The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 188: Real Dragon Mansion

Wang Yin raised his eyes and saw a dark and fat pig dragon in armor, staring at him.

In the eyes of the pig woman dragon, it is a monster with round brain and big eyes, red wings on its back, a thick body, and extremely sharp claws. It is a monster it has never seen before, and it is very vigilant when monsters approach the cave it guards.

This monster looks a lot like a fly on land, but it has never seen such a huge fly with this appearance.

Wang Yin is also sizing up the huge crocodile in front of him. Isn't this a huge crocodile like the one on Blue Star~?

Dare to call himself a real dragon, oh no, this place is the real dragon's mansion, not to say that he is a real dragon.

"Hehe little reptile, are you talking to me?"

The fat piggy dragon was furious. Where did this bastard come from? He simply didn't know how high and earthly he was: "Boldly insulting the guards of the real dragon. When this dragon takes you down, you will cramp the skin for the palace master and fry it to eat."

While roaring, he opened his mouth wide, stirred up the turbulent current and rushed towards Wang Yin. A pair of sharp claws grabbed Wang Yin's huge teeny head fiercely, and he was about to take off his head.

Wang Yin was speechless. Could it be that he didn't show his aura and treated him like a sick cat?

However, there was an unknown existence on Zizhu Island next to him, and he didn't want to be too earth-shattering.

When the Zhupolong fell in front of him, he stretched out his front paws and lifted it around, and the big and small Ruyi Jue took advantage of the situation to cast his claws, and the fat and fat Zhupolong fell into the claws.

Seeing that she was pinched tightly by the opposite monster as soon as she met her face, Zhu Polong lied in her heart and uttered Ula Ula sounds to warn the cave mansion, but Wang Yin would let it make noise. Zhu Polong twisted and fainted.

You, a little reptile, are lucky to meet this king. If other galaxies ruled, I'm afraid they would have slapped you to pieces.

However, this king is not interested in killing such a low-level bloody game. Who told me to be compassionate and merciful?

Bang... Kick open the huge stone gate guarded by the fat pig woman dragon, revealing a smooth and deep, incomparably huge undersea cave.

Is this the real dragon's mansion that the stupid fat pig Polong talked about? It's really very lively.

In fact, in his spiritual consciousness, he had already sensed the exuberant vitality here, but he didn't check the details carefully, and the enjoyment is to discover things step by step visually.

"Whoever trespasses on the real dragon mansion will die."

After entering the huge cave, just as Wang Yin started to appreciate the scenery in the cave, a guard team composed of ten pig dragons quickly surrounded him, opening their fangs and claws involuntarily, and biting at him.

Wang Yin is a little annoyed, you are so rude, does your master know.

Even if you are not real dragons, at least you are a wise monster race. You don’t even need weapons to fight, just bite with your claws. Is it so primitive [Being the king is easy to bully.

At any rate, you should understand the situation first and ask the guests if your host is the guest of honor.

He didn't even think about it, he was the one who kicked down the door of someone else's house, and even knocked the doorman unconscious. The enemy has already broken down the door, so whoever is waiting to ask you slowly has a problem with his brain.

However, there is no reason to talk about the world of the strong. The strong will always be strong and the weak will always be weak. Fist is the last word. Naturally, there is no need to waste words if you beat them all to the ground.

So a group of piggy dragons rushed up quickly, and fell to the ground so quickly, Wang Yin didn't stop doing anything, simply spun around the front hole of the giant cave with lightning, and beat all the attacking aquariums to the ground.

"Oh my god, the butcher has a broken leg."

An old turtle as big as a truck was lying on the ground, whining and chirping.

"Who are you? We have no grievances in the past and we have no grievances in the present. Why are you beating us? Are you sick?"

A few huge lobsters in the corner were filled with righteous indignation. Today, they came to the door for disasters at home. Is this monster sick, or are those stupid pigs and dragons messing with others?

Yes, it must be those stupid pigs and dragons who have no brains, causing disasters and implicating everyone.

Looking at the howling pig dragons, big turtles, huge lobsters, crab guards, clam girls and fish girls, Wang Yin licking their mouths, these seafood are so fat and must taste great when cooked in ten pots.

But forget about the clam girls and fish girls, they have already turned into juicy and tender girls. It is too cruel to cook seafood in a pot, but those few big lobsters look delicious.

I don't know if it's because of the hunger, thirst and saliva in his eyes, so frightened that the shrimp soldiers and crabs all over the hole shut up, dragged their bodies and crawled silently to the corner of the huge hole to hide, not daring to say another word.

Only the clam girl and the fish girl quickly opened their shells, twisted their waists and winked, trying to impress the monster who entered the cave with her beauty, and I don't know if the monster understands their perfect figure

A group of seafood whispered: "This monster has terrifying eyes, as if it is going to eat us, forget it, don't talk, as seafood, we should keep a low profile and be safe."

"Yes, yes, especially Brother Lobster, you should keep a low profile. I heard that many two-legged monsters on Lu Island love your meat the most."

0…ask for flowers……

"Commander Crab, don't laugh at us, but I heard that on many land islands, there is a famous dish of steamed crabs, and the protagonist is you."

"Look, the froth at the corner of your mouth is laughing, it means freshness."

A few huge lobster and crab guards became more and more frightened as they talked, and finally couldn't bear the pressure, their heads tilted and they passed out.

Wang Yin didn't care about the chattering of these small fish and shrimps, and walked straight into the deepest part of the giant cave on the seabed.


Two deafening dragon sounds suddenly came from the dark depths of the giant cave, the sound waves shook the giant cave, sand and stone rustled down, and the sound of claws scraping the ground continued to resound.

In the darkest depths of the giant cave, four brightly lit lanterns were lit up. The lanterns circled and danced gracefully along the cave wall and floated in front of Wang Yin.

This is a real dragon with a length of 200 meters in two days. It is the real dragon body of the oriental dragon clan in the real blue star myths and legends. Its horns resemble deer scales, fish claws, eagle ears, bull heads, and snakes. The giant eye lights up the lantern.


Two real dragons, one green and one white, with four sharp claws protruding from their abdomens and firmly grasping the rocks of the cave wall, their bodies tightly intertwined and twisting together, crawled up to the sky above Wang Yin while rolling and rolling, four claws on the two huge heads There are big dragon eyes in the room, like four big lanterns, staring closely at the body of Wang Yin bloodfly below.

These are two real dragons who are also in the tribulation stage, but they are just in the early stage of the tribulation, and it is obviously not these two dragons that need to cross the tribulation.

Moreover, these are two giant dragons doing warm-up exercises, the white dragon is the male, and the green dragon is the female. The two dragons are obviously at a critical moment. Sure enough, the dragons are so positive that they don't want to separate even if outsiders break into the cave.

When they found that the nest was intruded by outsiders, they also climbed out of the inner hole together and came to the front of the intruder. While quietly observing the intruder, they thought about how to deal with this fly that disturbed the relationship between their husband and wife.

For the two true dragons, in the Eastern Desolation World, there is no existence that can threaten their husband and wife at the same time. They never thought that this existence came from outside the Eastern Desolation Continent.

So they are reluctant to stop their warm-up exercises, if not for the heirs they care about most in the inner hole who are about to pass the catastrophe, they would not even be interested in coming out to have a look.

Bai Long Shu Chang let out a buzzing sound, and asked, "Fellow Daoist, why did you trespass on my real dragon's mansion?"

It's the sentence of trespassing on the real dragon's mansion again, those stupid pigs and dragons are following you, can you change the lines of the dragon, and whether you can finish the job and talk about death. .

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