The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 207: Silence

Jinniu County was completely silent overnight, and more than 30 towns and counties fell silent.

Everyone was pale and frightened, or caressed the child in their belly, or held the child soul and nine babies in fear, as if they were facing an enemy. The reason was that the Ding family in Zhushan Town was destroyed.

Only then did they discover that what they held in their arms was not only an angel, but also a demon, and it was within their mind whether an angel or a demon.

Hundreds of members of the Ding family in Zhushan Town died. The cause of death was that their hearts had been hollowed out and disappeared.

The news spread like a hurricane throughout the counties and states, and the situation on the scene even reached the province directly through special channels.

Because of spying on the interests of the state, the Ding family hooked up with the elders of the state's Huajing master, and wanted a few demon children to go to the state.

As a result, the nine infants were demonized and mutated, and the Ding family was slaughtered overnight, including senior Hou Zhijian, the great power of transformation.

I don't know whether it was the young master of the Ding family who was lucky, or whether the monster boy Jiuying didn't hurt the mother's body. Only the young master of the Ding family and two evil servants survived in the entire Ding family.

Several other people among the evil servants had already died, but they did not die at the hands of the demon boy Jiuying, but died of excessive abdominal wounds and excessive blood loss.

The young master of the Ding family and the remaining two evil servants were so frightened that they would be useless even if they recovered.

Before Mr. Bei, the Governor of Huanglong Prefecture, wrote the case, Mr. Bei and two cronies turned into enshrinements, carefully observing the young master of the Ding family, and the two evil servants had scars on their stomachs. 610

After a while Master Bei straightened up, returned to the desk and sat down and asked, "What do you two think about this matter?"

Wearing a long gown, the gentle and elegant worshiper clasped his hands and replied: "My lord, this demon child Jiuying is a monster. It looks cute with ice and snow, but when it draws out its demonic nature, it will be cruel and violent."

"According to the confessions of the three survivors of Ding's family, Hou Zhijian was bitten off his head and died. Hou Zhijian was in the middle stage of transformation. The nine infant monsters can bite his head in one bite, and the attack power is at least above the god level."

Wearing a moustache and wearing a uniform, an old man with a peak strength and cultivation, is the manager of the special affairs processing battalion of Huanglong Prefecture, and is also the trump card enshrined by the governor to invite him to sit in the state.

Special Matters Handling Camp, a special agency in Huanglong Prefecture dealing with various supernatural incidents, with a cold and gloomy voice.

"Three days of birth, three days of speaking, and three days of adulthood, the strength of being born is comparable to that of a god, how can there be such a monster in this world.

"In just a short period of time, the number is huge in the millions, and it is still expanding rapidly. The strength is so high, it is a natural disaster, we have no choice, even if we send troops, we can't suppress it.

"What's more, there are two monsters who are staring at someone who is pregnant. The more troops you send, the more nine-baby monsters will appear."

"Fortunately, this nine-baby monster will inexplicably disappear when it becomes an adult. Otherwise, our Huanglong State, even if the state spans thousands of miles and has tens of billions of souls and people, it will not be enough for this monster to harm us for long.

Lord Bei, the governor, frowned: "Why did the child-giving demon appear in Huanglong Prefecture? Did he deceive me that there is no one in Huanglong Prefecture?"

Wearing a long gown, offering gentle and elegant offerings, he walked to the seat opposite the desk, sat down and analyzed.

"The number of these nine-baby monsters is so huge and the expansion is so fast. It is all caused by the disturbance of the two child-sending demons. The whereabouts of the two child-sending demons are unpredictable, and they are so powerful that they are difficult to capture.

"In my opinion, it is only possible to use Hualongzhou god-level biochemical toxins to wipe them out.

Lord Bei, the governor, shook his hand, denying the gentle and elegant offering.

"The proposal of enshrining Chichuan is not feasible, the Zulong Empire has 333 provinces and prefectures, and it is the Hualong province that shouldn't be dealing with.

"This province and state specializes in researching the way of biochemical viruses, which is the root cause of harm to the health of the people in the world. I will not join forces with them, let alone borrow their biochemical viruses.

"What's more, we don't know anything about the monster Nine Infants, and it's unknown whether the biochemical toxin will work."

The old man with a mustache and a uniform, the manager of the Huanglong Prefecture Special Matters Processing Battalion, also disagreed with this proposal.

The biochemical toxin is a double-edged sword. If it is introduced, it may cause disasters to run rampant on its own land before the Nine Infant monsters are eliminated.

Slowly stroked his mustache and said: "The number of monster Jiuying is expanding so fast, and its strength is so strong. I can think of two officials who can be opponents. The tenth is Kelongzhou, which mainly develops technology."

"It is said that the state is comparable to the A-level combat robots in the state. It can already be produced in unlimited quantities, and the processing speed is hundreds of millions of units per day. It is most suitable for dealing with the number of monsters. Besides, the mechanical soldiers are cold and ruthless. , otherwise you don’t need to fight and just surrender.”

"It's just that this (aefd) Longzhou battle robot is said to have no humanity at all. It operates entirely according to the set system. There has been a system rebellion, which caused the destruction of one billion lives in Kelong Province. It is the same as the Hualongzhou biochemical toxin. It is afraid of introducing People in our state suffer when they come in.”

"And no matter how large the number of Huajing-level robots is, I'm afraid they won't be the opponent of the monster Jiuying."

The governor, Mr. Bei, was interested. The proposal made by the steward Wu Zuofu was more in line with his requirements. He sat up straight and looked at the steward Wu Zuofu and asked: "What Manager Liang is worried about is also my concern. I don't know what other manager Liang thought of What is it?"

In charge of the old man with a mustache, Manager Liang walked back and forth and replied: "The other one is Xianlong Prefecture in Xianlong Province. This prefecture focuses on the study of immortal arts. No matter whether Jiuying is a demon child or a demon child, the immortal arts are the same. Enemy nemesis, using fairy methods to deal with demon children and demon children [it is to fight poison with poison."

"It's just that the people in charge in Xianlongzhou are very arrogant, and it may cost a lot to ask the other party to send someone to help us.

The governor, Mr. Bei, was also unhappy: "If the price is too high, we have to find a way. This Xianlong Province is the largest province in the empire, with a territory spanning 300,000 miles. As a municipality directly under the Central Government of Xianlong Province, it is normal for Xianlong Prefecture to be arrogant."

"Who said that we are the weakest Huanglong province? Our state is also the weakest state even if we are related to each other. However, our province and state use martial arts to enter the Tao, which is the way of the heavens.

"It's just that in the past few years, there have been few geniuses in the divine realm, which has caused the prestige of our province to plummet. Otherwise, Master Black Dragon came from our province."

Wang Yin, the soul-splitting soul, brought Han Jiang Chaoying, and was slowly rushing to the Jinliang Academy while harming the living beings along the way.

Hanjiang Muzi's green dog can only be honest all the way, helping him and Hanjiang Chaoying wipe his ass, and try his best to deliver the tens of millions of souls and nine babies left behind by him and Hanjiang Chaoying.

These days, he has been suffering everywhere, but he has finally raised his strength to the peak of Rank 8 in the Red Dust Realm. According to the latest knowledge, referring to the strength of the Destiny Continent, his current strength is the former Black Dragon Daoist Realm, Taishang Supreme.

Taishang Zhizun, there is no other subordinate in the world. When he knew his strength, he almost fainted from fright.

No matter what, he would never have imagined that a poor scholar from a poor family would become the Sovereign of the Continent Who Lost His Life.

Not to mention the Destiny Continent, even the inner strength masters in the villages and towns can make him breathless.

Huanglong Province is too big, and the distance from Jinniu County to Huanglong Prefecture is thousands of miles. Before he got the golden finger of the main soul, he originally planned to reach Jinniu County and take a half-month boat to reach Huanglong Prefecture.

The Zulong Empire is divided into 333 provinces and 333 prefectures directly under its jurisdiction. The prefectures are directly administered cities of the provinces, independent of the provinces and directly under the jurisdiction of the provinces.

Huanglong Prefecture belongs to the directly administered prefectures of Huanglong Province and is one of the smallest provinces and prefectures.

He had studied in writing before, but none of them. Now, he has personally become the Supreme Supreme, and the feelings that have flown all the way are strong.

This is all due to the fact that he took Hanjiang Chaoying and used his pregnancy-pregnancy skills everywhere. In just a short period of time, he helped the main soul send hundreds of millions of children, Jiuying, and was greatly rewarded by the main soul.

In the next step, he is going to attack other states of the empire, and will carry forward the so-and-so's pregnant sorcery. If he is wrong, it is not sorcery, but the life-creating technique of the main soul. .

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