The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 210: Devil Infant Bloodthirsty

In the small courtyard of the villa, more than a dozen ratmen are playing the breeding game.

Ratmen are one of the richest races in the Orc Empire, and also the least human-like race in the Orc Empire.

The whole body has only short limbs and fingers like a human, and the rest is a pure mountain rat image, even the breeding habits are the same as mountain rats, there is no rule of size and age, as long as the male rats are strong enough, they can rush into the group of female rats and catch whoever they are .

The difference from mountain rats is that these rat people are as big as humans, with fat heads, big ears, and gorgeous and exquisite clothes.

They are eloquent and eloquent, and they have a large number, so they become one of the richest races in the Orc Empire.

It’s true that there are tens of thousands of races in the orc empire, ranging from humans to dragons.

Have you ever seen a worm-shaped orc? This kind of orc is a fat worm with a human head, a worm body, and everything that flies in the sky and crawls on the ground.

At this time, there was a lot of noise in the small courtyard, and there was actually a dog man among them.

It seems that after living with the orcs, the dogs stopped picking up the mice. Not only did the dogs get rid of their meddling problems, but they got together with the mice instead.

This is a female dog-man. On the neck of a human-like woman is a dog's head. Several male rat-men surrounded her with rock-paper-scissors, gesturing in the order of one, two, three, four.

Suddenly a black shadow flashed by, and several male ratmen's chest cavity 04 split neatly, and the red liquid sprayed onto the lioness like tap water sprayed from a plastic tube.

In the mountains and forests, the wind whistled, ghosts cried and wolves howled, and the sinister murderous aura permeated the forest for some time.

The female dog man's pupils froze for a few seconds before she reacted and opened her mouth to shout: "Kill, kill, there are monsters."

With a dog's head on her body, she opened her mouth wide and yelled out the words and pictures in a soft voice, which made the killing intent in the small courtyard come to a standstill.

Following a puff, a black shadow came out of nowhere, and the female dog stared, and slowly fell to the ground.

In the rustling of the leaves, the black shadow revealed its figure, it was not the child soul devil baby who was it.

Appearing here is a female magic baby, with a hot body and a big belly, like a seven-month pregnant woman, with a strange taste in her charming charm.

In front of a pair of watery peach blossoms, there is a beautiful straight bridge of nose, and then there is... a terrifying and unusually large mouth of a piranha, with fangs and sharp teeth standing upside down.

Coupled with the ten fingers that are as sharp as a sickle, the devil and the way of heaven have created such a beautiful and alternative image, do you have hatred for men?

The dozen or so ratmen and female dogmen in the small courtyard were all dead, and Zihun Moying raised his head and grinned and sniffed, closing his eyes enjoying it, feeling the smell of blood in the air.

He waved his claws to arrange the ratmen and dogmen in a row, opened his big mouth and sucked forcefully, a thick blood gushed out from more than a dozen ratmen and the female dogmen, and entered the mouth of the child soul devil baby.

Afterwards, this child soul devil baby sent out a brain wave, and sent the message of the end of work to other child soul devil babies: "The hunting of the devil four is over.

The miserable cries from the villa outside the small courtyard have long been connected together, countless ratmen are running in all directions, and the guards of the village are shouting with weapons in their hands.

"The enemy attacks the enemy, and hides them all underground."

It's just that the sound appeared and disappeared quickly, the enemy was too strong, and the villa became hell in an instant.

Even a strong Lizardman can't withstand the assassination of the shadow.

A series of hunt and kill messages appeared in the mind of the magic baby in the small courtyard.

The hunting of the second magic is over, the hunting of the third magic is over, the hunting of the fifth magic is over, and the hunting of the sixth magic is over. "

Mo Si was very satisfied with his mobility, which was faster than other brothers and sisters. He opened his mouth wide and raised his head to howl, feeling doubts in his heart.

"What about the boss?"

Before it found the answer, messages came out of its mind continuously, but it wasn't the voice of their team.

"The hunt of the Devil Seven is over, the hunt of the Devil Eight is over...the hunt of the Devil Thirteen is over."

Mo Si parted his mouth to reveal a bloodthirsty smile, a charming and brutal beauty emerged spontaneously.

"Hehehe, have any new brothers and sisters joined? The world is full of wicked people, and the devil baby will not be alone."

It was sensed that these newly joined brothers and sisters were not near Jushou Mountain Villa, but the brain wave messages transmitted from a far away place, and they must have been blind, and they have attracted the soul of the nine babies.

She is not surprised to be able to receive the brainwave information of these brothers and sisters. As long as it is a child soul devil baby, it can receive mutual brainwave public signals regardless of the distance.

Moyi has not reported the end of the killing, and in the main hall of the villa, the last two idiots and snakes have not yet been resolved.

In the hall during the spiritual investigation, the obese rat man sitting high on the head rolled down with the snake girl in his arms. His whole body was trembling with fright. The extreme fear made his pupils dilate, and he was speechless with his mouth open.

The Ratmen are not only rich, but also very timid. They are the famous fear of death in the orc empire.

However, today these devils entered the villa, and without even saying hello, they directly washed the villa with blood.

Standing opposite it is a humanoid monster [Curiously observing it and the snake girl in its arms.

The monster's body was full of bloody breath, and it was obvious that the monster was responsible for the screams of killing in the villa just now.

Similar to the eyes of the humans of the Zulong Empire, the blood-red violence carries a frosty chill, and there is also a murderous intent that freezes the soul and penetrates the heart.

The breeze carried a strong smell of blood into the hall, adding to the despair of the fat rat man. Could it be that all the people in the villa are dead.

Mo Yi looked curiously at the Ratman and Snake Girl in front of him, and said suspiciously: "You are not dogs, how come you have this function."

Seeing that the Tuzhuang monster was willing to speak, the fat rat man managed to regain his energy, touched his neck tremblingly, pinched a big golden cross on one ear, and then calmed down.

After two consecutive deep breaths to calm down, the obese rat man who could finally speak, stammered and asked.

"Who are you? How can you kill people at will? Shu Dahai is a legal resident of the Beastman Empire. If he died in your country, aren't you afraid of the sanctions of the International Protection Law?"

Mo Yi sniffled, the Rat Man was almost scared to death just now, but now he suddenly became bold again, 367 dared to question him, so he slapped him.

"It seems that you are not afraid of death. This demon promises to swallow you legally immediately. Call your empire to come out and protect you."

The screams outside the villa ended, and Shu Haihai, who had been slapped, came to his senses, his face was ashen, the hundreds of clansmen in his villa were gone like this, "I dare not speak back and stammered.

"Hello, my lord, please let go of the little one, I will give you whatever you want, please don't kill the little one.

One by one outside the hall, Zihun Moying who had just finished killing came in, quietly looking at the rat man Shu Dahai.

Shu Haihai had a nervous breakdown and hugged the snake girl in his arms even tighter. Could it be that these devils still haven't let him go.

Mo Yi laughed straight: "We don't want anything, just your life."

With their ears fluttering, they looked through the outer wall to the west, where there were countless Qi waiting for them to collect.

The sender is afraid that they will kill in the Ancestral Dragon Empire, so they can go to the Orc Empire.

Turning his eyes and changing his mind, he said, "I won't kill you anymore, you take us to the Orc Empire."

Shu Dahai felt relieved, and quickly nodded in agreement. It is better to save his life than anything else. He has never seen these monsters, killing them so extremely and quickly.

The Ratman guards at the villa were at least a Tier 1 elite, and the captain was even a Tier 2 elite. Before he could react, he was slaughtered by these monsters. It didn't know what kind of bad luck it had to encounter such a monster.

In the extraordinary period, it is not allowed to ask for information, and it is not a matter of medical insurance.

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