The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 229 Zombies Can Take Taxi

During the conversation, the two thousand-foot-long giant dragons continued to entangle and roll, and the wind and clouds swept across the sky.

Among them, the huge golden dragon uttered bursts of dragon-crying language: "It turns out that these alien blood races are races in the heavens and worlds that have begun to die."

"Alien blood race and demon race are equal to maggots on rotting flesh."

Wang Yin understood that his huge physical body died in the heavens and myriad realms, and his soul consciousness spread the body cells, preparing to go deep into nirvana and rebirth.

During the rebirth process of nirvana and nirvana, part of the body began to rot, and the demons of different blood races appeared.

So zombies are really a doomsday race, and there are also demons. He hasn't seen the appearance of demons for the time being, but as a race in the doomsday world, they are definitely not much better than dead households.

The alien blood race and the evil demon race have long occupied a place in the heavens, becoming one of the super powers of the nineteen supreme gods in the heavens and ten thousand realms.

It shows that his physical body in the heavens and myriad worlds is not optimistic. At least one nineteenth of the body of "700" has begun to rot.

He has to work hard to grow up, otherwise he will rot and die before he breaks the boundary.

Not to mention the Supreme Heavenly Dao sage next to him, watching covetously, waiting to join him.

What's more, to break the realm, he must first break the physical realm of his heavens and myriad realms. He must first resurrect his life of the heavens and myriad realms before he can face the external situation of the heavens and myriad realms.

The gigantic white dragon of a thousand feet twisted and rolled, and responded to the gigantic golden dragon: " tell me honestly, whether you are the will of chaos or not."

The thousand-foot golden dragon stopped rolling, stared intently at the huge white dragon and replied: "I tell you no, believe it or not."

Thousands of feet of white dragon roared: "I don't believe it."

Wang Yin turned his huge body over, and in his dream, he was not afraid of the overturning of the sky, anyway, he had made up his mind a long time ago, if he didn't surrender to the yin, he would die of old age in his dream.

This woman is one of the supreme saints in the heavens. With the cooperation of the will of the heavenly demon and the way of heaven, he barely trapped her in a dream. Once he let her out of the trap, he would die.

The strength of his human body is only a third-level galaxy. If Yin Wu does not become his dream slave, he will only be happy when he goes out, and he will be refined to the point where there is no scum left.

Finding a comfortable position, he stopped and said to Yin Wu, "Wu Wu...we are all humans, so we should treat each other frankly."

"Speaking of this, let me tell you the truth, you guessed right, I am the chaotic will you said to walk, my body of the heavens and worlds has indeed died, and now I am entering nirvana and rebirth."

"Perhaps Nirvana Heaven is the Nirvana Land where I was reborn, can you help me?"

Yinwuqianzhang Bailong stiffened for a moment, and it really was true. The mysterious person she deduced was really the supreme will of the heavens and me.

The dragon's body softened involuntarily. This is the supreme will of the heavens. She actually got the opportunity to double cultivate with Chaos, and she said happily: "I knew it, I knew that your status is not ordinary.

"Blue Star's Dharma-ending Era, where the world's aura has been drained and the world's origins can't be gathered together, is about to become a doomsday world where viruses are rampant and zombies are everywhere. Except for saints, no one can restore the Blue Star's law of evolution."

"You just entered the star system back then, and you can start the vigorous development of the blue star and enter the star civilization. Now the blue star humans are about to reach the galaxy civilization. I deduce that there is no saint except me, the supreme chaos, who can make the star civilization Do it yourself."

Wang Yin thought to himself, what is a star life? Back then, he started to pry in the world of mortals and opened up the human dream world of Z1 time and space. However, he was very humble in his heart.

"It's not that powerful. I only knew about me walking in chaos when I met Heavenly Demon and Heavenly Dao. Now that you know that I am walking in chaos, are you willing to let me open the dream world?

Qianzhang Bailong Yinwu quickly shook his head: "I don't want to, even if you are the only one who walks in chaos, you don't want to enslave me."

Seeing Wang Yin's dragon's face turn black after speaking, Qianzhang Bailong Yin didn't want to get stiff with this chaotic walk, so he hurriedly comforted him.

"Husband, don't be angry, except for letting me open the dream world and become a victim of your master-slave law, I don't agree to everything else. I will return to reality with you and inform the heavens, and I will do everything.

I love you ghost, you old woman who has lived for an unknown number of years.

This king is looking for you because you take advantage of this king's little fresh meat, and you actually disagree with life and death that this king enters your dream world. If you don't enter your dream world, would I dare to let you return to reality?

Rolling his eyes, Wang Yin replied indifferently: "Then there is no other way. I put what I said here. If you don't let me enter your dream world, don't think that I will let you back to reality. At worst, I will die with you in a dream."

"Don't think that your life is boundless in the later period of the great sage. This is a world in a chaotic dream, and you abide by the supreme law of chaotic dreaming. This king has set you to die of old age with me, and you will die of old age with me."

"If I die, the heavens and the world will die together. Even if you can escape from the dream, you won't live long."

"Don't worry if I'm going to die, I guarantee that I will die thoroughly, and I won't give you saints in the inner universe a chance to refine my will to join the Dao and replace the only one who is supreme and chaotic...

Qianzhang Bailong's heart trembled and he turned over, actively entangled and supported the five-clawed golden dragon to comfort him quickly.

"Husband, don't worry, let me think about it."

Wang Yin snorted twice, if this king doesn't show his power, you will treat this king as a sick dragon, and turn his gaze to Wang Er, this guy has successfully harmed a female zombie.

Huh, that's not right, the female zombie victimized by Wang Er showed abnormal changes.

On the outskirts of the city of the corpse king empire, a female zombie walked crookedly in the wilderness, trying to vent her dissatisfaction by screaming with her head up in the sky. She was simply unlucky today.

Going to the zombie bar for a drink with her good sister Zombie, seeing that the night was too dark, she was ready to go home, but halfway she was kidnapped by an unknown monster and bullied her into the wilderness, bullied her and disappeared without a trace.

Until now, she didn't know what kind of monster the other party was. There were many zombies in the Corpse King Empire, and there were many powerful corpse kings who could fly into the sky, and strong corpses from birds.

The Zombie King Empire is a new empire that emerged after the zombies of this country captured the original country.

Once this empire was called the Beijun Empire, and it was a developing country with rapid modernization. Most of the empire was white-skinned humans and many alien creatures.

The zombie who was taken by Wang Er to the suburban wilderness was a white-skinned beauty in life, and turned into a zombie after death, with an equally enchanting and charming figure.

The screaming female zombie finally came to the side of the road, took out her mobile phone, called an online car-hailing car and drove off.

Wang Yin stretched out his claws and rubbed his eyes. Yes, 2.7 is right, it is an online car-hailing car, and the driver is also a zombie.

Although the car model is different from the previous Blue Star, it is a drop-shaped car, but his superhuman spirit and will, he has already grasped the language of the corpse king empire through Wang Er.

Seeing the ordering software on the mobile phone of a female zombie, it is calling the online car-hailing software.

The mobile phone is different from the previous Blue Star mobile phone. It is an exquisite ring, worn on the right index finger of the female zombie, and can be used by lifting it to emit a light curtain.

It's really advancing with the times, this Zombie King Empire zombie occupies the queen of the former Beijun Empire.

Not only has the entire country and commercial administration been taken over, but even life and work will remain the same, and it is time to go to work and give birth to children.

It is a bar restaurant on the street, decorated in a strange and prosperous way.

All the food stalls, supermarkets and stores are filled with all kinds of fresh flesh and blood. After these zombies established their country, they started to breed blood food. .

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