The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 193: Crossing The Heavenly Demon Realm

A thousand-meter golden dragon fluttered with the wind in the sky, unconscious. The woman in the purple bamboo forest turned and left the Eastern Desolation Continent after thinking a little.

This golden dragon turned out to be the future guardian beast of the Daqian world, the Manggu God Realm, and it might be strange that it suffered from the catastrophe of the heavenly demon.

Although Dragon Girl is destined to be with her, but the ruler of the third-level galaxy somehow feels that he is also destined to be with her, and the origin is hazy, and she doesn't want to make a move without understanding the cause and effect.

What's more, it's just a heavenly demon. As the future guardian beast of the Manggu Daqian God Realm, if a heavenly demon can't solve it, she won't be able to become a guardian beast.

The level of a woman is already much higher than that of Manggu Heavenly Dao, and her eyesight is naturally not comparable to that of Manggu Heavenly Dao. At the first glance, she can see that the third-level galaxy master is following the evolution route of a pure demon.

The realm is the third-level galaxy on the avenue of evolution, not the third-level Da Luo master in the world of cultivating immortals.

Because she herself is taking this route, that junior is very young, and being able to reach the third-level galaxy at this age is simply the arrogance of the world in the demon world.

If that junior is more courageous and dares to enter the Zizhu Forest, she may even send that junior a double-cultivation fortune-telling. In her evolutionary path, there are dual-cultivation skills.

This is the reason why Zha Jing didn't warn Wang Yin. Zha Jing knows that this power is also a power who has followed the pure evolution of the demon way, and is very friendly to the younger generation of the demon way. If Wang Yin can get close to her, he will only There is no danger to life to get great benefits.

In the eyes of this existence, the demon way does not distinguish between races, as long as they follow the pure evolution route, they are the descendants of the demon way, regardless of the human race, the fly race, the dragon race, or the earth, wood, mud and stone monsters.

But Zha Jing will not take the initiative to remind Wang Yin that this kind of existence can sense the changes of heavenly secrets in the dark, and he doesn't like being influenced by the outside world.

If Wang Yin knew the twists and turns, he would vomit blood with regret. This is obviously a saint-level existence.

And it is a saint who can catch the opportunity, but he missed it like this. Does your heart ache? Of course, it hurts to miss the opportunity to become a big fat man.

He just secretly inquired about what the guardian beast is, and he knew that it was the chief guardian of luck in the world of gods and heaven.

With the guardian beast, all the dragon veins of the empire in the lower world of Manggu God Realm will be under the jurisdiction of the guardian beast.

All emperors can protect themselves with the luck of the golden dragon and become the true son of heaven. Even the emperors of all sides in the God Realm need the luck of the guardian golden dragon to secure their position as emperors.

Even the Manggu Heavenly Dao cannot do without the Dao Protector Divine Beast, because this is an indispensable trump card for strengthening and deepening the Manggu Great Thousand World and the Manggu God Realm.

That's why it will open the back door to Bai Ziqin without a bottom line, so that Bai Ziqin can quickly ascend to the Mang Ancient God Realm.

The old man with fluttering robes watched the Heavenly Tribulation disappear strangely, and with the gigantic thousand-meter-long shocking golden dragon, he quickly closed the doors and windows of the antique attic and greeted his disciples.

"It's thundering and it's raining, everyone go home to collect their clothes and don't go out."

Many disciples looked at the sky inexplicably: "What did the ancestor say, isn't the sky clear for thousands of miles? How can there be a thunderstorm? Could it be that the ancestor said that the ancestor of the dragon clan crossed the catastrophe, and he didn't see it?"

"Why do you care so much, the master called to go home to collect the clothes, we just go home to collect the clothes, it is right to listen to the master."

Wang Yin observed the purple bamboo forest carefully with his spiritual sense, and he was relieved to see that the unknown mysterious woman did not move. He was worried that this woman would jump out and cause trouble, and then he would have to run away immediately, not knowing what he missed at all.

As for the old man with fluttering clothes on the other side, he is just a mid-stage tribulation ant that he doesn't even bother to look at.

He put a straw hat on Dabai Long's head casually, looked at it in Dabailong's bewildered eyes, and nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad, this hat is very suitable for you, very white and green, Xiao Bai looks even more handsome. "

Dabailong was pleasantly surprised, but he didn't expect the big bosses in the upper world to praise him for being handsome, and he was happy to show off to Daqinglong.

"Ma'am, look, your husband is really handsome and unrestrained. Don't worry, since senior has praised us, Ziqin must be fine."

Qingqin, who turned into a seductive woman, dodged her eyes inexplicably: "Yeah, my husband is the most beautiful man in our clan, so he is naturally handsome."

Wang Yin is very satisfied with the green light celestial demon jumping desperately in the Yuanli giant net.

This day, in the memory of the demon, there is indeed the name and appearance of the human soul who was taken into the demon world by the demon and heaven, and has not yet transformed into the body of the demon.

And more than one human being, there are countless, he knew that this kind of high-level celestial demon has its own territory, and Mixia definitely has human souls that can be absorbed by demons.

In a blink of an eye, he has already brought the big white dragon, the lady Qingqin, and the big golden dragon Bai Ziqin to the human body of the Manggu God Realm.

After the main body got the blue light celestial demon, its body became transparent and disappeared, and it had already traveled to the celestial demon realm.

The Manggu God Realm was covered with dark clouds, and the Manggu Heavenly Dao was hiding in the dark.

Its most important divine beast of luck and protection was hijacked by the avatar of the great power from the outer domain during the tribulation, and it wanted to beg for it but was afraid that the power from the outer domain would refine it.

0…ask for flowers………

That power from the outer domain has a criminal record. It belongs to the consciousness of the ancient continent. It was refined and fused by the power from the outer domain into the soul of the girl named Yao Lutian brought back from another great world.

Fortunately, that girl has been completely localized, and was persuaded by her mother to stay in the ancient continent completely, so it didn't suffer a major blow.

Otherwise, if that girl takes away the consciousness of the ancient continent, it will only have nine hundred and ninety-nine continental worlds left in the primary great world that it has just advanced into, and it will fall back to the middle thousand world again.

Although it is the top world in the Middle Thousand World, but the level is no longer the level of the Great Thousand World, and the laws of the Great Thousand God Realm can no longer be used.

If it is refined again, the entire Manggu Great Thousand World and Manggu God Realm will be snatched away by the power of the outer domain.


What's even more frightening is that it will disappear from the heavens, and there will be no such person as Manggu Tiandao in the heavens.

It is the way of heaven that has just advanced to the elementary level, and its basic strength has not yet been improved. The strength of the avatar walking in the Manggu God Realm has not even reached the third-level master strength.

However, as the Dao of Heaven, its only power to fight against the great powers of the outer domain is its walking avatar, the few junior rulers in the God Realm, and those golden immortal emperors in the Immortal Realm and Heavenly Court who once entered the Thousand Worlds.

But for the third-level masters to declare war, these junior masters and the Golden Immortal Emperor are just cannon helmets for free, not to mention one of the masters, Hu Qianqiu, is also a good friend of this master master.

Therefore, if its walking avatar is captured and suppressed by the power of the outer domain, its consciousness of the God Realm and the Great Thousand World can only watch itself being refined by the power of the outer domain.

Because the consciousness of the God Realm and the Great Thousand Heavenly Dao on the body can only adjust the operation of the God Realm and the Great Thousand World, and those who cannot participate in the battle can at most create an increased momentum and increase the fighting luck of their own personnel.

This kind of combat luck is good for the same level, but it is not good for the power of its avatar whose strength has long surpassed its Heavenly Path Walking.

Seeing that the great power from the outer domain disappeared and went to a world where its tentacles could not sense, Mang Gu Tiandao breathed a sigh of relief.

The God of Plague finally left. Although there is still a clone left in the Manggu God Realm, this clone is only at the Golden Immortal level, and the pressure on it is not that great.

After finishing her appearance and demeanor, she replaced the representative avatar of Mang Gu Daqian Yinyuan woman, a beautiful girl with bright eyes and white teeth, who came in front of Wang Yin bloodfly avatar. .

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