The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 206: Nine Infant Magic Transformation

In the mansion of the Ding family, the young master of the Ding family who slipped away quietly brought a few evil servants into the back hall with a big belly, calling out repeatedly.

"Daddy, we're back, you're looking for an expert."

The evil servants were already sweating profusely from the pain, they were about to give birth, and they were ordered by their young master in Zhushan Square to hold sisters He Qianqian and He Qianqian and drag them around for a while.

Sisters He Qianqian and He Qianqian didn't bring them back, not to mention, they were so upset that they had to go into labor immediately.

However, the owner of the family once ordered that if the child-giving demon was stared at and became pregnant, they had to go back home to give birth, because an expert came to Ding's house to investigate the details of the child-giving demon Jiuying, so they had to endure the pain and come back.

In the hall of the back hall, Ding Guishan, the master of the Ding family, came out accompanied by a tall-nosed, eagle-eyed, dark-bodied man, surrounded by two disciples, a man and a woman.

Seeing the young master of the Ding family, Ding Guishan quickly ordered the servants in the hall to move out a clean and flat table, take out the bedding and mats, and wait for his eldest son to lie down.

Looking at the tall-nosed, eagle-eyed man, he said, "Senior Waiting, quickly see if you can deliver the baby."

The high-nosed, eagle-eyed man who was waiting for the senior had a flash of light in his eyes. He controlled his excitement and came to the side of the young master of the Ding family. He reached out and pressed his hand on the young master of the Ding family, frowning for a while, and his eyes were full of doubts.

Ding Guishan was startled when he saw this, and quickly asked: "How is senior, my Kun'er is okay."

The eldest son of his family is the most promising, the three youngest, one lame and one congenitally stupid, cannot bear the burden of the Ding family.

There is another one who is in good health but is stupid in reading and reading. He tells him about etiquette, righteousness and shame every day, which makes him irritated and drives him out of the house.

If something happens to the eldest son, he can only wait for the grandchildren to grow up before handing over the family business.

Senior Hou frowned, checked Young Master Ding again, and said, "It's very strange, you can see it with your naked eyes and ears, and you can hear that there is indeed a child in Ding Kun's stomach, but there is nothing found in the true energy check. It’s the demon boy Jiuying~.”

After speaking, he turned his wrist and took out a small knife with a sharp handle and said: "I will know when I open your son's abdomen."

He motioned to a man and a woman to accompany his disciples to apply painkillers and anesthetics on Ding Kun, and asked the disciples to stand beside him with a needlework cotton tray to assist, and he was about to give birth to Master Ding Kun by caesarean section.

Young Master Ding Kun was startled suddenly, and quickly shouted to his father: "Father, why don't you go to the square and let the devil deliver the baby, I suddenly feel very scared."

Ding Guishan quickly restrained Ding Kun's emotions, and comforted him: "Kun'er, don't be afraid, Senior Hou is a famous doctor sent by the state, Senior Huajing, it's no problem to deliver your baby.

"If we can catch a Jiuying, seniors will ensure that our family will prosper, and we can participate in the state's commercial share."

Master Ding Kun calmed down after hearing the words, if the family business can enter the state and get connected with senior Huajing, their Ding family's strength will rise with the tide.

From a small town of Zhushan, it has become a big crocodile in the state, and the county magistrate of Jinniu will look at his family's direction.

It's just that the panic of impending disaster in my heart is getting closer and closer, but under the comfort of his father Ding Guishan and the victory of greed over his intuition, the young master Ding Kun finally calmed down.

Waiting for the mysterious arrival at his home, the state's Huajing Da Neng waits for the elders to deliver him.

Senior Hou saw that Ding Kun had calmed down, and he took off Ding Kun's clothes with a wave of his hand, quickly slashed down with a sharp knife in his hand, and cut a big hole in Ding Kun's stomach, revealing the white and fat inside. It's a baby boy.

Senior Hou couldn't control his joyful expression any longer, his trembling hands were about to hold out the demon boy Jiuying who was causing so much trouble in Jinniu County.

He is a direct confidant of a medical adult in the state who is in charge of the whole state. After the adult heard the news, he immediately signaled him to secretly come to Jinniu County to investigate the cause of the Jinniu ghost girl.

And instructed him to play by ear and catch a few demon children for medical research in the state.

Otherwise, when the governor makes a decision and sends experts to Jinniu County to deal with the child-bearer, they will have nothing to do.

Ding Kun's chubby white baby, who had fingers in his stomach and was giggling, suddenly blinked his cute eyes.

Seeing Senior Hou reaching out to his hands, he pulled out the fingers contained in his mouth, and in a ignorant intuition, the baby realized that this person was not the messenger arranged by the Father God for them.

The pure and flawless eyeballs suddenly turned black, and she burst into tears, and with the cry, her mouth expanded strangely like a sea bowl, which was full of dense barbs and sharp teeth.

Then the cute and fat body stretched its limbs and jumped up, biting Senior Hou's outstretched hands fiercely, ignoring Senior Hou's mid-transformation spirit, with a click, he bit off Senior Hou's hands in one bite.

It was late to say but things happened very quickly. Senior Hou saw that the baby's eyes suddenly turned black, and he already realized that something was wrong.

It was too late to retract his hands, so he could only watch helplessly as the white, fat and cute baby turned into a monster that bit off his hands in seconds.

The extreme pain was sent back to the brain from the hands, and it was only when the flesh and blood were flying that he realized that his strength of transforming the realm could not stop the demon boy Jiuying's teeth. He kicked the ground with both feet and jumped three feet away, shouting orders at the two disciples.

"`~ Not good, you can't touch the demon boy, cast a net. 11

The evil servant who originally came back with Ding Kun, the child in his womb was long past the time of delivery, and the envoy was not able to pick him up and give birth on time.

The evil servant dragged He Qianqian and He Qianqian again, exerting too much force to move the fetal gas, the child soul and nine infants rolled back and forth in the abdomen, irritated and restless, which caused the evil servant's abdominal pain like a knife.

With the crying of the baby in Ding Kun's belly, as if sending out a vicious signal, the belly of the evil servant suddenly exploded, and the whole body was black inside, with a strange mouth open. out.

The evil servant Jiuying who crawled out smelled the blood that was bitten off by Ding Kun Jiuying. After Senior Hou's body smelled bloody, as if he had received an attack signal from the enemy, his eyes blazed red at the same time, and rushed towards Senior Hou and a man and a woman. Two disciples, and everyone in the Ding family hall.

When the male and female disciples accompanied by Senior Hou heard the roar of the master, they quickly threw out the tray in their hands, and the tray turned into two silver (good) nets with shining lights, which just covered the evil servants who had just come.

A few monster babies lying down.

Seeing this, senior Hou breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he had anticipated the weirdness when he came, and brought the state's most precious nine calcined wire mesh, otherwise he would really capsize in the gutter today.

This monster boy Jiuying can bite off his hands in one bite, and his teeth strength is probably at the level of a god.

Eh... that Jiuying on Ding Kun's body, Senior Hou just found Ding Kun's body, the demon boy Jiuying disappeared, and there was a rustling sound on his head.

Looking up, he saw a weird child with a terrifying mouth open, and was rushing towards him from the top of the hall.

At the same time, the demon children Jiuying, who were covered in the Jiujinhao silk net, let out a terrifying howl, and their sharp teeth grew rapidly.

The originally chubby, white, tender and cute little hands quickly grew sharp claws like a sickle, and with a few claws, they tore out a big hole in the nine-calcined silk screen.

Not good, things change in an instant, and Senior Hou's complexion changes drastically. .

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