The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 180 Hey, The Demon Is Coming

Seeing that she was rushed to the front, the princess let out a tyrannosaurus roar: "The boy handed in his gun and didn't kill him, then he fainted... You and the prince are both cowards.

The tall disciple was pale and aggrieved, rolled his eyes and passed out on the grass by the roadside.

Prince Sangshu's eyes were ashamed, his anger was burning, and he protested seriously to the princess, but when the protest reached his lips, it turned into sweet words again.

"My dear concubine, you are so powerful, you are simply the king's flower among women. It is my honor to marry you for three lifetimes as the crown prince."

The flattery against conscience, coupled with the strange eyes of others around him, made me feel that the prince's face was completely disgraced, and my blood was not smooth.

After that, the blood energy in the whole body stagnated in the meridians, and the spiritual energy in the body ran wildly, and finally went straight to the Tianqiao Baihui... and exploded.


There was another terrifying roar, and several flesh and blood holes on the body of the crown prince of the mulberry tree empire were blown out by the spiritual energy, and he rushed straight at the crown prince of the mulberry tree with a hideous face.

"I'm going to kill you female tyrannosaurus, the prince has disliked you for a long time."

Although the princess is strong and domineering, she has sharp eyes. Seeing that the prince succeeded in stimulating the mulberry tree, she kicked the tall disciple a hundred meters away, and hurriedly jumped to the side and said coquettishly.

"Don't, don't, Your Highness, this is what you ordered, so you don't care about it."

Those three hundred catties of fat 04 figure, coupled with such a delicate voice, are still in the concubine's body, and the rest of the Nascent Soul male cultivators couldn't take it anymore, and they vomited collectively.

"Ugh...God, God, I feel like I'm about to be possessed."

The tall Jindan disciple just woke up, and seeing this scene, he was so frightened that his hands and feet flew up and down, and he quickly climbed a hundred meters to the side and sighed.

"It's only a little bit short. I lost the face of the most handsome guy in Wuyou Valley. No way, this handsome guy has to stay farther away from this female tyrannosaur."

Seeing another one possessed by a demon, Wang Yin beamed with joy and a good harvest. Sure enough, money can not only make ghosts pervert, but money can also make monks go crazy.

Take the mulberry prince to the front of you, boy, don't run around, the king is waiting to catch your demons.

On the side of the middle-aged man, as he roared wildly, all kinds of phantoms in the sea of ​​consciousness hit him, and his face was extremely sad for a while, angry for a while, and wretched for a while, and various expressions changed rapidly on his face, and then In the depths of his consciousness, above the ocean of consciousness, an extremely dark hole opened.

An invisible, shapeless, ever-changing, and extremely black thing fell down from the opening, and it yelled happily.

"Wahhaha, finally someone has gone mad, finally it's my turn to play, Heizi, Heizi will definitely suck up all the energy and energy of this monk, and he will be able to go to a higher level when he returns. Hehehe is so happy."

"Come on, come on, let me see how you went off the rails. It turned out that it was stimulated by the old noodles. Okay, okay, then Heizi will give you confidence in this aspect."

Invisible and shapeless, the ever-changing celestial demon danced and danced after obtaining the information he needed.

Hundreds of billions of transparent filaments extended from his body, piercing into the middle-aged man's soul, linking the middle-aged man's soul to all the flesh and blood cells in his body.

The middle-aged man's last sliver of clarity was finally destroyed, and he danced and sang on the spot.

"The Huahua here is shameless, the Daolu here is really disgusting, the old man is face-to-face, the smaller the harder, the brother is stumped... It's the eighteenth bend of the mountain road, crooked... crooked

Ji Xiaoyuan couldn't listen to his words anymore, this old thing, after being possessed, he has so much resentment, do you think my old lady really wants to stimulate you, my old lady is here to help you get this opportunity.

It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin, and I don't know my wife's heart.

A stride strode over, smacking the middle-aged man who had become enchanted, and beat him fatly.

"Old man, whoever messed with you here, Huahua here, also said that the Taoist green here is really annoying, don't think that if you say that you are a Taoist, I won't be able to tell that you are a Taoist companion, you are a real green."

Some female cultivators next to her were also aggrieved, and followed her up and kicked her hard a few times.

"Bah dog man, hurry up and say, our flower has provoked you to scold us like this, and also said that it is the eighteenth bend of the mountain road that stumps you, and the eighteenth bend of the water road, okay? "We don't have a mountain road, don't you know?"

Wang Yin saw a few female cultivators go crazy, and quickly snatched the middle-aged man from under their feet, but don't beat the king's demons away.

He invaded the soul of the middle-aged man's sea of ​​consciousness and turned it into a heavenly net, quietly trapping the demon that appeared. Now he is thinking about whether he can catch this invisible and formless demon, and then pull it out to become a demon.

The inner demon in the middle-aged man's sea of ​​consciousness has no worries, wandering happily in the sea of ​​consciousness, devouring the spirit and blood of the middle-aged man, and strengthening its original energy of the demon.

The means of self-cultivation in the world of mortals are useless to their demons, unless the host is strong-willed, he can recover his sanity and drive them back.

Or there are Buddhist and Taoist magical artifacts for clearing the mind and concentrating the mind to help the host recover quickly, but by then it has absorbed enough energy to run away.

So they belong to the Heavenly Demon Clan. Is it easy to order something to eat? Is it easy? These bad guys are always on guard against them.

You must know that they were trapped in the Demon Realm, unable to come out without eating or drinking, and died pitifully. Only when the monks went mad, would they have a chance to come and become demons and stutterers.

You have to devour your spirit and blood energy while it's hot, otherwise you will be very easy to wake up when you meet a monk with a strong will, or if the monk has the help of a meditation tool, they will have to go away.

How can you scumbags who live in the sunny world understand our suffering as demons.

Wang Yin stood up physically and circled the middle-aged man and Prince Taishu.

The inner demon appeared and he didn't move it for the time being. Yuanli, the master of the third-level galaxy, caught this thing, just like shooting mosquitoes with a cannon, it's hard to aim.

The main heart demon is the same as the heavenly demon. It is also a colorless, formless guy without a material image, not to mention a material image, and even a spiritual image. To put it directly, this is a piece of wisdom consciousness without a spiritual carrier.

You grab it like you grab the air with your hands, it can slip away from any position in your hand.

Even if you grab the air, it’s okay, but at worst, make a device that isolates the air, and bind the air in the container. Once it’s bound, you can’t open it. Once you open the container and merge with the outside air, you won’t be able to figure out what you’re grabbing. air out. 610

Heavenly demons and inner demons are more evil than air, at least until now, no one has been able to create an object container that can isolate them.

Even if you hide in the abyss of the earth, it can also enter your body from your sea of ​​consciousness and make you enchanted. This is a creature that directly opens the space channel in the monk's soul.

It's so shameless that it makes all the crazy people talk about it.

But the embarrassment is the embarrassment, he should be caught, he still has to be caught, isn't he coming to this ancient world to catch the sky demon, the worst is to waste some galaxy energy.

This day when the heavenly demon enters the human body, it is the heart demon, and when it is outside the human body, it is the heavenly demon. Why don't you try to force it out of the human body.

Wang Yin fixed the figure of the middle-aged man with Yuanli, his soul and will blatantly screamed, and rushed into the middle-aged man's sea of ​​consciousness. In the middle-aged man's sea of ​​consciousness, a thing like a chicken coop with black silk flying all over the sky appeared in front of him in front of you.

"Hey...Where is the monster, dare to enter the world of mortals and do evil, and take my life for this king."

Regardless of whether you can catch it or not, first use the moral high ground, intimidate and intimidate before you speak.

After shouting, Wang Yin didn't care if the demon on the other side looked at him, with an expression like he was looking at a fool.

He was going to use the illusion to deal with the illusion first, and then consider how to collect it after pulling the demon into the illusion.

It's just that his soul consciousness hasn't even touched the celestial demon yet, Hongchen buzzed in his dream, and passed through the chicken coop celestial demon, without any effect. .

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