The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 3: Mutation Of Spiritual Consciousness

Regardless of the situation of the female fly for the time being, Wang Yin flew to the top of the inner hole. There is a miscellaneous tree hole there that is very safe. Nothing can climb up except flies, and even birds can't find this place.

It's just that the female fly seemed to recognize him, and when he flew there, the female fly followed him. Wang Yin kicked him away, and then went into the tree hole and fell asleep.

After devouring the fly that emitted a dazzling green light, the mysterious aura contained in it made him dizzy, so he quickly flew here to hide.

Just like a quantitative change leads to a qualitative change, there is still a lot of energy that has not been absorbed by the body in the juice absorbed from all the fluorescent flies before. This time, stimulated by the energy of the strong green light fly's essence liquid, the whole brain burst out.

On the second day, another day started again. After sleeping for more than ten hours, Wang Yin finally woke up, hungry and thirsty, and flew to the wild fruit tree to have a full meal.

The wild berries have begun to dry up and wither. Time is running out for this food that is everywhere.

However, flies are small and easy to find food. The only difference is that many flies do not eat.

If he didn't live for evolution, he wouldn't devour other flies, such as the group of flies surrounding the human body, he would stay far away.

After eating and drinking, I returned to the tree hole, but the female fly had disappeared. It may be that Wang Yin flew back to the tree hole yesterday without any movement, so she flew away.

Carefully recalling yesterday's situation, Wang Yin felt that there must have been some changes. Not only did he not grow up, but he also shrank a little.

However, he is extremely energetic, clear-headed and clear-eyed, and his eyes can clearly see the fine hairs of spiders in far corners.

Different, different, there must be something different, Wang Yin has an intuition that he seems to have awakened some kind of natural ability.

At this time, a male fly flew into the hole, kicking his legs and shaking his wings, very proud. This is a strong male fly, and he may have just eaten and drank enough.

Wang Yin was inquiring about her own changes and didn't want to be disturbed. Human beings are used to it, so she stared at her and told her to go away.

Hum, the male fly froze, rolled over and fell to the ground.

What's going on, Wang Yin was dumbfounded, could it be that he stared at the fly and killed it, huh... After taking a stride to observe, it turned out that it wasn't dead, but just passed out.

Okay, why is he dizzy? Has he awakened the mental attack? It can't be caused by the fluctuation of the mental attack in his staring eyes.

In order to confirm the conjecture, Wang Yin flew to the corner of the cave and started experimenting one by one. His eyes widened, fell from the sky, and then .Two fell to the ground.......

Da da da, the sound of machine guns rang out, and a rain of flies rained down in the cave, and the experiment ended.

It is determined that it is a mental attack, which can only be stunned but not fatal. The flies will automatically recover and fly away in about ten minutes.

And only those who see his eyes will be dizzy, the flies that don't see his eyes are fine, those flies staring from behind them will not be dizzy, and now they can attack up to five flies at the same time.

Flying in front of a spider as big as him, his eyes widened, and the spider fell to the ground and fainted.

It seems that this attack is also useful for other species. It is the mental attack power of the eyes that is awakened. It can be felt from the latest condition of the eyes. He can see everything hundreds of meters away.

Could it be that it just evolved by absorbing the original blood essence of the male fly, and is it the benefit obtained after devouring the male fly that emits a dazzling green light?

I don't know how big animals he can attack. What he is most afraid of now are birds, and other small animals that prey on flies. If he can attack birds and small animals outside the cave, then it will be no problem to go outside to ensure safety.

Can it be stronger? Wang Yin searched for the female fly all over the cave, and wanted to try to devour the mother fly's primordial liquid, to see if he could improve his spiritual power.

But the female fly didn't know if she sensed danger somewhere, so she couldn't find it after hiding.

Look at the many other faint green flies in the hole that have not been devoured, Wang Yin took the next best thing, and developed the ability to suck and devour these faint green flies.

Two days later, there was a buzzing sound and a strong green light flashed on the top of the cave. It was a female fly. No wonder it couldn't be found. It was hidden in the hole on the top of the cave.

This cave is very large and there are many holes in the wall. It is difficult for a fly to find a hole to hide in. If it wasn't for the glaring green light sensed by the gene blood, he really wouldn't be able to find the female fly.

Wang Yin buzzed and flew up, and it was indeed a female fly. Seeing Wang Yin, she happily leaned over.

It's just that there is a strong male fly lying on his body, which makes Wang Yin fly black.

But flies are not intelligent, it is the nature of small bugs to do this kind of activity.

But the female fly can't, it's because his experimental body can't make a mistake, otherwise the back flow energy will be lost in vain.

He rushed up and abruptly lifted the male fly off the female fly's back, twisted off his head and devoured his heart's essence and blood, and threw his body down to the bottom of the cave.

The female fly can't feel these things, it's just a non-intelligent insect, when Wang Yin finds it again, it turns its head excitedly, and greets this similar species with a very familiar smell.

It made Wang Yin speechless, this kind of intimacy can't kill it to devour energy, forget it, it's not bad for one of your blood, Wang Yin chose to give up again, and sure enough, the direct blood has a great influence.

Another three days later, Wang Yin not only devoured many flies in the cave, but also devoured many spiders and dragonflies that flew into the cave.

The most obvious feeling is that the mental power has been greatly improved, and now he can stun dozens of flies at a time.

It has to be said that the female fly is indeed the cause of this body's bloodline mother body. After absorbing the energy from his body, the female fly has grown a full circle, and began to try to devour other flies without a teacher.

It's just that it doesn't know how to hunt and kill. Once it finds the skills, it will definitely evolve very quickly.

Wang Yin was a little worried about whether his experiments would cause hidden dangers in the future, and hesitated to kill them early to prevent the female flies from evolving.

It's just that every time he sees the female fly's defenseless appearance towards him, he can't do it.

Let it be, as long as you evolve quickly and master the overwhelming power, if you find that the female fly is a threat to you, then kill it, it is impossible for him not to be able to deal with a fly, hoping that it will show wisdom and obey his own guidance, evolve from good side

Now the female fly can no longer be found, and she may have hidden to give birth, or devoured other flies.

Life and death depend on fate and wealth, and it was the mother fly's own chance to meet him. He was about to go out of the cave, and his current body was a giant among these flies.

Calculating the body proportions, he is now more than ten times bigger than these blowflies.

Flying to the entrance of the cave, he turned his head to look at the human body that had been stinking for many days. There is no way to do this first, and then come back to bury it when it becomes stronger.

Wang Yin was buzzing in the mountains and forests, his body was more than ten times larger than ordinary blowflies, and his speed was also many times faster.

Flexible and versatile, it feels good to soar through the sky.

Suddenly there was a cry from behind, and a strong sense of crisis came. Wang Yin turned his big eyes back, and there was a ferocious parrot behind him with a sharp beak pecking at him quickly.

Wang Yin was furious, and quickly made a sharp turn in the air to avoid the ferocious peck.

After coming out, he was stared at, how could he mess around in the future, concentrated on attacking, and stared at him with a buzzing look. Bai Luoniao's eyes were dizzy for an instant, and he fell to the hillside below cursing, breaking his hair and breaking his bones.

There is no way that Wang Yin is too big to cause trouble. In the eyes of Bailuo Bird, he is just a big piece of flying fat.

It's just that this parrot doesn't know that this piece of flying meat can also attack mentally, so it's unlucky to keep up.

On the sunny side of Qinglong Mountain, the high mountains and dense forests are full of light. Wang Yin followed the lame down the hillside.

After circling the Parrot bird a few times to confirm its safety, I was overjoyed. It was a home-delivered meal. When you wanted to eat him, he also wanted to eat you.

Half a day later, Wang Yin rubbed his head with his forelimbs, eyes full of embarrassment, Nima, this guy is too thick, and his mouth can't reach the place.

Ahhhhhh, I have to continue to develop in the direction of tall and strong men. Now that I have this figure, let's find other species of the same figure first.

So in Qinglong Mountain, all kinds of hornets, dragonflies, insects and small animals of the same size as Wang Yin's flies, chickens and dogs jumped.

A big hornet flew back to the hive in a panic, buzzing to the hornets in the hive: "Wife, children, go fast, there is a fly monster outside that is coming to eat us."

"Hey, useful."

The elated Wang Yin tasted the sweetness, and his body grew up as fast as a balloon blowing up, and his energy became stronger.

Focusing on the larger birds and beasts that are everywhere in the mountains, the confidence is bursting.

One day he will evolve into an existence that makes the world tremble.

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