The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 209 Hunting And Killing

"Cousin don't run, I haven't finished yet.

When the beautiful woman saw her cousin disappeared as soon as he said he would disappear, her face was full of anger, and the other women were also full of regret.

"We are all blind. How come no one notices that such a big guy is around?"

"The little girl's heart is dead. This is a big man with the same status as the governor. If you overthrow him, he will rise to the sky in one step. Just like this, the little girl let him go. It's a big loss.

"Do you have a plum loss? Others get the moon first when they are close to the water tower, but plums lose the moon when they are near the water tower."

"Otherwise, Meizi would have been the wife of the boss long ago, and the governor of Huanglong will be respectful and call Meizi a king."

Meizi, a beautiful woman, also had a heartache on her face: "I didn't know that this poor cousin would become a child-giving sage, a super boss once he went back."

"If you had known that he was so awesome, I don't care if he wants to or not, and make cooked rice with him first, then it's done. I don't believe there are cats in the world who don't eat fish." "830

"Tsk tsk tsk, no wonder Meizi can't seize the opportunity, judging by your attitude towards our cousin, the cat can describe it well."

"It turns out that before you were, you really looked down on our cousin. Otherwise, such a close relationship, leaving home to study abroad together, is itself a good story of childhood sweethearts. In the end, no sparks were sparked, and the root cause is here."

"Yes, Meizi, your cousin is not bad except for being poor, and he is also handsome. I wanted you to introduce him to me before. You should seize the opportunity."

"Sister Caixia is right. Meizi, your thinking is wrong. There is still a chance to change quickly. We are good sisters. I will teach you how to do it."

"Next time I'll wait until my cousin comes back, don't use this kind of hypocrisy and coquettish tactics, just push him down with all your heart.

"It's true that there is no cat in the world that doesn't eat fishy food. It's a bit harsh to describe it, but there really is no man who doesn't want women."

Meizi, a beautiful woman, is a little embarrassed, recalling the past carefully, since she became an adult, she has indeed become estranged from her cousin.

Could it be that he really dislikes his poor cousin? Who knows why he suddenly became an unattainable man? It's a missed opportunity.

Seeing a few girlfriends and roommates who were envious of her relationship with her cousin, Meizi couldn't help but make up her mind that she must get rid of her cousin.

In the past few years of studying in Huanglongzhou, she has seen a lot of prosperity and class distance in the world. She is no longer a greenhouse flower who knows nothing.

Once she gets her cousin settled, she can ascend to the sky in one step. How could she give up the glory and wealth that so many people dream of.

All kinds of commotion caused by soul-dividing Wang Yin's return to the academy are all due to the tendency of mortals to follow the trend of inflammation, and he has no interest in responding.

What he is most concerned about now is the issue of the mutated Nine Infants. After the Nine Infants tore the Ding family to pieces, they disappeared without a trace.

Arranged for Hanjiang Zhaoying to continue to develop, after glaring at someone who is pregnant with Daye, the scattered souls flew towards the western border of the Zulong Empire, where a few traces of familiar aura were moving rapidly.

On the border of the Beast Dragon State of the Ancestral Dragon Empire, in the wild primitive jungle, several figures shuttled back and forth at a strange speed, and all the beasts that stood in front of these figures were torn apart and devoured, and the route they passed was bloody

From a distance, this figure looks like a human being. When viewed up close, it looks like a monster with human limbs and a bulging belly like a fly.

On the heads of handsome men and women, there are piranha-like mouths full of sharp teeth, and on the sharp claws of a pair of arms, the ten fingers are sharp and cold like blades.

While running along the way, the eyes always scan the prey around, and the eyes are terrifying and bloodthirsty.

Before the two fierce tigers with eye-catching eyes and white foreheads could react, they were quickly thrown down by several monsters, and their flesh and blood were flying all over while roaring and struggling.

After devouring the hearts of the two eye-catching white-fronted tigers, the monsters flew away like a whirlwind.

The sub-soul followed above, watching a few monsters hunt and kill all the food they encountered. Out of sight was a strange villa, where the sub-souls had never seen life in the villa. If the main soul was here, it could be seen that the villa was full of orcs.

After finding some of the missing Nine Infants, Fenhun wanted to bring them back, but was stopped by Xiaoyin, his personal cultivation assistant.

Xiaoyin said that existence is God's will, and this is the source of the main soul's blood energy that cannot be interfered with.

And reminded that these nine babies are already devil babies, and the nine babies can return to the main soul space when they grow up brightly, and become bloodthirsty devil babies for a living, and they need to hunt and grow outside.

Several magic infants were fast, devouring all the way to stop outside the strange villa, like a pack of wolves hunting for food for a long distance, and the bloodthirsty and violent eyes flashed with a light full of wisdom.

The devil baby that came out of the young master of the Ding family is the largest, and it is the leader of several devil babies. Let's call it Moyi for now.

Mo Yi took a few magic babies and swished to the top of the tree, listening to the sound of the villa with trembling ears.

After a while, he roared quietly, and signaled to the other magic babies that the villa was full of prey, and there was nothing that could threaten them.

Several magic babies roared excitedly in a low voice, fearing that the movement would scare the prey in the villa, and they scratched their claws and let out a strange laugh.

They are not unintelligent bloodthirsty monsters. Like other brothers and sisters, Zihun Jiuying, they are also born with knowledge, and they bear all the knowledge of God the Father.

It's just the way of nature, after touching the blood, they will become child soul devil babies, living by devouring the essence and blood of living beings, collecting all the energy for the father god...

Seeing that there was no threat in the villa, Mo Yi was also ready to move. The desire for flesh and blood hidden in his heart made it difficult for him to maintain his sanity. With a low growl, he jumped out of the treetop and rushed towards the villa.

According to Mo Yi's perception, this villa is called Jushou Villa. It is a strange villa with rat people as the mainstay, followed by lizard people, and a few snake people, and the snake people are all female snakes.

In the hall of the villa, a rat man sits high on the head, with a fat body wearing gold and silver, short humanoid limbs and thick knuckles, and a mountain mouse head with sharp mouth and sharp teeth on its neck.

The Rat Man held a seductive woman in his arms, and upon closer inspection, the woman was a snake man. The whole body of this woman snake man was the same as that of a human race, with a wasp waist, fat buttocks and snow-white skin.

The only difference from the human woman is that the ear holes are small and the eyes are scaly, and there is a forked snake in the mouth. The snake hisses and trembles and licks two red lips.

The slender and beautiful legs are actually wearing human silk stockings, and I don't know where they bought them. Huanglong Prefecture returned to the ancient Wuxiu Dazhou, and there must be no silk stockings for sale.

Silk stockings can only be produced in Kelong Province, a highly developed technological province and state, women's clothes are trendy and bold, and men's suits are neat and energetic.

There are hundreds of ratmen in the villa, some go deep into the underground caves to explore minerals, some rest and work in the villa, a group of lizard men are working hard to carry goods under the command of these ratmen.

There are more strange things every year and this year, and the knowledge of Moyi is innately known, and the race of this villa is recognized, it is the orc race that has never been seen in Z1 blue star time and space.

This orc race is not a monster race. The monster race is an animal and plant spirit. When it evolves into a monster, it will change into a 1.9 shape, and it can fly into the sky and escape from the ground.

But the orc race is directly an ordinary intelligent life, born in an ordinary way like humans, and needs to work or hunt for a living. The only advantage over humans is that they have a little more natural ability of their own race.

For example, snake people are born with twisting ability, especially female snake people are very talented in twisting, and are very popular among males of different races.

The lizardmen have sharp claws and infinite strength, and they are good helpers for labor. These ratmen command a group of lizardmen, bite their claws and drag, and quickly load and pack the warehouse goods.

Ratmen are naturally cunning, intelligent and love to exploit camps, and they are the wealthiest clan of orcs.

The Beast Dragon State is a large border state bordering the Zulong Empire and the Beastman Empire. It is no different from the other big states of the Zulong Empire. They are all human races. You can only see aliens occasionally. Eighty percent of the people living in the Beast Dragon State are Beastmen. Twenty percent human race.

As for the Outland Beastman Empire, 99% of them are directly Beastmen, and 1% are alien races. .

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