The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 177 Unlucky Casual Cultivator

In the distance stood five casual cultivators, two men and three women, two Nascent Soul Masters and three Golden Core disciples.

The five people were looking towards the giants. Among them, the tall male disciple was looking at the top eighteen dragon blood BMW top giants, his eyes full of envy and high spirits.

"A man should be like this, sitting on the lap of a beauty, awake and in charge of the world."

The petite and exquisite girl next to her snorted dissatisfiedly: "What nonsense are you talking about, senior brother, lying drunk on the lap of a beautiful woman, awake and in charge of the world.

The tall disciple laughed: "Senior brother doesn't like drinking, so what's the matter with sitting and lying down, who said you must lie down drunk."

The petite and exquisite girl pinched the tall Jindan disciple severely: "Brother is very envious, don't you, if you have the kind, go try it, master, you see that brother is not motivated at all, you know it every day

The two Nascent Souls, one is a middle-aged beautiful woman, the other is a middle-aged man, and they smiled with another beautiful Jindan woman.

We all know what the petite and exquisite girl is thinking, but it's a pity that Luohua intends to be ruthless, and the tall disciple doesn't seem to be tempted at all by the petite and exquisite girl's olive branch.

They didn't realize that the tall disciple always swallowed saliva unconsciously in his Adam's apple, and when no one was paying attention, he drifted towards the hungry eyes of the Golden Core woman.

The Jindan woman seemed to have noticed something, and quietly avoided behind the two Nascent Soul elders, and for some reason, her chest was raised even higher.

The five people are casual cultivators in the nearby Wuyou Valley. The middle-aged man and the middle-aged beautiful woman are the master's wife. Among the three Jindan young people, the tall man and the petite girl are disciples of the 813 middle-aged couple, and the beautiful woman is the middle-aged beautiful woman.

While listening to the laughter among his disciples, the middle-aged man looked seriously at the giant wagon pulled by eighteen dragon-blooded BMWs in the distance ahead, and his heart was filled with horror.

Around him in his perception, the space seems to be a bottomless abyss, and there are unknown horrors in the abyss, staring at them salivatingly, making his hair stand on end.

When the consciousness scanned the past, a huge pulling force came and almost took him away from the air.

Looking at the middle-aged beautiful woman, both of them saw inexplicable horror in each other's eyes, but the horror of the two was inconsistent. The middle-aged man was terrified because he couldn't be provoked, and he wanted to escape from here quickly.

The horror in the eyes of the middle-aged beautiful woman is the awe of the unknown boss, and she is not frightened by the life-threatening fear. She knows in her heart that the existence on the Internet is very important to the heroine.


There are private rumors that as long as the appearance of the ancient family is six points, all the female relatives will be taken care of by this big boss, so tolerant that they will take care of their children, including the ancient ancestors of the Gu family.

It is said that now the ancestors of the Gu clan, the patriarch of the Gu clan, the uncles and elders, and the sons and daughters of Taoist couples in male families cry bitterly every day, clamoring everywhere to catch the demons and break the illusion of the demons.

Among the onlookers along the way, there were many people who couldn't control their mouths, and were caught several times by members of the Gu clan who didn't care whether they were Taoists or Taoists, who were very nervous, and who had no Taoists.

They have nothing to do with Senior Supreme Heavenly Demon, can't they beat up a few casual cultivators? The patriarch's order not to enter the secular world just disappeared.

Fortunately, these disciples of the Gu Clan didn't hurt anyone's life, they beat him up with a bruised nose and swollen face, and then released him. Anyway, they weren't their Dao Lu, on the contrary, because the green people in the clan were crazy, they were still very happy in their hearts, and they started to have a chance Dig the foot of the wall, dig your favorite Taoist green, oh not a Taoist companion.

The middle-aged man was getting more and more frightened, and said to the middle-aged beautiful woman.

"Let's go, we still have to go to the Holy Word of the Word, we can't waste time."

After finishing speaking, he gave the tall disciple a slap on the head: "Han'er, don't wishful thinking, some things require your life to enjoy, practice hard, and don't be influenced by the outside world."

Seeing that the master was helping her speak, the petite girl proudly stuck out her tongue at the tall disciple.

The middle-aged beautiful woman knew what the middle-aged man was afraid of, so she agreed without saying a word: "Okay, then let's go.

After speaking, he mentioned spiritual power at the same time as the middle-aged man, and took the three golden core juniors into the air, and quickly flew towards the sky.

It's just that a few people just flew up, and a gentle male voice came from their ears: "It's all here, sit down and go."

The middle-aged man turned pale with fright, and felt uneasy and wanted to burst out of Tianling Gai.

Grabbing the slender hand of the middle-aged beautiful woman, ignoring her two disciples and her beautiful niece, biting the tip of her tongue fiercely and spurting a mouthful of blood, she did not hesitate to use up her essence to perform the secret method of blood escape, summoning up her whole body to turn into blood and howling away .

You ask him what he is afraid of, and if the Taoist partner turns green, just ask you if you are afraid, no man is not afraid.

"Hehe, my king invites you, how can you go." (aedf) The gentle voice continued to sound, and with the sound, the sky instantly turned black, and boundless green clouds appeared out of thin air.

When I looked up, I saw that the sky turned black, but a huge black claw appeared on the sky, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

The claws are surrounded by green clouds, like a demon in a boundless hell, the probing claws grabbing the daylight of the world and devouring the light of the world.

With just a light scoop of the claws, the middle-aged man and the middle-aged beautiful woman, three women, two men and five people, all disappeared into the claws.

At the same time, there were also several Nascent Soul cultivators hidden in the surrounding crowd that disappeared.

Ah... ah... ah, the crowd ran around in panic, seeing something so unheard of, unheard of in eternity, covering the sky and covering the sun, and the abyss with devil-like giant claws, they collectively screamed.

Those who watched the excitement stopped watching, those who watched did not watch, and those who waited for the government to arrest people did not wait.

Like a group of little white mice that had just been frightened, they scattered and fled in all directions, and disappeared without a trace in less than a moment.

Only some women who thought they had great looks and strength boldly stood where they were, with even more hungry eyes, Chi Guoguo looked at Shenyu who was no longer surrounded by idlers.

Looking left and right, I found that there was no crowd to cover myself. Some people who had expressed hesitation at first simply became firm, and at the same time, Tingting walked towards the side of the road.

"My family and others admire the majesty of the Heavenly Demon God, and come here to serve the Heavenly Demon God, please convey it to my sisters."

At this time, two women walked out of the house, one was Gu Linglong's daughter-in-law, the woman who was hugged and cheered by the young patriarch when Gu Linglong broke through the Nascent Soul.

The other one was beyond everyone's expectations, and it was actually the Holy Word Sacred Sect, the Great Elder of Kaishan Sword Yutian.

I saw Jian Yutian standing on the giant frame, with a domineering aura all over her body, the sword energy rushed straight to Xiao Han, forming an illusion of a huge sword that pierced the sky above her head, rolling away like a sea tide, overwhelming the surrounding area People and animals within a thousand miles were uneasy, and the ground trembled.

Then Jian Yutian spoke softly and magnetically, and ordered all the women in front of the prostrate giant: "God's decree, voluntarily serve the God, and come to this seat to line up to get the number."

All the creeping women were amazed, and then they were extremely surprised. The was actually the Juggernaut who came out to help them register. The status of this big boss is beyond words.

"It's the Juggernaut...Oh my God, the Juggernaut has appeared. Even the Juggernaut is just a servant, and he really is the real Heavenly Demon God."

For a moment, they were so excited that they were sweating profusely and dizzy, and they were really going to have a haircut.

Inside the giant body, a row of Nascent Soul Loose Cultivators knelt down in front of Wang Yin, half male and half male.

Wang Yin is lying high on a huge bed, with two beautiful women on his head. There are more than a dozen beauties of various ethnic groups in front of him and behind him. They beat their legs, rub their shoulders, and feed him from nowhere. Heaven and Earth Spirit Fruit.

And free to eat delicacies on the table, after a Jindan woman ate a flat peach on the table, she broke through the peak of crossing the catastrophe and surpassed the realm of ascension right under their noses.

The most frightening thing is that it's all like this, and Heavenly Tribulation doesn't dare to strike it down. .

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