The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 205: Flying Sword Delivery Technique

The young master of the Ding family's face darkened and turned to leave: "Take it away, toast and not eat or drink as fine.

Seeing their young master getting angry, several attendants turned into evil servants, two of them grabbed He Qianqian and He Qianqian fiercely, and followed young master Ding to squeeze out of the crowd.

The crowd of onlookers dared not speak out. This Ding family is a local powerful clan with countless evil servants, and the governors are all members of the Ding family. How dare ordinary people provoke them, they can only express their dissatisfaction by discussing in the background.

"Are those the two young ladies of the He family? If they are taken away by the youngest of the Ding family, it will be a disaster."

"It's not about the danger, it's about the health. I didn't expect the eldest son of the Ding family to have such a big belly. He still thinks about this kind of thing. Can he take it back and handle it?"

"What can't be done? Jiuying was born on the third day. After the birth, the incision can be recovered."

"Then you should be too anxious. Anyway, wait for Jiuying to be born. Take it back now. Does the He family know that they won't come to the door? The He family is also a famous family, and the young master of the Ding family is not so courageous, right?"

"You don't know. The He family is not a good thing. It is said that the He family's property was conspired by He's father to take away his own brothers. As a result, there are gods standing three feet above his head. All three sons and grandsons of the He family died unexpectedly. Now There are only two young daughters left, and He's father is old and frail and can't bear children, so the Ding family dared to bully him, the purpose is to marry his two young daughters, and then all the He family's property will belong to the Ding 04 family."

"Is there still such a thing? Grandpa, tell me how the three sons and grandsons of the He family died suddenly. Are there really gods in the world?"

An old man in the crowd was not stared at pregnant, but just came to watch the bustle of being stared pregnant, and was ordered by Da Neng to come to assist in the delivery.

Soul Wang Yin and Han Jiang Chaoying use the staring so-and-so pregnancy skills to choose only healthy men and women. The elderly and frail cannot supply the original blood energy of the nine infants, because of the ten kalpas.

The uncle saw that someone was interested in what he said about the He family incident, and he was still a big girl who still had a flavor.

Then he said: "Sister, you are from outside, right? No one in Zhushan Town knows about this. Back then, Father He had a brother who was hardworking and kind-hearted and rich in wealth. Unfortunately, he only had two daughters. Later, his brother had an accident and was barren. Father He was poor. He was poor, greedy and shameless, so he set up a plan to worship his younger son under his brother's knee as an adopted son, and in the name of the younger son's adopted son, occupied his brother's family property, causing his brother and two daughters to be exiled and have not returned to this day."

"As a result, good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil. Last year, his brother's house suddenly collapsed, and his three sons and grandsons were buried in it to their deaths. He's father fell to the same fate as his brothers. Now only two young daughters are left. Wanting to have another child because he is old and frail and unable to give birth, that's why the Ding family thought about it, and wanted to take his two young daughters and seize the property of the He family."

The big girl still has the flavor, hugged her stomach and sighed: "It's true that there are gods standing three feet above the head, people are doing it, and the sky is watching. Even if it is yours, even if it is plotted by others, it will come in the open. It is not your encroachment, old man. God will make you spit it back."

The uncle seemed to have found a bosom friend, and nodded one after another: "Yes, taking other people's property will only affect the blessings of the children and grandchildren. If the Ding family dares to make up the mind of the He family, it may be punished at any time."

"Big sister and the old man, I have a lot of language, why don't you go to the old man's house and sit down.

The smell is still there. The big girl gave the old man a white look: "Sexy lust will also be rewarded. If you hit me, be careful and I will repay you."

Seeing that He Qianqian and He Qianqian were about to be pulled out of the crowd by the evil servants of Ding's family, a coercive pressure came from the sky and suppressed everyone in the square.

Hanjiang Muzi rode a big fat pig with two wings on its back, flew over the crowd and looked coldly at Young Master Ding.

"The master's affairs cannot be provoked, and you will all die if you dare to be presumptuous."

The young master of the Ding family and his evil servants all knelt down on the ground with a plop under the coercion. They were so frightened that they sweated coldly and quickly begged for mercy. However, they found that they could no longer speak and could only nod wildly to express their understanding.

He Qianqian and He Qianqian took the opportunity to escape from the hands of the evil servants, and ran back to the crowd to make a face at the young master of the Ding family. He Qianqian snorted coquettishly, "Big villain, he has the ability to catch us."

He raised his head and looked at Hanjiang Muzi dazzledly, is this an expert in transformation? If their family had such an adult to take care of them, they would not be bullied.

The crowd became excited again when they saw Hanjiang Muzi, this is an expert who can fly, a noble person that ordinary people can hardly meet in their lifetime.

The two tall men on the floating square just now flew away before they had time to see clearly, which has made many people regret it.

Seeing this expert pig rider now, he wished his eyes could all fall on Han Jiang Muzi.

"It's worth it, it's worth it even if you grow up once, this expert is at least a great power of transformation, and he will be proud of it in this life.

"Yes, yes, we are all people who have had close contact with the power of Huajing."

"I don't know why these days, I have seen a witchcraft that I have never seen before, I have seen a monster that I have never seen before, and now I have seen the master of transformation."

"Yes, and those two floating above our heads just now, it feels more powerful than this expert."

"Hey, what sorcery, monsters, and masters of the transformation realm and god realm have only been heard in legends before, but I didn't expect them to appear in the past few days, it's just that my stomach is more painful.

Seeing that the crowd was so shocked by his appearance, Hanjiang Muzi looked at him with awe and enthusiasm, whispered secretly, but didn't dare to look directly at him, and his vanity was extremely satisfied.

The corner of his eyes drifted to the side, and after he let go of the coercion, the young master of the Ding family who left quietly didn't care, the master's child Jiuying, and you can take it away if you want.

He raised his hands to the sky and called out: "Wanjian vaccination."

I saw the long sword on his back made a long phoenix cry following the cry, turned into a stream of light and flew out of the scabbard and went straight up to the sky

During the rapid rotation, countless finger-sized flying swords flew out of it, rushing towards all the men around the square. All the men cried out in pain, their stomachs had already been cut open by 837.

The uncles and aunts who came to watch, seemed to have experience with all the pregnant women, quickly helped the man who had been cut open, and carried out the giggling white fat child from the abdomen.

Then the ten-meter giant sword in the sky spun and screamed again, throwing out countless shiny pills, these pills seemed to be controlled by invisible hands, and flew into the stomachs of all the men who had been cut open

Let the naked eye see that the abdominal incision gradually healed, except for leaving a scar, but it has returned to its original state.

Hanjiang Muzi is very satisfied with his flying sword manipulation skills. Although he doesn't have his wife Hanjiang Chaoying, he can flatter his master. His talent is not as advanced as his wife Hanjiang Chaoying.

But the master didn't completely forget about him, his strength is already a great power to transform the realm, and he was given by the master to give these men the supreme flying swordsmanship to do celiac birth. Simply put, he is the legendary sword fairy.

It's just that the flying fat pig is too ugly, and it doesn't deserve his image of Hanjiang Muzi, a handsome and unrestrained sword fairy.

It is very regretful to send a voice command: "All men who have given birth, nursing assistants, close the curtains for all mothers, and cooperate with delivery.

He Qianqian and He Qianqian saw an old lady throwing out a white sheet to cover the two of them and was about to deliver their babies, so she couldn't help crying at the same time.

"Ben Guliang doesn't have a boyfriend yet, woo woo woo, we hate you to the death of the child-giving demon, and we hate you to death, Senior Wang.".

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