The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 195 You Are Not A Demon

On the fairy crystal platform in front of the hall, the bloodfly stretched its six limbs and raised its head and hissed, but it made a low, thunderous and violent buzzing sound.

The aura of the first-level galaxy master was raging, oppressing the knees of the golden immortals within a thousand miles, and his blood fly body finally reached the galaxy level.

"The master has been born, and we have another Lord Master in Manggu God Realm."

The big white dragon turned into a muscular, handsome guy in white clothes, squatting on the ground like a pug, looking up at the majestic monster boss on the platform, and adored the little stars in his eyes.

Wang Yin stroked his forehead when he saw him like this, this child needs to be educated, otherwise he will be sorry for my conscience.

Wang Yin: "Xiaobai, why isn't your surname Ao?"

The stars in Dabailong's eyes shot out: "Master, why do I have to be surnamed Ao?"

Wang Yin: "Xiaobai, this king is not your master. Please don't call me your master. As for why the surname is Ao, isn't your dragon clan all surnamed Ao?" 17

Stars began to overflow in Dabai Long's eyes: "Is that so, what the master said must be right, then Xiaobai will be surnamed Ao from now on, not Bai."

Wang Yin staggered: "Xiaobai, once again, this king 04 is not your master, don't call me master."

Dabai Long's eyes were flooded with stars: "Okay master, but Qingqin said that you will be the master of Zizong in the future, so you are the master of Zizong.

Wang Yin looked up at the sky speechlessly: "Xiaobai, do you know what color Qingqin's green is? It's the color of Qingqing Grassland."

The big white dragon's eyes are full of stars: "I know, master, Zizong's favorite is Qingqing Grassland, and master, please don't call Zizong Xiaobai, Zizong will be Ao Zizong in the future, you should call Xiao Ao."

Wang Yin was furious, and slapped Bai Zizong twice hard: "You green dragon, you are so rotten that you can't carve it out."

After knocking, he flew into the sky, he wanted to strike while the iron was hot, so that he could bring disaster to the female immortals in the Manggu God Realm, otherwise he would have to talk about mental illness if he continued to chat with this lowly dragon.

This cheap dragon is simply a copy of Jingshan, you are so good, even more nonsense than He Jingshan.

Behind him, Bai Zizong turned into a thousand-meter dragon and chased after him: "Master, where are you going? Wait for Xiao Ao."

In the Hall of Brilliance, the big green dragon who turned into a seductive woman lying down and resting, was completely weak. Hearing Bai Zizong's call, he jumped up and got up, pulling the young beauty beside him and ran away.

"Ziqin chase after her, the master has run away."

The majestic palace gate was shattered with a slamming sound, and the two thousand-meter dragons, one green and one gold, roared and chased after the thousand-meter white dragon flying in front.

Qinglong's huge mouth let out a thunderous roar: "Bai Zizong, you scumbag dragon, even if you tell you to look down on the master, go back and run nails on my old lady.

Hearing the sound, the thousand-meter white dragon chased even faster: "Master...Master, wait for Xiao Ao."

Some distance ahead, the blood fly trembled and almost fell into the clouds: "Xiaobai, it turns out that you are so green that you are hopeless."

Da Jinlong was also speechless looking at the impatient Da Qinglong, and comforted: "Mother, don't worry, the master will not leave us, I am already the master's contracted mount, even if he runs out of the sky, he can pass through immediately if he summons me. "

Along the way in the Continent of the God Realm, countless immortals looked up at the three giant dragons, chasing and whizzing past a Fly clan boss, wondering and asking: "What did you hear these three adults shouting, are they calling for the master?"

Countless immortals nearby replied enviously: "Even if you call for master, I don't know that the boss of the Yaozu is actually being chased by three emperors and real dragons to recognize his master.

At the entrance of the majestic palace, the door that was smashed into fragments grew limbs, quickly climbed back to the frame of the automatically assembled palace door, opened one eye on the door panel and turned around, and the sound of broken thoughts sounded.

"The job arranged by Lord Tiandao is too difficult. Since the Lord sent these dragons to the hall, we have been smashed by them several times every day. If it doesn't work, I have to resign and find a new job.

The Heavenly Demon Realm was dark, and the cold wind was extremely cold and stinging, but it had no effect on Wang Yin. The third-level galaxy dominates the power, and this kind of cold can't be felt at all.

Not to mention that there are still so many lights from heavenly demons, even if it is really dark, it is as bright as day in his eyes, so these heavenly demons will shine, is it to ignite hope in the darkness?

He directly passed through even his physical body. The moment he landed in the Heavenly Demon Realm, the entire Heavenly Demon Realm shook violently.

"You are not a heavenly demon, you are not a heavenly demon, an extraterrestrial demon has descended, help me, come on demon, help me."

"Hurry up and report to the commander, report to the master, report to Lord Tiandao, there is an extraterrestrial demon descending, this is a natural disaster, oh my god, how can there be an extraterritorial demon appearing.

Countless heavenly demons who thought they were strong in force and high in realm rushed up quickly, using illusions all over their bodies, and wanted to subdue the demons to Wang Yin.

However, a strange scene appeared, these illusions in the Heavenly Demon Realm were actually very small and compact, and it was impossible to enter them into the illusions at all.

Like colorful crystal bubbles, they all disappeared in the air before reaching Wang Yin. Wang Yin was amazed at what happened. He picked up the biggest bubble and observed it with his palm, then grinned.

It turns out that these celestial demons' illusions are the general use of the spirits of the celestial demon world. The illusions created by the demons are nightmares that monks and monsters in other worlds cannot get rid of.

But in the base camp of the Heavenly Demon Realm, it is a tool that can manifest an image.

Just like cannonballs in real life, when the Heavenly Demon Illusionland is used in other worlds, it is the shells after the explosion. What you see is the beautiful fireworks and huge lethality after the explosion.

But in the Heavenly Demon Realm, it is just a cannonball that has not yet exploded, and what you see is the bullet head. Not only can you hold it up with both hands, touch it, and study it, but you can also walk away after resisting 240.

The same reasoning as porters carrying shells, shells without trigger wires are just lumps of iron, unable to produce explosive fireworks and power.

Looking around at the many celestial demons who have been paralyzed in fright and running for their lives, it turns out that these celestial demons are not without image, they just went to other worlds without image.

In the Heavenly Demon Realm, they are one by one, charming and radiant beings, what they looked like before they were alive, and what they looked like after they turned into Heavenly Demons.

The difference is that the appearance in front of the body is a real life of flesh and blood, and after turning into a demon, there are luminous and transparent figures.

Like the transparent soul seen in the movie, it is a transparent light person with body, hair, skin, limbs and expressions. It is a bit embarrassing that the transparent person in the movie has clothes. These people have no clothes and only light.

After returning to the Heavenly Demon Realm, the Blue Light Demon is a weird-looking creature with blue light all over its body.

However, this steamed bun was at least three meters long, with four short legs on its body, with a sad expression in its big eyes, lying motionless on the ground of the Demon Realm.

It couldn't figure out why its good luck suddenly disappeared, and it was captured back to the Heavenly Demon Realm by this extraterritorial demon. Its guardian god beast Tianjiao host, and its Nine-Nine Supreme Absorbed the world's luck talent, all without it It's all gone. It's all over.

Bringing the evil spirits from the outside world into the Heavenly Demon Realm, it is doomed. .

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