The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 225: Becoming A Lovebird

Yin Wu was startled, bad premonition welled up in his heart.

Quickly cast the Yinyuan Law of the Great Sacred Realm, and it was too late when trying to protect and hold the will of the soul.

In a trance, she turned into a female bird and lived in the mountains with her companion male bird.

Willing to be a lovebird in the sky, and Lianlizhi in the earth, in the myths and legends of Z1 time and space, there is Wukou Mountain and Canyon in Buzhou Mainland.

Yin Wu slapped the green and red single wing, like a duck's foot, bouncing around, and angrily pounced on another male bird with the same single wing, only the one-legged male bird.

Quack: "You scumbag, quickly undo the illusion, or I will bite you to death."

The other one-legged male bird lay down on the ground, spread its wings and shrugged. The rascal replied.

Quack: "This is not an illusion, it's a real dream world."

Quack: "This king has handed over the authority of the world to Tianmo Tiandao, if we don't have hundreds of children, she won't let us go out.

Yin Wu, the sage of Taiyin, wants to cry but has no tears. She capsized in the gutter in the late stage of the great sage, so why did she fall into the hands of this little thief.

He jumped half a meter high with one foot, and once again stomped hard on the male bird Wang Yin transformed into.

Quack: "Shut up... Is it you who shouted, I want the Holy Father to give you a baby, dream about it."

The male bird 04 transformed by Wang Yin doesn't matter, and quacked twice.

Quack: "That's up to you."

"We are manman now, also known as 鹣鹣. According to folklore, the lovebirds have one eye and one wing, and only when they match wings can they fly together."

"Do you know why wing-to-wing can fly together, because this bird has a strong desire to reproduce, and this characteristic evolved to stay together every day, this king is waiting for you to volunteer.

Yin Wuwen was even more furious, and continued to throw Wang Yin down, pecking and biting.

But now she has been successfully pulled into a real dream by Wang Yin, her pecking and biting seems like flirting to Wang Yin, who is strong and heavy.

As Wang Yin said, this is the real world in the dream, she is a weak female bird, what can she do with a strong male bird.

Sure enough, it is worthy of the will of chaos, it is not so easy to deal with, and mysterious methods emerge in endlessly.

Even if only a third-level galaxy life walks, it can push her, a late-stage heavenly saint, into a desperate situation.

While being angry and tossing, there was a horrible hissing sound, and a black and red poisonous snake with a whole body found two prey and approached them quickly.

Yin Wu and Wang Yin quickly stood up, cuddled close to each other, kicked their two feet at the same time, tacitly vibrated their wings and flew into the air.

It has been a long time since they entered the dream world, and it has become natural for them to cooperate many times to avoid predator crises.

Yin Wu was angry from the very beginning, but now she can only accept her fate no matter how unwilling she is.

She is in the late stage of the Great Sage, so she naturally knows that being pulled into the dream world and living awake is a real life of extraordinary thinking.

To die in this world is also to be truly dead.

Because she also has this kind of means, not to mention the existence that pulled her into this world, the spirit and will are not much worse than her.

When she dies in this world, it is tantamount to being pulled into the existence of this world and swallowing her soul and will.

This existence is the will of the Heavenly Dao in the Heavenly Demon Realm, the chaotic scumbag boyfriend.

That day, after Wang Yin heard the call of the Heavenly Demon, he finally knew about the Heavenly Demon. The woman in the green skirt wanted to fly to the Heavenly Demon.

With the help of the supreme will of the heavenly demon and the way of heaven, combined with his dream charm technique, he successfully pulled the sage of Taiyin, Yin Wu, into the real dream he wove.

He is only a third-level galaxy soul, and he must not be able to control the late stage of the Great Sage, the Taiyin Saint's soul will, so he handed over the control of the dream to the demon and heaven.

Whenever in the dreamland, Yinwu is subdued, Yinwu's dream kingdom is opened, and Yinwu becomes his dream slave, he will go out at any time.

Take a gamble to turn a bicycle into a motorcycle, and turn Yin Wu into his dream slave, and it must be done resolutely.

This is the supreme sage, and there are several sage disciples under his seat, who are so fat with one bite.

It's not the people who were once on the Blue Star, those who were able to become saints because of their skills, for example, if they were good at carving, they were the kind of saints.

This is a saint who can change the world and stand on the top of the heavens and control the laws of the great way.

The only pity is that Master Taibai is a male saint, so he can only give up to Blue Star humans.

Those blue star humans, if they knew that they had actually taken in a saint Nunu, they would be stunned.

When he entered the dream, he knew why Yin Wu had arrested him "to save her little disciple Ota from the law of slavery.

But it doesn't matter that Taibai still has a few senior sisters, plus Yin Wu is enough for him to advance to the strength of Neiyu.

He was most desperate when he was captured by Yin Wu. He never thought that he would have the backing of Heavenly Demon and Heavenly Dao. The greatest despair became the greatest hope.

Tianmo Tiandao is the most powerful soul that he separated when he was the heavens. He is in charge of the supreme heavenly demon world that no one can enter, and is his most important backup.

As the backhand, the Heavenly Demon, Heavenly Dao, Divine Soul and will are no worse than these supreme saints.

Combined with his dream charm technique, Yin Wu is simply a super big cow who offered to deliver to the door, now not only bread, but also milk.

But to enter the Yinwu Dream Realm, one must achieve the unity of soul and body with her, so in the dream charm technique, he chose not to leave, to fly together with lovebirds to have a manifest dream body.

Occupying the innate advantage and staying together all day long, not afraid of the evil, always scheming, scumbags can't be scumbags.

It's a pity that Yin Wu in the later stage of the Great Sage has too much mental willpower, even if she enters a dream, she cannot be completely fascinated by her.

Although there are demons and heavenly ways to control the dream, Yin Wu's soul and will can't get rid of it.

But she also knew that this was a dream, soberly kept her thoughts and memories, making it impossible for Zai Yinyi to do anything for a while.

That's why Yin Wu pecked, kicked and beat Wang Yin every day to vent her depression and resentment.

But Wang Yin is not in a hurry, as long as you are pulled into the dreamland, you are successful. It doesn’t matter if you keep your conscious will. After losing the support of powerful external forces, not everyone can resist the biological instinct.

What's more, in order to stay together at all times, a single-winged, single-legged, single-eyed lovebird has been specially evolved, and its biological instinct is the best in the world.

Time flies, and once again the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming and all things are revived. On the cliff of Wukou Mountain Canyon, there is a warm bird's nest. The bird's nest is located in the lee of the cliff, where it cannot be exposed to the sun or rain.

Two rival lovebirds, lovingly rubbing their ears and temples together, more than a dozen little lovebirds that just came out of their shells, they are so cute and cute, Yin Wu kicked Wang Yin out of the nest with one foot, and roared with his neck straight

Quack: "Is the scum satisfied? If you like children, go foraging for food. Your child is waiting to be fed."

Caught off guard, Yin Wu kicked her off the cliff, Wang Yin stood up angrily, bouncing on one foot, raised her head and screamed.

Quack: "Wu Wu mother, if you kick me again, be careful to beat you for your husband, 100, how can I forage if you don't come with me? Do you dance on one leg to find food?"

When a dozen little lovebirds saw their father, they were kicked off the cliff by their mother, thinking that their parents were going to take them out to play, and quickly crawled out of the nest with short legs, but unfortunately they couldn't stand on one leg and one wing.

Quack, quack, quack

"Father, where are you going?"

"Father, father, take us with you."

Yin Wu's face was full of depression, and he waved his wings to sweep more than a dozen little lovebirds back to the nest, and let out the roar of the east lion.

Quack: "Little bastards, are you going to turn the world upside down, give me a good sleep."

More than a dozen little lovebirds shrank their necks, crawled back to their nests obediently, hid them under the warm feathers in the shade, and protested softly.

Quack: "Mom is really fierce, beat up dad every day."

Quack: "Not only beat dad, but also beat us every day, hum, menopausal mother."

Quack: "Father, where have you been?"

Quack: "Big idiot, Dad fell off the cliff.

Quack: "Brothers and sisters, after a while Mom will fall asleep, let's go find Dad Gu."

Yin Wu listened to a group of smart ghosts chattering under her belly, her face became more depressed, she raised her head and sighed, what evil did she do.

Run to this dream world to be the mother of a nest of little monsters.

In the Wukou Mountains, the lovebirds are just ordinary birds without wisdom and consciousness.

But she is different from Wang Yin. Although they are lovebirds, they are full of spirit and wisdom.

So their children are born with wisdom and consciousness, they were born in Wukou Mountain, and they are really born in the demon clan. .

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