The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 201 The Heartbroken Man

Hum... Countless green light spots flew out from Han Jiang Chaoying's eyes, and they burst into the crowd of onlookers like machine gun bullets.

The few Wucha who were closest to Hanjiang Chaoying reacted and shouted angrily: "The monster is bold."

Throwing out the arrester's chain sleeve towards Hanjiang Chaoying, the chain just flew into the air and fell to the ground with a bang, but several Wu Cha had already been recruited, and they squatted on the ground holding their stomachs while screaming.

"Oops, bad, I was recruited, my mother is a man, so she can't escape her pregnancy.

"What kind of strange monster is Madan, how can even a man be pregnant by sorcery."

"Oops, I feel like it's been at least two months. If you don't move around, you'll get the tire gas."

"Oh, oh, it's so embarrassing, a man who was eight feet away from him turned out to be a pregnant woman, and if he can't, he has to report to the government.

"Brother Wucha, what kind of official are you applying for? You are an official."

As if by appointment, several Wuchai screamed miserably at the beginning, followed by screams from all around. Thousands of men and some women mixed with each other in a radius of one kilometer, all squatting on the ground crying and cursing.

"Heavenly monster, you can let the woman get pregnant, why don't you let us men go, there is no law of heaven, and there is no law of the king."

Many of the women among them were ignorant of the situation and followed behind to watch the excitement, and now regretted it so much that they beat their chests and cursed.

"A shameless monster who made a crime, even your aunt and grandma will not let it go. She was pregnant as soon as she left the house. The child's parents and aunts don't even know who it is. How can you kill him today?"

A rough man hugged his stomach, whoops, approached the complaining woman.

"Sister Hua, stop shouting, I know who the child's father is, the one standing there triumphantly, Mrs. Hanjiang Hero's Family."

"You see, if you don't agree to my black bear's marriage proposal, you are not pregnant with the black bear. Now my child's father is the wife of Hanjiang Xialv's family. He is much more awesome than you."

The complaining woman burst into tears: "It's a crime again, why is this child's father a woman? After calling him aunt, how can he curse at others?"

Seeing the demon appearing in the outermost circle, Wu Cha rushed into the crowd quickly, wanting to help several Wu Cha inside to capture the demon, he also followed the trick and stopped.

This sorcerer's sorcery is simply unreasonable, she has only been pregnant for two months, and when she moves, there will be severe pains, and even the old and rough will know that she is pregnant.

"Hey, my child, my youngest child, I have been looking for your father for a lifetime but have not found a wife. I never thought I would be pregnant with you." "

"That's right, brother and brother are the same as you, we men can get pregnant, so we don't need to get married in the future, why do we still make money to find a wife.

Baihe Zhenfu, who had just rushed out of the crowd, heard the wailing sound from behind, his feet kicked and stared like a windmill, and a few flickers disappeared.

After returning to the town court, his face was pale, and he patted his chest and gasped for breath.

"It's too dangerous, it's too dangerous. Fortunately, I saw the opportunity quickly. Otherwise, I would have a big belly now. No way, this court is still too dangerous. I have to go out and report it to the county immediately, and let the county send experts to deal with it. It's not me. If the officials don't act, the monsters are too rampant."

Wang Yin, the disciplinary soul at the mouth of Baihe Town, laughed out loud, happily listening to the series of mechanical sounds made by the personal training assistant, Xiaoyin, like a waterfall.

Ding Ding Ding: You have successfully impregnated 2,300 people, gained 0.0001 points of energy, 0.0001 points of energy, 0.0001 points of energy, 0.0001 points of energy, 0.0001 points of energy, 0.0001 points of gain 0.2413 points of energy, you We are rapidly approaching the upgrade, welcome to make persistent efforts to create miracles.

Ding Ding Ding: You have successfully impregnated 20 martial artists and three ghosts, gained 0.023 energy points, and now the total energy is 0.2643 points. Welcome to continue to create miracles.

Seeing that the surrounding area is full of pregnant men and women who were stared at by her, Hanjiang Chaoying returned to Wang Yin's side to claim credit with satisfaction.

"Master, can you see if it's okay? How is Chaoying's mission done? Please let Master Chaoying go."

Soul-dividing Wang Yin glanced at the crying crowd, and expressed satisfaction with Han Jiang Chaoying's quick performance, but satisfaction is satisfaction, it is impossible for the king to let your husband go.

This staring at who is pregnant with the gold finger, the main soul said that it can only be used but not taken away.

He cleared his throat and said inscrutablely: "What are you panicking about? It's you mortals who are so lucky to be pregnant with the child of the king's main don't need to use the hall if the main soul is what it is."

"What's your husband's name? You are the first to become this king's slave. This king made an exception and let your husband also become a king's slave. From now on, your husband's job will be to deliver babies to these men."

Hanjiang Chaoying was in a depressed mood, she knew that begging was in vain, now that even her husband has come in, who cares about being your slave, demon you die.

But no matter how unwilling I am as a slave, I have to answer with great loyalty: "Thank you master for making an exception. Zhaoying's husband's name is Muzi. Master, this man gave birth to a child. How should my husband deliver the baby?"

Soul-splitting Wang Yin tilted his head to look at the two couples. He didn't expect that the Hanjiang couple would be quite good at picking names.

The female is called Chaoying and the male is called Muzi. Isn’t it Chaomu Ying when they are separated?

He smiled lightly and said: "How can a man deliver a baby? Naturally, it is a caesarean section, that is, to cut open the stomach and hold the baby. Your sword skills are so good, so it can't be difficult for you.'"1

Even the main soul can come up with the method of caesarean section, no wonder he is the main soul and this king can only be the sub-soul.

Hanjiang Muzi and the surrounding men were suddenly heartbroken when they heard this, could they really lose their stomachs?

So in the midst of Hanjiang Chaoying's anger, Fenhun Wang Yin threw a celestial demon and heavenly dao slave slave rule on Hanjiang Muzi, Hanjiang Muzi immediately spit fire from his eyes, and walked in front of Fenhun Wang Yin in an orderly manner.

"Must see the master.

Soul-dividing Wang Yin blinked his eyes and pinched Han Jiang Muzi's face.

`~You seem very unconvinced, this king told you that this king has never touched a woman, don’t let this king suddenly think of it, let your wife Hanjiang Zhaoying serve this king.

Han Jiang Chaoying's face changed drastically when he heard the words, and he was extremely ashamed and angry, and he honestly bowed to Wang Yin for instructions.

"Master, do you need Chaoying to sleep in? Chaoying is always ready."

Han Jiang Muzi had a green light on his head, his eyes were bloodshot and murderous, but his body bowed respectfully.

"As long as it is your wish, Master, Mu Zi will obey."

Wang Yin, the soul-splitting soul, frightened the two couples when he saw his awe-inspiring power, and they no longer felt overwhelmed.

But he is really not lying, he is still a child at such a big age, a poor scholar from a poor family, it is impossible to find a marriage when he has no fame.

What, don’t you know about poor people? I don’t know that this king told you that it is even more miserable than poor people. Not only the family is desolate, but the relatives are also sick, that is poor people.

Throw out a bag and say hello: "Hanjiang Muzi, you stay where you are and settle these women. You are too busy to allow you to recruit caesarean section midwives, but you must be good at knife skills. This Qiankun bag contains pills for healing wounds. This king will let the shadow of your family, Jiang Chao Nuoli, sleep in."

"Han Jiang Chaoying is following this king, we are going to turn Baihe Town upside down, this king has to have over 10,000 children today, Jie Jie Jie.

After laughing, Wang Yin was suddenly taken aback. Why is he so used to addressing me, and when did he love Jie Jie and laughed strangely? Is it a sequela of being taken back and fused by the main soul and then put back.

A string of question marks appeared on Han Jiang Chaoying's head. Where did this monster scholar who appeared suddenly get his magic skills, and why he fell in love with monkeys so much.

But if Wang Yin doesn't say anything, as the most loyal slave, she won't ask, even if she wants to kill this monster, it can't change her fate of being loyal to the monster.

I can only pray from the bottom of my heart, master, please don't let Chaoying sleep, please master, please don't have such a thought.

She has already understood that the fatal part of her witchcraft is that she is very sober and loyal to the scholar demon in front of her.

If the scholar demon asks her to serve her bed, she will definitely have suicidal thoughts and do this very unwilling thing. The most terrifying thing is that she will show her master that this is her most honored and most willing thing to do. .

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