The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 224: Nine Heavens And Ten Earths

In the small and medium-sized village of Tianshan Mountain in Taiyin, in the small courtyard of the vegetable garden, the solemn and beautiful woman leaned on the beauty chair and carefully checked the movement of the man in front of her.

The man was naturally captured by her, suspected to be Wang Yin, a mysterious man walking with chaotic will, looking at the man's well-defined body in front of him, the solemn and beautiful woman talked to herself.

"Whether the will of the soul has disappeared without a trace, or has a special hiding space, and there is no sign of it, it really is a method of chaos."

The solemn and beautiful woman is the sage of Taiyin, Mrs. Yinwu.

Among the nine heavens and ten earths, the nine heavens are the bright day, the darkest sky, the blue sky, the life-controlling sky, the lunar sky, the blue sky, the sun-moon sky, the nirvana sky, and the old day sky.

The ten lands are Wu Land, Nether Land, Wumo Land, Yan Land, Bone Land, Shi Yuan Land, Immortal Land, Ancestral Demon Land, Liutie Land, and Sumeru Land.

The nine heavens and ten earths represent the nineteen great powers of the heavens and the supreme gods.

The nine heavens are the nine highest god realms in the heavens, representing the nine late-stage sage spaces of the great sages, and the land is the third and third "highest god realms" of the ten slightly lower nine heavens supreme god realms, representing the ten mid-sage peak saint spaces.

Yaotian represents the law of the highest light, and the sage of the highest light lives in it. The sage of the highest light said that I want light, so the heavens have light.

However, the light of the supreme light law saint has not yet covered the heavens, so he cannot become the supreme saint of the heavens.

The darkest sky represents the highest law of darkness, and the sage of the highest dark law lives in it. The sage of the highest dark law said that I want night, so everything will become the night in darkness forever.

Like the saint of the supreme law of light, the darkness of the saint of the supreme law of darkness cannot cover the heavens, so he cannot become the supreme saint of the heavens.

The darkest sky, the supreme dark law saint, and the brightest day, the supreme light law saint, these two saints are both hostile and cooperative partners.

Mingtian is in charge of destiny, the most mysterious supreme saint of destiny.

Riyuetian is the supreme saint who is in charge of the future and new days, Jimitian is the supreme doomsday saint who is in charge of the annihilation of all things, and Old Heaven is the supreme old saint who is in charge of all the laws of the past and the old days.

The most mysterious of these is the blue sky and the blue sky. It is said that behind it is the most supreme saint of heaven in all the gods.

The Taiyin Saint is the weakest and supreme saint who has grown up in the nine heavens. His goal is to control the laws of the Yin source of all the great thousand gods in the heavens.

But Mrs. Yinwu, the sage of Taiyin, has only successfully managed the law of Yinyuan in more than a hundred worlds and gods so far.

The law of Yinyuan is the original law of Yinyuan for female females in the world of God.

Below her, there are many Zhongsheng and Xiaosheng who practice the power of Yinyuan.

It's just that she is the strongest and has entered the late stage of the Great Sage, and she is in charge of the Great Thousand World, and the source of yin in the gods has the most laws, so she barely squeezed into the supreme gods of the heavens and became a Taiyin doctor who was not successful.

So it is not easy to be a saint, if you are not careful, you will be surpassed and absorbed by fellow Taoists who are in charge of the common laws.

Master Taibai has followed Sage Taiyin for many years. It can be said that Master Taibai has been a disciple of Sage Taiyin since he was still struggling in the world of mortals.

But the Taiyin sage is now in the late stage of the Great Sage, and the Master Taibai is still just a little sage.

The reason is because Master Taibai is a male, and the law of yin source practiced by the Taiyin sage is not suitable for Master Taibai.

However, Master Taibai is a die-hard fan of the Taiyin Sage, so he can insist on following the Taiyin Sage all the way.

And with the help of practicing other Taoist formations, the origin of technology has entered the realm of Xiaosheng.

As for why he is a die-hard fan, I don't know how many years it took him to go from a mortal weakling to a saint.

The cloudy sky is not as lively as the low-level God Realm, and there are not so many immortals and gods. All the Supreme God Realms are composed of the original laws of the heavens.

The consequence of forcibly entering is to be completely obliterated by the origin of the law.

Therefore, in the entire cloudy day, the only visible world is just a small village in the mountains.

This situation is not limited to the Taiyin Heaven, it is the case in all the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Supreme God Realm, they are all spaces made up of laws, and only those who enter the Holy Realm can enter it.

It is said that the most prosperous Nine Heavens is the blue sky and blue sky governed by the Supreme Heavenly Saints. There are already as many saints as dogs in it, and cities are everywhere.

The people living in Taiyintian Village are all disciples of Mrs. Yinwu, and the weakest one is Master Taibai in the Little Sage Realm.

On top of Master Taibai, there are also several junior saint peaks and senior sisters in the middle saint realm.

Wang Yin stepped on dog shit when he went out, bypassing the ninth level of the galaxy and the pinnacle of the quasi-sage of Daluo Jinxian, the middle and middle sage of the saint realm, and crashed into the Taiyin sage, who is close to the ultimate big boss of the heavens "Dazai Late Toyonaka.

The solemn and beautiful woman, Yin Wu, the sage of Taiyin, has been confronting for many days with the mysterious man in front of him who is suspected of chaotic will and walks the heavens.

On that day, her will brought back the saber sword Yutian in the early years, changed its strength to be equivalent to the nine-star golden fairy level, and threw it behind the three hundred light-year battlefield of the blue star in the time and space of the body.

Just sit and wait for Jian Yutian to be tempted and forced out, suspected to be a mysterious person walking with chaotic will.

She didn't doubt whether Jian Yutian could do it, because Jian Yutian was the one who got the most courage and wisdom among all her clones.

Speaking of this, I have to say one thing, the sage of the sun, Yin Wu [Che Qi is a person from Blue Star 71 time and space.

At that time, Blue Star Z1 was full of aura in time, space, heaven and earth, and numerous schools of thought contended, and countless accomplished people emerged, building the first fairy class and achieving the original Blue Star God Realm...

Later, due to the excessive consumption of the blue star spiritual energy in the blue star practice world and the fairy class god world, the source of the world was devoured, causing the original spiritual energy of the blue star world to be exhausted, and it could never be recovered.

All the immortals from the God Realm took the Blue Star Lower Realm cultivation world and collectively evacuated from the Blue Star World.

Later, in the Blue Star Great Thousand World, where all the time and space of the world meet, it was upgraded to the Blue Star Great Thousand God Realm.

Master Taibai followed Yinwu to leave the blue star world at that time, but Yinwu was not a saint at that time, and saint Taibai was just a small person.

Master Taibai, who is still a little fairy, has never been perfect in his soul and will, and cannot forget the love between heaven and man, and never forgets the blue star world.

With the help of Yin Wu, who left Blue Star and got a chance to advance by leaps and bounds and became a sage of the inner universe, he went back to strengthen the Crystal Star Dojo, separated the Crystal Star Great Formation Spirit Clone, and took care of Blue Star for him.

There is more than one dojo planet like this in the sky of thousands of light-years around the blue star.

Back then, when the Blue Star Immortal Realm and God Realm were booming, there were golden immortals who were able to roam the starry sky and established countless starry sky dojos.

The resources on Crystal Star are not rich, and without the great power of the Golden Immortal, it fell into the hands of the Little Immortal Taibai. Who would have thought that such a little Immortal would be able to achieve the Holy Realm in the end.

No one thought that Yin Wu, who was not much better than Taibai back then, could become the supreme sage of the heavens today.

The Blue Star World is not the Blue Star Great Thousand World, the Blue Star World only represents the Blue Star.

The Blue Star Great Thousand World represents more than a thousand top-level great worlds under the Blue Star Great Thousand God Realm.

Once upon a time, Blue Star was just a small world, not to mention the top level 2.6 world, not even the mid-level world.

The Blue Star name can be used to name the Blue Star Great Thousand World, the most important reason is that the Blue Star Great Thousand God Realm, the heel comes from the Blue Star Immortal Class God Realm, which was upgraded from the Blue Star Immortal Class God Realm because of Qianshensi.

So the Blue Star World is the parent star world of the Blue Star Great Thousand God Realm.

As for why in the Blue Star World, how a small fairy class god world can become the blue star great thousand supreme god world, is another legend of the fairy class god world.

Yin Wu is the sage of Taiyin achieved in this legend of chance.

Closer to home... This day, Yin Wu, the sage of Taiyin, was repeating what she had done countless times, while searching for the soul and will of the mysterious person.

The mysterious man who seemed to be walking with chaotic will suddenly opened his eyes and woke up with a movement of his eyelids.

Eyes as dark as the darkest law, stared at her with inexplicable meaning the first time she woke up. .

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