The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 208 Senior Takes Me Fly

At the gate of the Men's College of Jinliang Academy in Huanglong Prefecture, two glamorous, slightly mature and attractive girls led a dozen girls and stood in a row hand in hand, surrounding the gate of the Men's College and shouting protests.

The reason why they are said to be slightly mature is because they have experienced the taste of being a mother in the body of a girl without marriage.

The maturity of being a first-time mother and the youthful beauty are mixed together, so that more and more students come and go from the men's school, and I wish I could hang my eyes on them.

"Senior Wang is a scumbag, dare to act but dare not to be, come out and give us an explanation~"

"Wang Yin, the men's court, has been in chaos and abandoned. Return my child and marry my sister-."

"Protest and protest, Senior Wang Yin wants to use us. If we disagree, let my child take me down."

"Down with the men's school, down with the seniors, down with all the flies and bears who bully our girls.

A dozen or so girls were stunned by the slogans of many boys' colleges, including the onlookers outside the school, and the female students from the girls' college who came out to watch the excitement, all in an uproar.

Especially the female students who came out of the women's courtyard were filled with the same hatred and righteous indignation.

Although their Jinliang Academy is not the best institution in Huanglong Province, it is also one of the best institutions in Huanglong Prefecture, a city directly under Huanglong Province.

Huanglong Prefecture is the benchmark of counties and towns in Huanglong Province, and it is the leading leader directly under all counties and towns. Even the largest county has to listen to the command of the superior Huanglong Prefecture.

This Destiny Continent is different from other blue star parallel time and space. It is neither purely backward ancient nor completely modern.

The Zulong Empire divided these different avenues into provinces, because different avenues do not conspire with each other. It is normal for the empire to have a lot of flowers blooming in such a large area, and if they all mix together, there will be big troubles.

That's why Kelong Province focuses on the evolution of science and technology, Hualong Province focuses on the evolution of biochemical viruses, and Xianlong Province focuses on the Dao of Xiuxian Dao.

Moreover, the management of each province and state does not interfere with each other, and they are all competitors of the independent kingdom.

The provinces and prefectures also perform their own duties, and the provinces are only responsible for planning the general situation of the world. Although they belong to the superiors of the governing counties, they do not care about all matters of the governing counties.

All matters in the prefectures and counties are governed by the prefectures, which is the root cause of the provinces and counties.

The geographical division is not the same as that of Blue Star. The county is directly below the state. Even if there are counties that are more than the state, they are only counties, and they are under the overall jurisdiction of the state.

So these female students did not expect that Jinliang Academy, one of the well-known universities in Huanglong Prefecture, would have a scandal of unmarried pregnancy, chaos and abandonment.

They must stand up and be a strong backing for the sisters to crusade against the scumbags in the men's court, otherwise this bad atmosphere will spread across the province and harm more sisters.

"What's the situation, who is this senior Wang, it's shameless to start messing around and abandon it."

"Could it be the ancient history appraisal class, that senior Wang Yin, that poor ghost actually overthrew two beautiful girls in the women's courtyard, this melon is too big."

"Is it just a beautiful school girl? Brother, your vision is too high. These two school girls are absolutely top-notch in the women's school."

"And your melon big fart, I heard clearly that it's not overthrowing, it's that you have children, didn't you hear that you asked Senior Wang to return the children.

"Oh my God, he still dumped him, even took away his children, he really is a scumbag, a role model for my generation."

"This senior, do you know that senior Wang? Isn't he very handsome?"

"It's so-so, mainly a poor scholar. There are only two sets of clothes all year long, and they wear each other. I really can't figure out how this poor ghost can overthrow the two school girls when there is no marriage.

"In this way, no woman is willing to marry him in marriage, unless the woman is as ugly as a toad and congenitally disabled."

Yan Jiuying, the dean of the men's college, was furious, and shouted at the captain of the school guard: "It's so unreasonable to make such a noise, I don't want the reputation of Jinliang Academy, hurry up and drive those female students away

The captain of the guard looked aggrieved: "My lord, those female students are standing outside the gate of the courtyard, they are not under our jurisdiction, there is nothing we can do."

"If you go out one step, they can take one step back at most. If you are forced to enter the prosperous areas of the state, the impact will be even worse, and you can't take it away by force. The governor's speech is about freedom of speech." Many people are watching.

Yan Jiuying's cheeks hurt, and he knew the situation, but he couldn't just let him bear the anger. As the captain of the academy guard, he was naturally the most suitable punching bag.

"What about senior Wang Yin, can't we invite him over to deal with it?"

The captain of the guard became even more aggrieved: "My lord, I have already found out clearly that what He Qianqian and He Qianqian said was not that Senior Wang violated them, but that they were pregnant after being stared at by Senior Wang."

"The child born after pregnancy disappeared out of thin air with all the other children born at the same time. They only went to Senior Wang and said that they absolutely did not admit their mistakes. It was Senior Wang who stared at them."

After finishing speaking, she turned pale and looked at Yan Jiuying, trembling: "So, Dean, if He Qianqian and He Qianqian didn't lie, then Senior Wang is the mystery girl who has not solved the scourge for a while."

"That's a big shot that the province can't do anything about. Do we dare to take care of it?"

The dean Yan Jiuying was also pale, and he rubbed his belly unconsciously. If this student in the college, Senior Wang gave him a stare, his deeds would be recorded in history books. The male dean who gave birth to a child is terrible.

All the things the captain of the guard said, as the dean of the Men's College of Jinliang College, he has a higher source of news than the captain of the guard, so he naturally knew it long ago.

Otherwise, how could he ask the captain of the guard to invite Senior Wang to deal with the incident of the female students at the gate of the men's courtyard.


For a student from his men's college, does he need to invite him? It is because he knows the accurate information that he dare not offend him and can only invite him.

Moreover, the news he knew was more terrifying than what the captain of the guard knew. The captain of the guard only knew that the province had nothing to do with Senior Wang.

There is nothing to do with Senior Wang.

That's the Supreme Dragon Court, if you can't do anything with Senior Wang, and it's not Senior Wang, it's comparable to that super-existent big shot.

His body shuddered violently, and the thought of Senior Wang's status comparable to that made him want to flatter him, but he didn't dare to go up.

It doesn't matter if you are stared at, that is the supreme being in the world, an existence that can destroy cities by hiding, and those who don't open their eyes will definitely seek death if they go up.

In the men's courtyard he was in charge of, why did such a character appear? I really don't know whether the future will be a blessing or a curse.

On the rooftop of Jinliang Academy Women's College, Wang Yin, a soul-splitting soul, said to the beautiful woman beside him: "Meizi is like this. My parents have both died long ago. It was my grandfather who brought me up hard. I have cured my grandfather's health. From now on I won’t be going back to Wang’s Village.”

"Beside his old man, there are many Jiuying guarding him. No one in this world can threaten him. I will trouble you in the future. I will just chat with him when I have nothing to do."

The beautiful woman's face was flushed, and her beautiful eyes were about to drip water.

"Cousin, you are really a child-giving monster, aren't you, are you a child-giving saint?"

Soul-dividing Wang Yin forehead: "You can say that if you want."

The beautiful woman grabbed him and said excitedly: "Cousin, take me to fly, I don't want to go back to Wangjia Village, I want to travel the world with you, and I want to give birth to monkeys for you.

With the sound of hula, the roof passage door was pushed open by seven or eight women, all of whom were roommates in the dormitory with beautiful women.

Rushing to the side of the beautiful woman, they all chirped: "There are us and us, you can't eat plums alone."

The split soul Wang Yin was startled, jumped to the side and said speechlessly: "Meizi, what are you talking about, you are my cousin, my brother has always been your own sister."

The beautiful woman was in a hurry, rushed over and grabbed his arm tightly, coquettishly: "Cousin, you have already said, we are just cousins, it doesn't matter, Meizi is willing."

The few women who gathered around were also chattering: "That's right, your cousin, Meizi, is a child-giving sage, at least at the level of a god, a god-level boss, it would be like a thunderbolt for us to let him go."

As soon as he finished speaking, the thunderous white light shone, and there was no cousin Meizi in place, only the voice came from afar.

"Although the king is afraid of you, Meizi remember to accompany my grandfather well, cousin will not treat you badly, we will talk next time when cousin comes back.

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