The Heavens Are My Old Shell

One Hundred And Ninety-Fourth Chapter Mang Ancient Heaven

After Bai Zizong, Qingling, and Bai Ziqin were taken through the space by Wang Yin, Qingqin reverted to the body of a big green dragon due to the energy of the space.

When they came to Manggu God Realm, the two dragons breathed heavy and their eyes were dull, feeling the torrent of immortal essence pouring into their bodies like a wild beast, stuttering and incoherent.

"We...we have arrived in the fairyland. We don't need to cross the catastrophe or ascend to the fairyland. I scared the little dragon to death. Thank you for the promotion, senior, thank you for the promotion."

They didn't know that the Manggu Immortal Realm had been upgraded to the Manggu God Realm, and they thought they had arrived at the Upper Realm Immortal Realm in the legend of the Eastern Desolation.

Bai Ziqin has already woken up slowly. Although she is unconscious in reality, she has already woken up in her mind. She has also watched the process of the mysterious demon clan's great power throwing an invisible giant net to capture the green light demon in her sea of ​​consciousness.

Of course, it can leave the dream and watch Wang Yin capture the demon, which is also Wang Yin's special purpose. "Five Thirty" The medicine Wang Yin drank on her body, evolved from the Qinglong Mountain monster, the most powerful psychedelic reproductive factor that ordinary monks can't understand, was also quietly dissipated by Wang Yin.

The three dragons suddenly came to the upper realm, Bai Zizong and Qingqin hadn't gotten used to it yet,

Bai Ziqin was fine, the Son of Destiny was indeed the Son of Destiny, and his adaptability was very fast.

Although she was surprised that she just came to the upper realm, she quickly calmed down. In her opinion, the upper realm is just a group of people and demons with higher strength, and given her time, she can surpass it soon.

Baizizong and Qingqin are different. They grew up listening to the legends of the upper realm. They have been dragons for thousands of years, and their biggest goal is to become an open dragon and ascend to the upper realm.

However, although the qualifications of the two dragons are not bad, it is extremely difficult to become a heavenly dragon, so they have devoted all their resources to cultivating Bai Ziqin.

Now the dream has suddenly come true, and they have come to the upper realm that they have always dreamed of, and received the immortal essence from the upper realm, and thoroughly baptized their bodies, spirits and souls, and it is no problem to become a heavenly dragon.

Therefore, the gratitude to the mysterious boss is simply beyond words. He is already a loyal brother and sister of the dragon.

Before the surprise was over, a majestic palace appeared out of nowhere beside the three dragons and the mysterious boss, enveloping them.

The appearance of this palace is simply strange, right under their noses, it is quickly condensed from the sand, gravel and soil of the fairy world.

Including the palace pavement, the top-quality immortal spirit stones, spirit crystals, glazed lamps, world treasures, and divine fruits and delicacies are all in front of their eyes, transformed from the earth, trees, grass, fruits, and fairyland mud and stones they see.

This is not something that can be done by great powers, it is simply something out of nothing, and what is born is still a treasure of heaven and earth, I am afraid that only God can do it.

They guessed right, this kind of method is really only God can do it, because Manggu Heavenly Dao is Manggu God Realm, God in Manggu Great Thousand World.

So in their eyes, they saw once again that in the glorious palace that seemed to have existed since ancient times, a strange fragrance suddenly appeared in the space, and a beautiful girl with bright eyes and white teeth appeared in front of them with endless divine light.

Then they fainted. The girl seemed ordinary, but she was an existence they couldn't look at directly, including Bai Ziqin, who couldn't help but faint.

After the girl appeared, she stuck out her tongue mischievously, and stretched out her jade hand towards Wang Yin's body: "Little girl Manggu Tiandao Manggu, I have seen the demon king and fellow Taoist.

Wang Yin looked at the girl in front of her curiously. Is this the way of the Manggu God Realm? Sure enough, she is only advanced, and she looks like an adult at her age.

The claws grabbed Manggu's jade hand but did not let go, he laughed and said: "I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Mang to know the origin of this king, I am ashamed and ashamed."

Manggu saw that the fly demon was so rude, but she didn't care too much. During this time, she had seen all the actions of this powerful body from the outer domain in her God Realm, and she had known the temper of the other party.

Tiantian replied: "It's not a secret, the little girl has been to the world of fellow daoists, and heard some legends about fellow daoists, the little girl is under the command of the fox master, or is it a good friend of the daoists? We are all family."

When the situation is stronger than human beings, I didn't expect that even the Heavenly Dao would be involved. If it wasn't for the strength of the third-level galaxy of his human body, he could properly suppress the Manggu Heavenly Dao's walking clone, and the Manggu Heavenly Dao's appearance would be just another face.

It's just that you are talking about a family, and I didn't force you to say it. Don't blame me for beating a snake and taking you in with a stick.

"Oh... I don't know what fellow Daoist Manggu means by this, and where did the whole family come from? Could it be that fellow Daoist Manggu wants to form a Taoist couple with me.

Manggu Tiandao blushed, this outlander superpower is really shameless, but although she looks like an adult, her actual experience is a world-level old monster.

This image is just an external manifestation after she has just entered the advanced stage. For the junior high age, she is a girl who has just grown up.

At the moment, I looked around and talked about it: "Fellow Daoist Demon King is joking, the little girl came to see Fellow Daoist, and she wanted to ask Fellow Daoist to return the divine beast of the Manggu God Realm to the little girl, so that fellow Daoists Bai Zizong and Qingqin can take it away... ..”

Wang Yin laughed straight: "Why, are you the way of heaven?"

Mang Gu Tiandao rolled his eyes slightly when he was stalked, and he knew that this monster from outside the territory was not easy to talk to.

However, she is Manggu Tiandao, who naturally has a big heart, and said seriously: "Naturally, I don't want fellow daoists to return people for nothing. During this time, Manggu knows that fellow daoists have been devouring all the golden immortals and heavenly immortals in the Manggu God Realm, and even the other two. The congenital primordial fluid of a Daoist couple."

"Knowing that fellow daoist's practice requires resources in this area, I have transferred all the yin sources of the world under the command of this heavenly dao for fellow daoists. They are the most mellow innate primordial fluids for fellow daoists to devour, including the share of white ziqin. Fellow daoists exchange white ziqin, fellow daoists will see if it is okay."

Wang Yin let go of the jade hand in his claws, and Si Siran sat on the high couch in the hall, crossing his legs.

"You are quite sensible, and you know what the king needs, so that's it, but it's not a one-time devour, but a three-month devour."

Manggu shook her head hastily: "No, at most once every six months, otherwise it will hurt the origin of the world."

"make a deal."

Wang Yin laughed loudly, he was worrying about how to quickly improve the strength of the demon body and the blood fly, Jue Gu Tiandao came to his door with common sense.

Although the demon body can't take advantage of this time, the blood fly body can be upgraded to another level this time, reaching the life of the galaxy.

A day later, Manggu Tiandao was exhausted and out of breath: "No, this Heavenly Dao has just been upgraded, and this walking clone is weak and weak, and cannot withstand your swallowing, my lord, so I need to find some helpers.

Big 1.0 Bailong Baizizong, Daqinglong Qingqin, and Dajinlong Baiziqin wake up leisurely. At the same time, the brilliance flashes in the hall, and several female Jinxian emperors appear, followed closely by Hu Qianqiu.

Hu Qianqiu: "Hey, why is it you, Lord Tiandao?"

A few golden fairy women: "What... God... Lord Tiandao, Manggu Jinxian Emperor, I have met Lord Tiandao."

"Master Tiandao, it's actually Lord Tiandao."

Bai Zizong rolled his eyes and was about to faint again, Daqinglong Qingqin turned out to be all right, stood up with burning eyes, walked to Bai Zizong's side, and gave him a slap in the face.

Manggu's voice sounded from Daqinglong Qingqin: "Go out, little loach, and water the flowers and plants outside the palace of the Heavenly Dao General."

Daqinglong Qingqin shouted in disbelief: "Master Tiandao, you are Lord Tiandao, ah...Master Tiandao actually got on Qingqin's body, is Qingqin dreaming.

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