The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter Two Begins To Evolve

Through the frequent collection of cool energy like a bee, new changes will appear in the body of the fly after three days.

It became stronger, a full circle larger than other blowflies, and at the same time, it was confirmed that the source of this strength was caused by the research of licking the cool energy juice.

So it is fair to say that God will not give flies this sucker mouth for no reason, nor will they let their lives be so short for no reason.

He can feel that all flies have this sucking function in their bodies, but they can't use it.

Not only the mouth sucker can absorb energy, but also the tail sucker can absorb energy.

If the life of flies is longer, like other animals with a few years of life, the best of them may be able to discover and enjoy this bonus in several suckings, and eventually evolve into demons.

The sun was shining brightly outside the cave. After devouring the thorax blood of several female flies, Wang Yin was going to go to the sunny place to bask in the sun.

Suddenly there was a buzzing sound, and an unusual female fly flew by.

In Wang Yin's huge eyes, the faint green light on the female fly's body tempted him, and the body sent out a strong signal of blood boiling, eager to catch up and devour it.

No matter what the situation is, it will be different if things go wrong, Wang Yin hurriedly flapped his wings to catch up.

The female fly flew to a branch, landed on a leaf, kicked her legs and flapped her wings, feeling very comfortable.

Wang Yin landed next to it, and the longing instinct in his body became more impulsive, leaning forward to sniff and touch, looking for opportunities to attack.

The power is not strong now, these flies are very alert, and they will fly away if they miss it.

The female fly was unmoved, ignored its touch, flew to the other side with a buzzing sound and continued to rest and shake its legs.

Wang Yin understands that this is a female fly whose reproductive instinct stops, just waiting to lay eggs, and will not be deceived by her own tricks. This situation has been encountered many times, and he has experience.

Regardless of whether the female fly is willing or not, relying on his stronger body and wisdom, Wang Yin flew to the female fly with a buzzing sound, his two front claws hugged the female fly's head, and directly beheaded the overlord.

The female fly was oppressed and unable to move, so she could only passively accept the forced beheading, her head rolled aside.

If it has thoughts in its heart, it must be nothing to scold Wang Yin.

Wang Yin carefully felt the vibration of the mouth devouring organ, and sure enough, it was different from those flies before, it could only absorb more cool juice, and the body felt more comfortable and warm after absorbing the energy.

What is the reason for this? Could it be that this female fly has finished breeding, and there is a breath of life inside, but it is not right, I have swallowed too many female flies with life breath in the body before, and the energy is not as mellow as this one.

It was better than devouring several ordinary flies, and his stomach was bulging after eating just one.

According to the experience of the past few days, as long as this feeling occurs, you can't continue to swallow it. You must wait for the digestion to complete, otherwise it will be so heavy that you can't even fly.

Could this female fly be a mutant among them? Wang Yin pondered the difference while digesting energy.

If he wasn't looking for this kind of green shimmering, digested Wang Yin, he immediately searched all over the cave. After half an hour, he finally chased a few more.

Well, after the observation is over, it is easier to get full by sucking the energy of these green shimmering flies, and what's more interesting is that these green shimmering flies can eat back his energy.

It means that if he does not deliberately guard against and kill these green shimmering flies, if he is touched by the sucker of their huge mouths, the energy he sucked will flow out, and the flies with shimmering green lights on their bodies will suck away.

Why this happened, and there was a green shimmer on these flies, he couldn't figure it out for the time being.

Seeing how many fluorescent flies are still in front of him, it's just that the strong desire to swallow in his body is gone, it should be the reason for being full again, just rest and rest.

Wang Yin named these energies that can be devoured Yuanye, which is a habit when he is a human being, and he likes to have a name for everything.

Could there be other flies like this one? Wang Yin got up and searched all over the cave. The cave is very big, and he really found hundreds of them.

Wang Yin was overjoyed, a few hundred would be enough for him to grow a lot, mustered all his strength, and chased these twilight flies all over the cave.

Another three days later, Wang Yin was very depressed. In these shimmering flies, he had indeed swallowed more primordial liquid than ordinary flies, but the effect on the body did not change much, and the function was still the same as that of ordinary flies.

In this case, there are flies all over the cave, and it would be a waste of time to just chase them and suck.

And why only these hundreds of them emit faint fluorescence, and the others don't.

Thinking about it, I would rather kill the mistake than let it go. If the benefits will appear later, it would be a pity to give up now.

A week later, he had basically devoured hundreds of flies, and at the same time, he could feel that his body was obviously twice as big as other flies.

Now he is a little giant in the swarm of flies. Many flies have long been unable to withstand the power of his blow. They were flying in the air triumphantly, when they suddenly found two green lights flashing past the corner of the cave.

The green light is at least a hundred times brighter than the green shimmering light I saw before, and it is simply two bright light clusters.

It turned around gracefully and landed. It is now a bold fly, familiar with the territory and strong enough to fly. It is no longer afraid of other dangers in the cave.

In the corner of the cave, two blowflies vibrate their wings and buzz, they are happily interacting and playing.

Frightened by Wang Yin's fall from the sky, they flew to the side with a buzzing sound, turned around to observe Wang Yin, and then the two flies immediately put down their guard, approached Wang Yin affectionately, and greeted each other.

This is a female and a male, and they still know themselves, but Wang Yin doesn't know them, and is dazed by their enthusiasm.

Whether you know him or not, he is not a real blowfly, so there is no need to associate with them.

The old rules, no matter how you go up, kill the male flies emitting a strong green light first, and devour a few mouthfuls of cool energy.

No wonder it is so bright and dazzling, this male fly actually has a few mouthfuls of cool energy essence liquid, the rest is just a trace, this is only a few mouthfuls, if there is no reason for it, I would not believe it.

When I got close to another female fly, a familiar smell came from my heart. This is a female fly who is ready to accept chatting and has a strong desire to reproduce.

And the smell was so familiar that Wang Yin couldn't make up his mind to kill it for a while.

Just using you as an experiment, Wang Yin thought about it, and leaned forward to let the female fly use its mouth disc to suck organs, sucking back a lot of cool energy from him.

He wanted to do an experiment to see what would happen to this glowing fly, which could suck energy from him, after absorbing a large amount of the energy of his transformed primordial liquid.

It didn't take long for the female fly, which he was very familiar with, to stop moving after eating, and then she took the initiative to get close to Wang Yin, her big head moved close to Wang Yin's head, which seemed particularly intimate.

What's the situation, Wang Yin sniffed the blowfly carefully, it was the first time he encountered a fly that was so close to him.

By the way, this is a female fly, and a flash of lightning appears in the mind, it must be the female fly of this body, so everything makes sense, the female fly can recognize the scent of her offspring, and of course she is intimate with him when she sees him.

By the way, there is also a strong green light, not only the smell, but also the genetic identification spectrum on the body.

So is the green light connected with the blood that can only be seen with the blood?

In this way, it makes sense that other blowflies don't have green light on their bodies, because there is no blood relationship.

Then what I killed just now and what I killed before were this fly-bodied father fly and many brothers and sisters? Wang Yin is embarrassed, what kind of shit is this doing? Flies, there is no fratricide.

After figuring out the reason, Wang Yin no longer struggles with it, and has nothing to regret after doing everything.

Feeling the harvest of swallowing the strong green light male fly this time, it is a bigger and cooler innate juice than all the flies before.

There is also some mysterious atmosphere in it, which makes the soul eager to move, and as expected, if you trace the source, you will get more benefits.

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