The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 211: Taibai Counterattack

In the Heavenly Demon Realm, strands of blood streaks pass through time and space, and are thrown into the green and red sky demon fly eggs. On the entire shell of the fly eggs, traces of blood-red lines begin to appear, which is the phenomenon of the initial development of blood vessels.

Wang Yin caressed the fly eggs lightly, as if he was caressing himself. It was originally his third body, and his soul and will had grown up with it.

On the continent of the world in the egg, countless son souls and nine infants are in full swing, reclaiming wasteland, farming and multiplying.

Of course, what they planted were not ordinary seeds, but the spiritual seeds of heaven and earth bestowed by the Father God, and they raised all kinds of fairy birds and beasts.

It is the marriage that makes Wang Yin dumbfounded. These are the countless son souls he split, and the demon and heaven are also the souls he once separated. There is always a feeling of marrying and multiplying with himself.

The souls and Han Jiang Chaoying of the Zulong Empire devoted themselves to the death, and went all out to carry out the so-and-so pregnancy project, creating countless baby souls.

However, the sub-soul known as the Silver King has no demeanor of a Silver King at all. Han Jiang Chaoying tried to overthrow him several times, but he quickly avoided it. As the main soul, he really wanted to ask him, do you want to practice boy skills.

Or this is the one with the most serious thoughts and views among all his souls. It is really suitable to stare at someone who is pregnant and fall into his hands.

Fenhun and Hanjiang Chaoying worked overtime, and the child soul and nine infants flowed into the world of the devil's egg like a river.

The blood sacrifices of all living beings from Zihun Demon Infant also began to be sent in a steady stream, and it won't be long before his third body, the Heavenly Demon, will be born.

But he can no longer stay in the Heavenly Demon Realm, and was born in the third physical body. He wants to go back to Blue Star 21 time and space.

An old opponent has appeared there, that is Master Taibai, the master of the crystal star array, the avatar array spirit.

After being forced away by Venerable Taibai's Crystal Star Formation avatar last time, he went all the way to the Heavenly Demon Realm, growing to the level of the current third-level galaxy.

The avatar of Master Taibai plucked the fruit of his Blue Star National Evolution, Demon Star Dao, and vigorously developed the Blue Star Z1 space-time human race.

Let the Bluestar Z1 space-time human race develop in a blowout manner, and the population rapidly breaks through hundreds of billions of trillions.

It's nothing, what's really interesting is that Taibai's formation avatar didn't expect that he was just a formation, and he directly regarded himself as a normal avatar.

It's okay to treat it as a normal avatar, not to mention that he is an upright avatar of Master Taibai, even the avatar of a little demon in the world of mortals can run around the world, and no one will notice the difference.

It's just that this avatar of Master Taibai is really different from ordinary avatars, he has forgotten his own body, and is a large array of crystal star dojos.

His consciousness can run around, but his main body, the crystal star formation, cannot run, and can only be fixed in the crystal star dojo forever.

This leads to a fatal consequence, as long as his enemies can enter the large formation and study the steps of the penetrating formation method to arrange the orientation, they can easily dismantle his body.

Therefore, Master Taibai's formation avatar, which seems to be powerful, is actually a paper tiger.

It is easier to deal with than the star monster clone, the star monster clone and the main body can run around, find a place to hide when encountering danger, you can't do anything with it.

The problem lies here. After he forced Wang Yin away, Wang Yin left behind countless heirs and slaves, and many Meng Nus.

I don't know who leaked the news, all the sons and daughters knew that their master was driven away by the crystal star's big array of spirits.

The tragedy began when Master Taibai cloned himself. He did not know that the blue star race he cultivated vigorously, 90% of the population of 100 billion, has become the son of the boy he drove away, Meng Nu.

He hadn't even heard the word Nu Nu Meng Nu, after all Nu Nu Meng Nu was unconditionally loyal to Wang Yin and would not leak information to Wang Yin's opponent.

Before these Meng Nu's heirs Nu Nu grew up, they all silently developed the evolution and upgrade of the magic star.

Finally, after hundreds of millions of five-star and six-star human masters and seven-star indestructible super masters appeared rapidly, the army that poached the corners of the Taibai formation began to appear.

This force piled all the resources on the selected descendants of the junior slaves below two stars, allowing these junior slaves to enter the crystal star formation to evolve and develop.

Also openly and aboveboard, he expressed incomparable reverence to the avatar of Master Taibai, the formation spirit of the crystal star formation.

Many of them even directly worshiped under the Taibai Master Formation clone, begging to be the successor of Ota Master Formation clone.

Breaking the formation with such a shameless method is mainly because the crystal star formation method is a powerful formation method created by Nei Yu Da Neng. Only beings below two stars can enter and exit at will, and beings above two stars cannot enter and exit.

Unless the strength is higher than the existence of Neiyu, it is possible to break through the formation forcefully and enter, but if the strength is higher than that of Neiyu, who will be too idle to break through the weak formation that will not go away.

This period of time was the most beautiful day for Master Taibai's avatar in the formation, being hugged by the Blue Star people in the formation every day, and really passed the addiction of the earth emperor.

In his eyes, these blue star humans are all rookies of the human race taught by him, and the strength of his avatar has long surpassed that of the Seven Stars, and the formation itself is at the inner space level, and no one in the formation can shake his position.

Tragedy slowly appeared like this, the outside world Meng Nu Nu Nu Nu's descendants stuffed in, countless two-star Nu Nu's descendants, pregnant with their predecessors, Nu Nu's accumulation of supporting resources, and thus growing into a ten-star indestructible life in the formation.

The newly grown seven-star slave master, with countless five-star and six-star younger brothers, figured out the operation process of all the Taibai formations, and after the cornerstones were placed, he began to poach corners to make Master Taibai clone, and the Taibai formation spirits gnashed their teeth.

They (they) began to excavate the cornerstones of the crystal star array piece by piece from the inside to the outside.

Because the cornerstones of the crystal star array are all spiritual stones brought back from other worlds by Venerable Taibai and his inner master, they can help in cultivation.

These newly-promoted seven-star slave masters, with five-star and six-star younger brothers digging and cultivating, their strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the energy distribution is gradually tilting down. Naturally, the strength of Master Taibai's avatar is getting weaker and weaker.

By the time Master Taibai's avatar array spirit found out that something was wrong, he was already helpless with these grown-up slave heirs.

He couldn't beat him again and again, and the beaters rushed up in a swarm, even if his strength was slightly weaker than him, but he couldn't stand up to the large numbers, and he was beaten to the ground a few times.

He is just a formation spirit. When the formation is intact, he is naturally invincible in the formation, and he dares to fight against Neiyu's power.

But now most of his basic spirit stones have been hollowed out by these little bastards, and most of his strength has been lost. These little bastards are still beating and digging his corners hard. He is desperate for what he can do.

In the end Master Taibai's avatar had no choice but to escape, and if he didn't escape, even the spirit would be subdued.

Wang Yin had heard reports about this when he went to Z1 time and space, but he didn't take it seriously. Master Taibai's (Zhao Zhao) avatar formation spirit is just a formation, and the formation itself is fixed. He is no longer a threat.

Back then, it appeared that he was forced to leave by Taibai's avatar, but in fact, he wanted to leave. It would be difficult for him to improve in Blue Star without leaving him. Master Taibai's avatar forced him to leave, just giving him a reason to leave.

What a great inner space formation that can protect crystal stars, what a natural barrier, how can these little bastards hollow it out, it's simply short-sighted, short-sighted.

Now Master Taibai's avatar is back again, leading a large group of star fleets, all of which are super warships that can destroy stars with one shot. The war has started three hundred light-years away in Z1 time and space.

There is suspected to be a galaxy-class battleship in the news. Those Mengnu sons and daughters of Z1 time and space, Nunu boy, a galaxy life has not yet appeared, so it is naturally extremely difficult to parry, so the true blood avatar asked for help from his main body, Khan,

But I really don't want to let him go out. Going out means that he has to forget the past of Niubi. You are all kings, so don't break your body. .

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