with these two heavenly demons is no problem. .

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