The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 202: Son Soul And Nine Babies

People in Jinniu County were panicked, and neighbors in the neighborhood closed their doors.

Pedestrians on the road were sparse and all hurriedly walked with their heads bowed. Residents and businessmen in the streets and alleys started to talk about it, and the phenomenon of packing up and fleeing began.

"A monster appeared in Baihe Town, staring at someone who is pregnant. The whole town has fallen into the hands of the monster. I heard that they are about to invade the county."

"Oh my god, it's so scary...Even men can't escape the demon's palm. My cousin is one foot tall, a rough guy with a leopard head and ring eyes, and he's hugging his belly and calling for his child."

"These are not terrible, the most terrible thing is the delivery, the men in the trough have their stomachs cut open, and the children are taken out. What is it called a caesarean section?"

"Yeah yeah it's horrible, my god these men are miserable."

"Aren't you mistaken? It's only been a few days, and you are spreading rumors."

"It's true, my sister can testify to this brother's words."

"It is said that this is the son soul of the demon god, who was born on the third day, spoke on the third day and grew up on the third day. Everyone calls these children Jiuying, which means babies who have grown up in nine days."

"That's right, that's right, I've seen these babies too, they are so beautiful and cute, they are a combination of the spirit of heaven and earth, my God, I'm going to Baihe Town, I want to give birth to such a baby.

"Have you ever been to Baihe Town? How do you know it so clearly? You can't make it up."

"What nonsense, if you don't believe me, go to my house to see, my brother-in-law and sister just came back from Baihe Town, and they gave birth to a child together, and they were happy to be both father and mother.

287 "The child is just six days old now, and he already knows how to fly in the sky and run on the ground, and he can fly, you know."

"Oh my god, is it true? Isn't this a monster? Only monsters can fly."

"This kid is talking nonsense. Not only monsters can fly, but also gods. I heard that wild birds outside the empire can also fly."

"Forget it, I'm not envious even if I can fly, I'm a man, if I get pregnant, I'd rather die, let's jump.

"That's because you don't know who made the man pregnant. The father of the child is Mrs. Zhaoying, the hero of the Hanjiang River, the first fairy in Jinniu County."

The sound of swallowing saliva was heard, and many men who said they wanted to run away quickly asked questions.

"Is it Hanjiang Chaoying? That's the goddess in my heart. If you don't run away, you won't run away. If you can give birth to the goddess, let alone cut your belly, even death is worth it."

Inside the county government office, Baihe Zhen cried out with tears and snot in his nose.

"Master County Magistrate, you want to avenge the people of Baihe Town, you don't know that those two monsters have become the parents of all healthy men and women in Baihe Town.

"If the subordinate runs away more slowly, the children will call you uncle now."

Jinniu County Magistrate Gao Zuo (aefb) was also full of headaches, and asked the masters and Wuchai leaders on both sides: "Can you guys have any good ways to take these two demons away?"

The masters on both sides and the leaders of Wu Cha shook their heads in unison: "No, no, sir, this demon is so powerful that it is difficult for ordinary people to get close to him. The most important thing is that the demon is so strange that everyone is pregnant. Before getting close to the demon, everyone is pregnant. The subordinates really can't solve it. "

"My lord, you should report it to the police. At present, it seems that at least a god-level expert can solve the demon."

In the Fugong Hall of Baihe Township, Wang Yin, the split soul, also sat high on the head, with an expression of excitement beyond words. In the past few days, he has already turned three times in the world of mortals.

In the courtroom, Hanjiang Muzi walked back and forth with a white, fat, ice-snow and clever girl in his arms, pacing up to Hanjiang Chaoying, and handing one to Hanjiang Chaoying. .

"Be good, baby, let mom hug you."

Hanjiang Chaoying happily hugged the child, and then kicked Hanjiang Muzi.

"Don't talk if you can't speak, you are the mother and I am the child's father."

Hanjiang Muzi wanted to cry but had no tears, so he rubbed the two long scars on his stomach to give himself the feeling of having a laparotomy. He didn't want to try it a third time in his life. call.

"Madam is merciful at the moment Madam is merciful at the moment, for my husband, I really don't want to have another life."

Poor Governor Baihe didn't know that after he left, his court had been reduced to a den of demons.

Soul-dividing Wang Yin stopped Hanjiang Chaoying's movements: "Chaoying can call it a day, this so-and-so pregnancy spell, each person can only use it twice, the human flesh and blood spirit is limited, and the third time can't be conceived by magic.

"After arranging these children, we will go to the county seat and overthrow the entire Jinniu County, ensuring that the number of children in Jinniu County will exceed one million."

A willow tree at the door walked in with its roots, wrapped the branches around the child, threw it into Wang Yin's hand, shook the branches, made a buzzing sound, and wrote a line of big characters on the ground

"Scum child, take it easy, this tree is going to gather tree spirits."

After finishing writing, I turned around and disappeared without a trace. This is the willow tree that was distracted and pregnant at the first sight in the town.

Unexpectedly, by chance and coincidence, the willow tree used the aura of the heavenly way of this pregnancy to absorb a large amount of yin energy in the ditch beside the tree root and then a tree spirit appeared. The tree spirit was still a charming beauty.

Divided soul Wang Yin scratched his hair, put the boy who was smiling happily in his hand, and handed it to Hanjiang Chaoying and ordered.

"One cow is looking after two cows, and the child is also looking after the child, you husband and wife will take care of it together first."

Hanjiang Chaoying stuffed the fat girl in Hanjiang Muzi's hand back into Hanjiang Muzi's hand, took the big fat boy from Wang Yin's hand and said, "Master's last batch of children, why are they all gone?"

The split soul Wang Yin smiled: "They have all been taken by the main soul to the world they should go to. You don't need to worry about it. Their world is much, much higher than the world you stay in."

Hanjiang Chaoying hesitated, but continued to ask: "Who is the main soul? Are these children still alive? Can we see them again?"

Wang Yin looked at Hanjiang Zhaoying inexplicably, but he didn't expect this woman to be very kind in her heart, and comforted her: "Don't worry, they are all living well, and I will take you to see them if there is a chance in the future.

"They are all implementers of the main soul's will, as for who the main soul is, you don't need to know.

After hearing this, Hanjiang Muzi happily leaned over: "Master, I also want to see them, can you take me there?"

The split soul Wang Yin kicked him away: "Fuck you, that is the world of the main soul's will. Only double cultivation can follow the will of the king to enter. The king of double cultivation only chooses Chaoying. Roll as far as you can."

The green light on Hanjiang Muzi's head flashed instantly, and he looked at Hanjiang Zhaoying mournfully.

"Ma'am, it's okay if we don't go to see those children, right... let's not go."

Han Jiang Chaoying hesitated for a moment and shook his head resolutely: "No...that's our child, even if I die, I still want to see them, not to mention it's just dual cultivation."

Looking at Wang Yin, the soul-splitting soul, the eyes are shining, the master will really find a reason, this reason is simply too exciting, no, no, no, how can I be willing to double cultivate with the master.

I don't want to, okay, I don't want to die, this heroine is just to see the children, and everything is right to see the children.

Soul-dividing Wang Yin and Hanjiang Chaoying exchanged glances, hey, this king is still a bit charming, you see, even if this king does not need to be the master, he can still make Han Jiang Chaoying willingly and loyally loyal to this king

Hanjiang Muzi felt the ambiguous atmosphere between Hanjiang Chaoying and his master, and looked desperate what he could do, he was also a slave, that was his master, and he had to obey the master's wishes unconditionally. .

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