The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 179 Rewarding The Brave Man

Wang Yin turned a blind eye to the constipated expressions of several male cultivators.

Slowly asked: "Why, I don't want to."

"See if these fairy peaches and law spirit milk are there. As long as the wisher succeeds in becoming obsessed, this king will reward you with ten thousand-year fairy peaches and two bottles of law spirit milk. Not only will your strength be restored immediately, but you will also be able to directly ascend to the upper realm."

"In addition, this king will also reward you with countless top-grade spirit stones that can be used in ascension to the upper realm, and one hundred thousand top-grade immortal spirit crystals, so that you can become local tyrants immediately after ascension, and you don't need to start slowly from the bottom like a pug."

After he finished speaking, he threw a bunch of top-quality immortal spirit crystals from the divine world on the floor of the giant, and the thick immortal energy reflected in the outer sky of the giant, shining precious light for thousands of miles around, making people unable to open their eyes.

"When this immortal yuan hears about it, his realm soars, and it is hopeful to touch the big Luo, and those who are destined will come quickly.

Wang Yin's voice didn't intentionally block the world. Seeing this heavenly and earthly brilliance monk on the ancient continent, the monster ran madly towards Juyu.

The news spread to the whole world with the momentum of "May 87", all the top cultivation sects, the super empire was in turmoil, the patriarch of Dujie couldn't hide, and the top forces of all walks of life were undercurrents, dispatching troops and generals Wait for the world to reshuffle.

Before the monks and monsters in the distance arrived, after seeing Jin Huanghuang's strong immortal power, a group of figures flew quickly from the side of Juyu, and the voices had already arrived before the people arrived.

"Heavenly Demon God is above, and below is the crown prince and concubine of the Mulberry Empire. Today, he passed by the Northern Xia Empire and was amazed at the prestige of Senior Heavenly Demon God. It turned out that Senior God was trying to go mad."

So you have to be quick in everything you do, and you will not deceive me if you are close to the water. The first one to eat the crab is risky, but it is the easiest to read into a big fat man.

A few male cultivators kneeling on the floor, hearing the voice of the crown prince and concubine of the Mulberry Tree Empire, their hesitant expressions instantly changed, and at the same time they threw themselves on the floor, holding down the top-grade immortal Yuan Lingjing and shouting.

"Senior Shangshen, the juniors are willing to go crazy, and I hope that the seniors will implement it impartially and reward them in order of first come, first served."

Among the Juyu's daughters, two quickly covered their faces, hid behind Gu's old ancestor Daolu, and said anxiously.

"Grandma, what should I do? The crown prince and concubine of the mulberry tree know the empress and the princess. If they see that the empress and the princess are together on the God's account, the face of the empress and the princess will be thrown to the world.

Dao Lu, the old ancestor of the Gu family, smiled and patted the shoulders of the two women.

"Don't be so nervous, you'll be fine once you get used to this kind of thing. Look at grandma's granddaughter-in-law and great-grandson's daughter-in-law. She came with grandma. Grandma is not afraid of losing face even if she is a Taoist partner of the ancestor who crossed the catastrophe. What are you afraid of?"

A few male cultivators on the floor, and Prince Mulberry quickly performed their own exercises, blushing at the same time, trying to urge themselves to be distracted and angry, or stare at the countless enchanting women next to them.

Trying to make myself appear all kinds of greed, so that the cultivation method goes crazy and the inner demon appears.

Prince Sangshu's eyes turned red, and he rushed to the tall disciple who was lying on the side of the road angrily, and said to his concubine: "My concubine, this prince is just at the peak of Nascent Soul, breaking through the bottleneck, you hurry to conquer this man, Whatever you can do to make this prince angry and obsessed, you can do whatever you want, Concubine Ai."

"This crown prince made an oath to let the past go, and we will get half of the treasure opportunity."

The concubine Sangshu was delighted in her heart, but she pretended to be nonchalant: "I would like to follow the order of the prince, and this concubine will carry it out.

Regretfully, she glanced at Senior Shangshen who was lying high on the huge couch. What she wanted more in her heart was to serve Senior Shangshen, but Senior Shangshen didn't seem to have the slightest interest in her, so she could only obediently stay by the side and dare not move easily.

After receiving the order from the prince, I was very happy. Even if I couldn't serve the senior God, helping the prince to complete the task of becoming obsessed, the opportunity to get the treasure is a great benefit that is rare in ten thousand years.

Those are ten thousand-year fairy peaches, and two bottles of spiritual milk of the laws of heaven and earth from the upper realm.

Although I don't know what the Law Spiritual Milk is, but if it can be put together with the Wannian Xiantao, the quantity is still rarer than the Wannian Xiantao, so you know how precious it is.

What's more, there are countless top-grade spirit stones that can be used in the upper realm, one hundred thousand catties of immortal spirit crystals, even if she only shares half of it, she and the prince can immediately become immortals and ascend to the upper realm, and immediately become a rich man in the upper realm. overlord.

Still fighting for the throne of the mulberry tree empire, let the mulberry tree empire go to hell, their husband and wife are already the overlords of the upper realm.

No, the prince hasn't lost his temper yet, so she and the prince can get this great opportunity only after trying hard to make him lose his temper.

The more the Crown Princess Sangshu thought about it, the more excited she became, she was so excited that she was dripping with sweat, she twisted her thick waist and walked towards the tall Jindan disciple who was lying on the side of the road.

"This young master, who is the concubine of the Mulberry Tree Empire, sees that the young master is so strong, many times stronger than my useless prince, so I came to find the young master to study how to double cultivate, so that the strength team can open up faster."

When Prince Sangshu heard that the princess was shameless and insulted him, even though he knew that the princess was ordered by him, he was still so angry that his throat was sweet.

Overjoyed, he hurriedly shouted to the princess: "Come on, Concubine Ai, the effect is good, the prince feels like he is going to be angry and bloody."

Concubine Mulberry Tree was very happy, is it useful? This concubine really has the talent to irritate people. She was even more excited when she pounced on a tiger and overwhelmed the tall Jindan disciple on the side of the road, raising her head and howling like a wolf.

"Boy, why don't you speak? My concubine knows that you are a disciple of Wuyougu. If you dare not cooperate with me, I will send a message asking the emperor of Beixia to punish you from the Wuyougu clan...

The tall Jindan disciple was tongue-tied, as if in a dream, did he get unlucky when he fell on the side of the road?

You are the concubine of the mulberry tree country, why is it full of fat, it weighs three hundred catties, is your prince blind looking for you?

When Prince Sangshu saw the tall Golden Core cultivator, he smiled in despair, he didn't want to find such a princess.

However, the grandfather of the crown princess is the ancestor of the mulberry tree empire, and the father married him to the crown prince's fingertips. What can he do? He is also very desperate, okay?

Hey, the qi and blood are getting more and more chaotic. Could it be that the prince finding a bosom friend can also make the prince go crazy? The mulberry prince is even more happy to urge the princess.

"Come on, Concubine Ai, this prince feels like he's about to go mad."

Threatened by the Crown Princess Sangshu, and ordered him to study with the Crown Princess, how to make the Crown Prince of the Sangshu Empire understand what it means for a Taoist partner to change to a green one, otherwise he will be executed as a tall Jindan disciple of the nine clans, with tears of despair rolling down his eyes.

Heart-piercingly calling for help: "Master, sister, Mei'er, please save Qu Han, Qu Han doesn't want to eat a pig's head."

The middle-aged man in Wuyou Valley, Master Qu Han gave his disciple a dissatisfied look. What are Meier Meier's boys shouting? It is understandable to call it to your junior sister and Ji Xinmei, but it will be thrown away by the teacher, and even the teacher's wife shouted together It means several things.

The villain actually wanted to hit his teacher's wife, so he wrote it down for his teacher.

Looking up in anger, he saw Dao Lu, a middle-aged beautiful woman sneaking up on 0.0, blinking at him fiercely, signaling him to go crazy, and at the same time making a gesture and sending a sound transmission to him.

"Old noodles...seeing how majestic Senior God is, you can eat handmade noodles by yourself in the future.

The middle-aged man was caught off guard, and was stimulated by the words and actions of the middle-aged beautiful woman... A mouthful of old blood spewed out, and the internal exercises were instantly messed up. The explosive energy lost its restraint and rushed into the brain of the soul of the eight meridians.


The veins on his forehead were swollen and cracked, his eyes were blood-red violently, and his breath sprayed out a chaotic whirlwind, rushing towards the middle-aged beautiful woman, and laughing wildly.

"You bitch, dare to despise your man as an old noodle, go to hell, go to hell, ah... ah ha ha ha."

Wang Yin discovered the abnormality at the first time, and was so happy that he took the middle-aged man in front of him, and his consciousness silently invaded the middle-aged man's spiritual world.

"The heavens pay off, and I finally let this king find the person who has lost his mind.".

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