The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 187: Eastern Desolation Continent

Leaving Juyu and entering the void universe above the ancient continent, Wang Yin flew towards the extreme east.

Now that Heavenly Demon Heizi has been silenced, there is no need to look for other Nascent Soul Heavenly Demons, they are all lower level Heavenly Demons, even if he continues to separate his soul and lurk in, he will still be silenced

Because Tianmo Tiandao has intercepted his soul breath, as long as he passes through the passage, he will be found, not to mention that the other party is Tian Dao, even if it is his third-level galaxy method, as long as he has the other party's soul breath in his hand, he can also find the other party's traces at certain levels .

The Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Demon Realm must have a record of every Heavenly Demon that comes out, and it will definitely be checked next to it when it returns, just like security checks must be done when entering and exiting a country.

What's more, Tianmo Heizi directly changed the channel to go back, so it's normal to be discovered and silenced immediately.

So now he can no longer go through the Heavenly Demon channel, he can only look for Dujie Tianma, the soul of Dujie Tianma is more powerful, and the coverage of his consciousness is wider, and there may be in his consciousness the appearance of a human being who has just been taken into the Heavenly Demon Realm under his sphere of influence .

The ancestor of Dujie on the ancient continent is hiding, but Yao Lutian can't hide from him, even Yao Lutian can't hide, as long as that silly girl wants to find her, call the ancestor of Dujie to come to her. The old ancestor can only come to her obediently.

In fact, they all know that the purpose of hiding 660 is just not to let Yao Lutian see his shadow, so that he will give them some weird orders.

But Wang Yin didn't want to harm them either, because it belonged to Yao Lutian's background, not to mention that he vaguely sensed that there was a continent in the far east of the Manggu universe, and there was a trace of it faintly visible on it, which made his heart tremble.

Destiny is interrelated, since this is the case, it is better to go and see, what is the breath that makes him tremble, and grab a few ancestors who have crossed the catastrophe, and search for the traces of the demons to enter the demon realm.

The Manggu Universe is the void universe in the Great Thousand World under the jurisdiction of the Manggu God Realm. It is a universe that is up, down, left, right, front, back, past and future time and space are all mature. It is a universe similar to the Blue Star Great Thousand World.

The Ancient Desolate Continent is a piece of world continent located in the center of the Mang Ancient Universe, just like the Blue Star Continent World, which is located in the same position in the Blue Star Great Thousand Universe, but compared to the Blue Star, the Ancient Desolate Continent is much larger in area.

What he is going to now is, after entering the void of the universe from the position of the Ancient Desolate Continent, at the extreme east of the universe, there is a place called the Eastern Desolate Continent. The Eastern Desolate Continent is also a big world in the Manggu Great Thousand World.

The Manggu Great Thousand World has just grown up. The primary Great Thousand World, which means that there are at least a thousand such big worlds as the Ancient Desolation Continent and the Eastern Desolation Continent in the Manggu Universe, and there are countless other medium-sized worlds and small worlds.

But after flying for a while, he found that it would be a waste of time to fly directly across the universe to reach the Dongguan mainland, even if he is a third-level galaxy life.

So he followed behind Hu Qianqiu who was chasing after him, entered the void passage connecting Manggu God Realm to the lower realm, and soon arrived at the world of Buried Ancient Eastern Desolation Continent.

The Eastern Desolation Continent is exactly the opposite of the Ancient Desolation Continent. Although the name is the Eastern Desolation Continent, it is actually a large water world dominated by the ocean. The forces in the ocean are intricately distributed, and there are countless large, medium and small islands dotted across the sea.

The entire continent is one piece, a huge rectangular world floating in the void of the universe. The outer layer of this world is all water, and the creatures live in the front and back oceans, and on various large, medium and small islands.

The two sides of the continent are as long as the mainland and do not know how many miles, formed by the slope of the ocean, a world of ocean waterfalls falling continuously into the endless abyss.

If there is a soul that dares to fall down this ocean waterfall, it will find that the ocean waterfall will gradually start to calm down after falling for an unknown number of miles, and slowly form another boundless ocean with the same color of sea and sky.

This is the continental plane that has reached the other side, and it is such an infinitely circular ocean that forms this vast and boundless Donghuang water and land world.

What Wang Yin landed on was the huge island in one of the calm oceans in the Eastern Desolation Continent World.

The island is full of birds and flowers, dense purple bamboo forests, full of unknown purple flowers, and countless purple bamboo flowers on the bamboo joints, exuding a refreshing smell.

Naturally, he did not land on this island for no reason. In the deep sea near this island, he smelled a strong smell of catastrophe.

Here is a life at the peak of the tribulation, who is about to become an immortal, and this life is actually a dragon in the glance of his consciousness. No, it is several dragons, but there is only one who is preparing to cross the tribulation.

Standing on the top of the highest (aeee) mountain on the island, looking down at the magnificent scenery of the sea and sky, he felt a special feeling in his heart, but he was not at ease, because the bamboo forest on the island gave him an extremely quiet and deep feeling.

The spiritual sense seems to be able to see through it at a glance, and it seems to be vast and infinite. The most important thing is that there is actually a person living in it, and it is an ordinary woman.

This made Wang Yin extremely vigilant in the dark, knowing that this woman was not simple with his heels, could it be that the source of his heart trembling was this woman's breath.

Otherwise, who would an ordinary woman live on such a big island alone, where did she come from, and why is there no one on the island except her.

If it's not an ordinary woman, why can't he feel a trace of life evolution cultivation in her body.

Whether it's hair, clothes, or flesh and bones, in Wang Yin's third-level galaxy's consciousness and naked eyes, she is just a very ordinary woman, just like the countless ordinary women Lan Xing has seen.

This is a woman who diligently picks purple bamboo flowers on an island covered with purple bamboo forests in the endless ocean.

Those snakes, insects, birds and beasts in the forest did not offend her at all, allowing her to enter the bamboo forest lightly, pick the fresh and tender bamboo flowers on the bamboo joints, and put them into the purple bamboo basket hanging diagonally on her arm.

Forget it, whoever tells this king that she is an ordinary woman, with whom this king is in a hurry, let's change the place.

This effort made me believe that she was just an ordinary woman, and the strange situation made me panic.

Although the slag script did not warn of danger, but this unreliable slag script, if he forgot to remind him, he would be tricked to death by himself.

The only way to have the last laugh is to hold on. Wang Yin's body gradually became transparent and disappeared over the island.

In the purple bamboo forest on the island, an ordinary woman in calico clothes is picking purple bamboo flowers on the bamboo joints with swift hands and feet.

At this time, the woman bit her red lips lightly, exposing her white teeth, teasing a butterfly on a bamboo flower, and said to herself.

"Are you the ruler of this world? You're so timid, you don't come here even if you're here, and the double cultivation atmosphere is so strong, let's just let you grow up for a few years."

Luckily Wang Yin didn't hear this, otherwise he would have traveled as far as he could, and people would have known him as soon as he arrived here, and they could see through his strength at a glance, but how could he see that she was just an ordinary woman? .

After leaving the island in the purple bamboo forest, the deep pressure on his body finally disappeared. It seems that this island is indeed abnormal.

I silently remember the location of the island in my heart, and come back to take a look when the strength is reached. If the woman is really a master, it means that she has a very high-level innate essence.

However, if a gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall, his human body should go back to the Manggu God Realm, continue to harm all kinds of gods and immortals, and leave the bloody body to act in the Eastern Desolation Continent.

The bloodfly plunged into the deep sea and headed towards the location where the message of crossing the catastrophe was sent out. The female dragon hadn't started crossing the catastrophe yet, but he was not in a hurry just preparing to cross the catastrophe.

According to the information obtained from Heizi the Heavenly Demon, the obsessions that appeared during the tribulation are high-quality obsessions, and the level of the demons attracted is higher.

Because the more advanced celestial demons are more disgusted with the host who has gone mad before starting to cross the catastrophe.

Most of these hosts are poor in talent, and the quality of their essence and blood is also very poor. Only low-level celestial demons like Heizi celestial demons who have no strength will fight for it.

While walking, there was a loud shout: "Stop, it is forbidden to intrude in the real dragon mansion.".

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