The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 212 Galaxy Battleship

Three hundred light-years away in Z1 time and space, near the planet N19627, two star powers are on the verge of a war.

One side is led by the Blue Star Human Race, supplemented by the Monster Race. Tens of thousands of nine-star beings and hundreds of millions of seven-star immortal beings are neatly arranged in the void of the universe. There are countless five-star and six-star humans and monster races.

Standing in front of all humans and monsters are the vanguards of hundreds of millions of spirit beasts and monsters.

The monsters and spirit beasts on each human being are the combat power of a world. The higher the strength of human cultivation, the higher the strength of the monsters and spirit beasts released.

The highest life of all humans on the scene is nine stars, and the lowest is five stars. The monsters and beasts that assist in the battle are all between five and nine stars.

The number of these monsters and spirit beasts is so vast that the vast ocean is indescribable.

The cosmic tide sweeps through the void, forming black clouds in this boundless universe that can't be seen at a glance.

After practicing the Dao of Evolution in the Dream Realm, one human being is equal to one world. In this cosmic void, there are tens of thousands of nine-star human beings alone, and hundreds of millions of human beings who have reached the seven-star immortal realm, not to mention five-star and six-star human beings. I don't know the number directly.

With so many human beings, how many worlds would all the monsters and spirit beasts unleashed occupy?

Just the hundreds of millions of seven-star indestructible bosses, the monsters and spirit beasts released are equivalent to hundreds of millions of worlds.

This is the result of countless five-star 087 and six-star masters in the dream world, too high-level monsters and spirit beasts to mobilize, too low-level monsters and spirit beasts to release, and it is useless to reduce two-thirds of the weakest or higher-level monsters and spirit beasts.

Otherwise, with so many human beings, all of them would release monsters and spirit beasts, equivalent to tens of billions of creatures in the world, and the number alone could cover a distance of one light-year.

Behind all the humans and monsters, in the direction of Z1's time-space parent star Blue Star, demonic star paths criss-cross the starry sky, connecting all the planets within 300 light-years in series.

Standing in the mezzanine of the starry sky, Wang Yin raised his eyes and couldn't help but wonder why the planetary passage built by the demon starway looks more and more like a human DNA chain.

From this point of view, Zha Jing once said that Zhutian is a super life, and he is the tiny cells in this super life. Sure enough, he is not deceiving, isn't the magic star path just a DNA shape.

It's just that the magic star road he developed, how could it be a DNA shape, and what he came here to drive.

It seems that the true blood avatar asked him for help, and came to deal with the Taibai avatar array spirit.

Wang Yin has forgotten the things in the Demon Realm. He only remembers that after he entered the Demon Realm, he successfully found the Demon Demon Fly and obtained countless eggs of the Demon Demon Fly. He chose the best one to be his third body. The physical body is hatching in the Demon Realm. (aefh)

The reason why it is so easy to find the Heavenly Demon Flies and get the third body is because the Heavenly Demon Flies are everywhere in the Heavenly Demon Realm, just like the flies in Blue Star Xia Tian, ​​filling the Heavenly Demon Realm innumerably.

So at the same time, he also collected countless celestial devil fly eggs, because the huge egg liquid of these fly eggs is very corrosive, and can be refined into attack weapons, devil fly egg bombs...referred to as fly bombs.

Originally, he wanted to call the fly bomb an egg bomb, but the egg bomb is very unpleasant. If he called it an egg bomb and threw a fly bomb when he was fighting with someone, others would think he was calling him an egg bomb.

This refined fly bullet can not only smear the enemy's face, but also has a secret weapon, the Fly Demon, which can be exploded to devour the enemy's essence and blood. It is the most disgusting and terrifying ultimate weapon of the Fly Clan.

He didn't remember that these fly eggs were all born by Tianmo Tiandao after he fused with Tianmo Tiandao. Tianmo Tiandao is the mother of the demon's desire fly, and the entire Tianma world can produce fly eggs. Of course, the number is countless.

On the opposite side of all human monsters, monsters, and beasts, there is a group of starlight giant ships that can connect the sky and the earth.

These starlight giant ships are side by side, hovering in the endless void of the universe, and the ferocious muzzles have already been turned in unison, aiming at all human monsters, monsters, and spirits.

Starship wreckage was scattered all over the farther edge, and it seemed that the two sides had fought several times before he arrived.

But why didn't they see the corpses of monsters and spirit beasts? Could it be that all the monsters and spirit beasts that died in battle were blown into ashes.

If there are planets in front of the guns of those starships, the guns will emit white light that pierces the sky, and the incandescent death light will hinder the planets, shooting into a dead cloud of floating starry sky.

The eight-star and nine-star bosses on the human side are also unambiguous. Raising their hands is like slapping fists, smashing the planets in front of them that block the line of sight.

Your side is a star destroyer, and our side is also a hero who can smash a planet with one palm. Whoever is afraid of the other.

This is a star war. It is no longer comparable to an ordinary space war. Both sides are star civilizations. One side is taking the route of physical evolution, and the other is taking the route of technological upgrading.

Through these years of intensive development, the Blue Star humans have all specialized in dream world monsters and spirit beasts to develop the magic star path, and their sphere of influence has spread across the starry sky for three hundred light years.

Immortal beings above seven stars are indeed beings at N times faster than the speed of light, but that's not the reason why they can spread over 300 light-years.

Being able to spread over 300 light years is due to countless Wang Yin's true blood avatars, dispatching the fastest people to rush on the road, and using the dream world travel method to bring more blue star human monsters to colonize the local area every time they arrive at a planet, and then go back. Road to quickly build the magic star road.

Multi-faceted connection is the fastest way to develop. This is because there are no galactic powers among these humans and monsters. If the galactic powers spread all over and use space means, the speed of colonizing planets will be many times faster.

Not to mention the Neiyu boss above, if there is a Neiyu boss among the blue star Z1 space-time humans [All heavens and all worlds are the targets of the demon star.

Humans and monster races in Z1 time and space have long given up on the road to developing technology. For so many years, technology has not allowed humans to enter the universe. It has only been a few years since they have specialized in the magic star path, and they have become superpowers that dominate the three hundred light-year star field.

On the Ant God and Zhang Wang planets closest to the blue star, the ant red fox clasped his hands together and worshiped the starry sky: "Fortunately, Amitabha, the queen ant gods have already entered the microscopic world, otherwise they would have become a vassal race of this group of humans now."

Although she is a galaxy-level life, but limited by the microcosm, her strength is not the same as that of a galaxy-level life in the macrocosm, unless she can grow into the macrocosm.

The huge body of Zhang Miaomiao on Zhangwangxing opened his teeth and claws, lying on the surface of the planet and facing the planet's land, a group of human monsters showed off their might: "I tell you, build this magic star and return to the building, you don't want to harm our Zhangwangxing sea water , Otherwise, I will take the residents of Zhangwangxing to live in your blue star. I know your god master.

A group of human monsters respectfully saluted the giant Zhang Miaomiao: "Your Majesty, don't worry, we are all under the command of the God Lord, and we will not harm the Great Queen Mother Star. Will Your Majesty really not help us deal with that crystal star formation spirit?"

The huge Zhang Miaomiao Z1 space-time main body octopus spat at the starry sky, and the huge saliva flew out of the starry sky like a thunderbolt, like marbles, smashing several asteroids with a diameter of 100 kilometers into pieces.

"Do you want to encourage our family to leave this planet and leave you to provide water for our family?"

Then he muttered indignantly: "Back then, our family helped you, the god master, so that we could leave this planet. The ghost knows that the exercises given to our family by that person can't shrink our family's body. ."

If it weren't for the exercises she will get, she has practiced it for other giant Zhang kings in the Zhang family, and all Zhang kings who have practiced can shrink their bodies. She really wonders if that person deliberately lied to her

In the largest starlight giant ship on the battlefield, there is a creature with a head like a ball and six soft white hands and feet. It kneels down and asks for instructions from a man in a red costume sitting high on the bow.

"My god, I have tried several times that the enemy has no life in the galaxy. Can you launch our galaxy warship to wipe out the enemy in one fell swoop."

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