The Heavens Are My Old Shell

One Hundred And Eighty Six Chapters Were Silenced

On the dragon blood BMW Juyu, the blood fly Wang Yin was speechless after listening to the confession of the demon sunspot. This day, the demon world is very good at playing.

"Since the Heavenly Demon Realm is icy cold and dark, why don't you leave, and are you willing to stay in the Heavenly Demon Realm honestly?"

"Of course not, but we have nowhere to go, my lord."

"We are already the body of the demon, and only the demon world can accommodate us. Once other worlds appear for more than twelve o'clock, we will be discovered by the will of heaven in that world, and we will be wiped out before we are wiped out."

"So after we come out, as long as we don't return within twelve hours, Heavenly Demon and Heavenly Dao will forcibly recall us, which is tantamount to saving us.

"The only way to get out of the Demon Realm is to enter the monster's body when the monster is in a state of madness, devour enough energy and blood, and evolve to become a master-level demon, in order to break through the barriers of the human world and reincarnate to escape from the Demon Realm.

"It's just that he has become a master-level big demon, who would be willing to reincarnate, not to mention that after we all died, our souls were captured by the Lord Tiandao of the Heavenly Demon Realm. If there is no Lord Tiandao to protect us, our spirits would have disappeared long ago, so Lord Tiandao treats us Yes, we won't leave unless necessary.

Wang Yin was at a loss. The Heavenly Demon Heavenly Dao captured so many dead souls into the Heavenly Demon Realm and transformed them into Heavenly Demons, just to let these Heavenly Demons devour the spirit and blood of the monks who went mad.

"Why did Tianmo Tiandao let you come out to devour the essence and blood of monks and monsters? What good is it for the Tianmo world?"

"Returning to my lord, I don't know the reason for this kind of high-level people, but the energy and blood that the little ones go down and swallow will be handed over half when they go back, and only half belongs to the little ones."

Wang Yin: "The last question is, after all the lives die, are the souls absorbed by your Heavenly Demon Realm?

Heavenly Demon Heizi: "No, my lord, what I know is that besides our Heavenly Demon Realm, there are also Ghost Realm, Underworld, Devil Soul Realm, and even some weak God Realms are robbing the souls of living beings after death."

So that's the case, it seems that the spirit of life is very popular, because it is free labor.

That day, the purpose of the Demon Heavenly Dao became clear. Devouring the energy and blood of monks and monsters from outside is equivalent to devouring the origin of the world in that world, which can help the Heaven and Demon Realm to strengthen its own origin.

No wonder those who want to sneak around can only enter from the sea of ​​consciousness of monks and monsters. Once it exceeds twelve hours, they will be discovered and wiped out by the local world.

Because it is stealing the origin of another world, the Heavenly Dao of another world is definitely not willing.

Let go of Yuanli and wave to Heizi Tianmo: "You can go now..

Although Heizi Heavenly Demon was once a human being, he has completely transformed into a Heavenly Demon body.

Although there are still human memories in consciousness, there is no human dream world long ago, and it is impossible to travel through its dream world.

Only according to the previous thinking, separate a trace of the soul of the galaxy ruler, quietly hide it in its consciousness and enter the Heavenly Demon Realm, looking for other human beings who have just been absorbed by the Heavenly Demon Heavenly Dao and have not yet transformed into the Heavenly Demon body to smuggle through the Dream Realm.

In Heizi's memory, the Heavenly Demon Realm is a place where the darkness can last for tens of thousands of years, and the day can also last for tens of thousands of years.

Like it, all heavenly demons have no shape or appearance, or they are uniform like a chicken coop, translucent, black, light and black silk. This chicken coop is just a general adjective, because its image cannot be described at all.

The black light and black silk look like what you think, once the limbs touch it, it will become nothingness and nothing.

If it wasn't for Wang Yin's galaxy master Yuanli, who locked it tightly in the time and space in front of him, it would have disappeared without a trace.

Or it is the translucent white light and white silk of the white light demon, and there are other translucent green light green silk and translucent golden light gold silk.

It's no wonder that whenever they have the chance, they will rush to enter the cultivator monster's soul, which can not only swallow energy and blood energy, but also change the environment and breathe.

Otherwise, looking at the same partner every day, staying in a freezing cold and dark environment for tens of thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years in the freezing endless daylight, Wang Yin would go crazy just thinking about it.

When Heizi Tianmo saw that the ruler let him go, he felt mixed feelings for the rest of his life. Heizi Tianmo felt aggrieved when he did this, and wanted to leave happily, but he was dumbfounded again.

Its host, the middle-aged man, has soared up, and the fixed channel it descended has disappeared and cannot go back.

Wang Yin had no choice but to arrange for another Nascent Soul cultivator to go mad, and send Heizi, the sky demon, into the sea of ​​consciousness of the new Nascent Soul cultivator.

Dumbfounded by the newly arrived celestial demon, he waved his hand and burned the hapless new celestial demon, and told Heizi Wumo to go back quickly.

Unexpectedly, the master demon master would be so kind as to help it arrange a new channel. The demon Heizi repeatedly thanked the master master, and wished him peach blossoms everywhere every day.

In a series of thanks, he quickly got into the dark hole in the sea of ​​consciousness of the newly obsessed Nascent Soul cultivator, the passage of the demon black hole.

Wang Yin's spiritual consciousness followed closely and tried to enter again, but he slammed into the mouth of the black hole, and the black hole disappeared without a trace with the sound of glass shattering.

Nima, the devil and the way of heaven, do you need to be so cautious, and don't give a chance to the perfect fit.

When he was complaining, the soul suddenly felt a tingling pain, and there was a mournful and chewing sound in his ears, and the breath of Heizi's heavenly demon in the connection between the soul and the soul disappeared quickly without a trace.

He hurriedly tried to take back his soul, but as expected, he couldn't take it back. Heizi's heavenly demon breath annihilated the heavens, and he was already too dead to die.

This is nonsense, it seems that the Heavenly Demon Realm is very cautious, and it will wipe out all the paths that can enter its world.

It's just that he was so cautious, and his strength should not be very good, causing this king to lose a trace of his soul, so I will record this account for you for the time being.

Jian Yutian, Yao Lutian, a thousand female family members of the Gu clan led by the old ancestor Daolu of the Gu clan, and many female loose cultivators who rushed to the door on the way, waited quietly by Wang Yin's side when Wang Yin interrogated the demon, without making a sound .

Although they can't see Heizi Tianmo and Baiqu Tianmo, they can feel the fluctuations of Heizi Baiqu Tianmo unintentionally.

Beside Shangshen, there were many illusions of heavenly demons. Some people wept sadly and some cheeks were burning. It was impossible not to feel it.

Seeing that Wang Yin finally stopped, Jian Yutian was the most courageous, holding a plate of unknown and rare fruits like blood red agate, and was the first to lean forward.

Put the fruit next to Wang Yin, pick one and feed it into his mouth, and eat a few of them herself, this is the only one she is willing to eat among all the rare treasures of Juyu.

This strange treasure will not improve the strength, it is a youthful permanent type of strange treasure that makes people's appearance and body more perfect, and the most important thing is that the taste is so good that it explodes.

`~Senior, is this the Heavenly Demon you mentioned? Sure enough, you can’t see the light in any way.

"What kind of fruit is this? It tastes so delicious. Can you grow it, senior? I want to grow some in the Holy Word of Truth."

Wang Yin chewed (of Nuohao) chewing on the bursting pulp and sweetness, the taste burst into pieces, and he casually replied: "This is vermilion fruit, one of the most delicious treasures, eating it can keep your face forever, you women like to be normal."

"If you want to grow it, you can just bring the fruit core back. As long as there is enough aura in the world, it is very easy to grow. The aura from the peak of the tribulation is enough to supply. Let Yao Lutian directly order, and the aura of the peak of the tribulation can be planted."

The other female cultivators stick out their tongues, is this easy to plant? There are several places in the world that can supply the spiritual energy of the peak of crossing the catastrophe for a long time.

Only the top sects with the best spiritual veins can the empire have such a supply of spiritual energy. Senior Shangshen really does not hurt his back while standing and talking.

Forget it, they can't afford to bring such fruits back to their families, unless the Lord of Mantras is willing to say something for them and let the peak aura in the later stage of the tribulation take the initiative to make offerings.

But judging by the appearance of Jian Yutian, the great elder of the Holy Word of the Word, he would not let the Holy Master of the Word of the Word help them say this.

Wang Yin got up and patted Yao Lutian on the shoulder, and said to Jian Yutian and Gu Daolu, "This king is gone to meet again, those monks who came here, you big monsters.

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