The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 176: Catch A Few Nascent Souls

The fire dragon slammed into the two heavenly demons firmly, and swallowed the two heavenly demons in one gulp. The ancient patriarch's eyes were disdainful, and the mere heavenly demons dared to seduce the patriarch. As the patriarch, Jiulong Zhenhuo must be a vegetarian.

Gently stroking his chest, the demons were one foot taller and one foot taller, and the two heavenly demons, who did not know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, were finally dealt with by him.

But ma'am, the demons have been executed, why hasn't Madam appeared yet? Could it be that the demon environment hasn't been resolved yet? He saw those two demons again amidst his doubts.

This time it went too far, the two demons turned into hundreds of them, and the woman was still like his wife, tied up in a duck swimming position, and hung upside down in the quiet room.

The space looked huge at first glance, it was big enough to hold all the Gu family, so he said, this must be the illusion of heavenly demons, otherwise his quiet room would not be so big.

Hundreds of other celestial demons, all kinds of strange instruments of torture were used on female celestial demons. Some drove tractors to run over them, and they kept picking up feathers. What's more, there was a celestial demon who was making his wife, celestial demon, give birth to monkeys.

"Jufeng...Jufeng don't save me, you can go, the immortal will not hurt me."

"Jufeng...Jufeng, what you see is real, it's not your eyesight, the time in this quiet room has been accelerated, the space has been expanded, the door is behind you, go out quickly"

The ancient patriarch was amazed: "What a heavenly demon, it really can't be deciphered by common sense, and he still wants to confuse the patriarch. It's just wishful thinking."

Squatting next to hundreds of celestial demons and carefully observing them, they raised their thumbs and praised them vigorously.

"This day's magical illusion is really amazing. The illusion of the patriarch's wife is so wonderful, even the lady's habit of using her fingers to make rings is transformed into exactly the same."

With his hands behind his back, Si Siran paced towards Gu Linglong, trying to touch the female celestial demon, to feel the touch of the celestial demon's illusion, whether it is the same as the real lady.

His own patriarch, Mr. Xianggong, was beside him, admiring the tricks of the immortal like a fool, Gu Linglong rolled his eyes in anger, how could he let outsiders touch him randomly, and quickly swung away and kicked the Gu patriarch.

The ancient patriarch laughed loudly: "Hahaha, you still dodge it, is it because you are afraid that the patriarch will find a weak point and break your heavenly demon illusion?"

"If the patriarch hadn't known that Madam would never hide from the patriarch, she might really be bewitched by you, a heavenly demon."

Gu Linglong breathed a sigh of relief, Jufeng misunderstood all this as meeting a demon, and it was better if it was the illusion of the demon that appeared, so that his Dao heart would not be broken.

The ancient patriarch put his hands around his mouth to form a trumpet shape, and shouted loudly: "Ma'am, madam, are you in the quiet room, have you encountered a demon, have you gone mad, madam, as long as you are determined, the demon can't do anything to you , When the patriarch walks out of the illusion, I will come to help you.

Wang Yin was so angry that he rolled his eyes. The two couples are a perfect match. Their nerves are difficult and their willpower is very high. How tall is it? As high as a three-story building? The king is convinced.

"Patriarch Gu, this king is waiting for you to go crazy, please ask the patriarch to go crazy, this king is very grateful."

Gu Jufeng laughed out loud, knowing that the Heavenly Demon had no good intentions this time, and he was really running around to make him go mad. I'm sorry, you have a good idea, and this patriarch will not be fooled by you Heavenly Demons.

Looking up at the top, how the roof is directly the starry sky, how the female celestial demon hangs in the starry sky, this time I am more determined, he is in the illusion of ten celestial demons.

The heart is completely relaxed. What the demon is most afraid of is that you don't care about it. The more you don't care about it, the more afraid it is. When it comes to the world of mortals, it also needs energy. If there is no progress, it will retreat.

The patriarch Gu, who made up his mind to compete with the Heavenly Demon, walked up and down, admiring the rare scenery of the Heavenly Demon, and replied slowly.

"Thinking that the patriarch is insane, you want to eat farts this demon, tsk tsk tsk, my wife was born as a lady, and she never rolls her eyes at people. It is your loophole that the demon woman can roll her eyes today."

The more Patriarch Gu talked about Gu Linglong, the angrier he became. She rolled her eyes in silent protest, but the idiotic pig exposed her face to face. It's too bad that she will suffer again, so she quickly changed the subject.

"Shangxian, you forced Linglong to break through, just to make Linglong go mad."

Wang Yin replied gloomily: "That's right, it's because you broke through too quickly that this king's celestial demon flew away."

Gu Linglong smiled embarrassingly: "It's not that Linglong broke through too fast, it's because you helped me too much, senior, but senior, it's useless if you want Gu Jufeng to go mad, he hasn't reached the bottleneck yet, it's just the late Yuanying stage, Can't go mad."

Wang Yin was speechless: "You don't need to tell me that this king can see it. If this is the case, you Gu family can help this king raise children."

Lying on the huge car pulled by eighteen dragon-blooded BMWs, Wang Yin enjoyed Gu's royal service to him, and all the BMW eyes were provided by Gu.

Going to Gu Shi for nothing made him very speechless, isn't it easy to go crazy, why don't you all know it, forget it and take your time.

The Heavenly Demon has no form or form, and he couldn't even make him want to use dream travel to find it.

The traffic in the cultivation world is convenient, even if it is just an ordinary cultivation world, the Guandao Expressway is more spacious than the Lanxing two-way eight-lane highway.

Who said that people are backward, their horses are dragon blood BMWs that can fly, even ordinary horses can travel thousands of miles a day.

All the people who saw Juyu on the road hid far away, and pointed at Juyu: "Who is this? The dragon blood juggernaut that the emperor rides on" dare to ride out of the house openly"

"It's not about being brave, it's about committing suicide. Not only is the ride open and aboveboard, but Layu's dragon-blooded BMWs are actually more than the emperor's. I was lucky enough to see the emperor's tour in the imperial capital, and Layu's dragon-blooded BMWs only have ten horses."

"Stay away, stay away, the Royal Guard will definitely come and arrest you, don't cause trouble."

"You think too much. Is it easy to catch someone who dares to ride eighteen dragon-blooded BMWs in an open and aboveboard manner?"

"Yes, this brother's analysis is very reasonable. If he dared to catch him, he would have been caught long ago. The younger brother has been watching the excitement from thousands of miles away. Until now, he has not met a single person from the government. It's like all the people from the government have disappeared. same."

`~Everything is gone, I just came from Wangzhou Mansion, and I saw countless officers and soldiers standing at the top of the city and looking in this direction, the leading officials were still lecturing, and when they saw eighteen dragon-blooded horses pulling giants, stay away , I can't be provoked by the words from above, so I ran over to watch the excitement. "

"Gudong... Let Ben Guliang swallow his saliva first, it seems that there is a big person sitting on this giant, I don't know if you want to warm the bed, Ben Guliang really wants to try it."

"Go quickly, I heard that as long as you are as beautiful as a flower, the master will not refuse anyone who comes. I have seen countless beauties on the way."

"You women are really too much. You usually don't even look at us, but you are flying upside down to this big master."

"Brother heck, who told you that you are not handsome if you have no money or strength? If you have money and strength and are handsome, I will not betray my master, but immediately betray you."

"That's right, little brother, but I heard that in the Gu family, countless women have posted it upside down."

The hula crowd suddenly all avoided, far away from the last person who spoke, did he look like he had never seen him or heard what he said.

In the end, the man who spoke was puzzled and asked loudly: "What are you hiding? I really didn't spread rumors."

In the distance, an old man kicked his feet on the ground, rushed to him in a hurry, pulled him and ran away, and reprimanded him while running.

"Stinky boy, you are short-sighted, the Gu family is something we can talk about, do you think those people didn't see that there are Gu family's standard costumes among the dresses of the women who serve the giants.

"But whoever said it, everyone should pretend that you didn't see it, you actually said it out loud, and don't want to implicate me, master, if you want to die."

"Master, it's not that exaggerated. Maybe the master of Juyu is the mighty member of the Gu family."

"Hehehe, you don't believe that you are short-sighted, the Gu family dared to be so bold and was wiped out by the royal family long ago, and this person on the Internet is obviously an existence that neither the Gu family nor the royal family dared to offend.

Wang Yin lay down and became bored in the middle of the night, and gave a puzzled order to a beautiful woman who had never seen it before and was focused on cleaning.

"Who are you? Go out and see if there are any Nascent Soul cultivators following Juyu. This king wants to catch a few and study the inner demons.",

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