The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 230 Emily Variation

Emily looked in the bathroom mirror, carefully groped the delicate skin of her face, and felt incredible about the changes on her body.

She is no longer a zombie, her skin is smooth and tender, her mouth is full of flesh and blood, her whole body smells delicious after taking a bath, and there is no trace of zombie smell anymore.

The memory of being a zombie is extremely vague, and the memory of being a human being is not impressive. He opened his mouth and let out a roar, and the red lips gradually elongated and flattened, turning into a big hard and weird mouth.


Oh god she turned into a new monster, neither human nor zombie.

It's just that she subconsciously knows that she used to be a human being, and then became a zombie when she met a zombie, and now she is an unknown monster again.

What happened later, Emily picked up the cold water in the washbasin and washed her face, waking up her hangover and sore head, and finally recalled a trace of zombie memories. The meat wine in the zombie bar has really strong stamina.

That's right. Last night, she and the zombie sisters went to the zombie bar to drink, and on the way home alone, she was taken to the wilderness by monsters.

After the monster vented, it disappeared without a trace, and she became like this when she took a taxi home in a daze.

Thinking of the zombies and the zombie sisters, Emily returned to her normal delicate red lips, but they began to become flatter and longer again, and she opened her mouth with a click.


In the weird big mouth of 04 that resembles a duckbill, the red halazi flows down like silk threads, and suddenly feels like her good sister, eating well.

Shake his head vigorously again, bury his face in clean water and wash his face vigorously, to clear up the weird thoughts in his mind.

How could she have such an idea, the good sister zombie is her zombie partner, how can she think the good sister is delicious.

It's a pity that the more I think about it, the more red puffs from the corners of my mouth flow, and the hunger and thirst from the depths of my soul spread all over my body.

I really want to eat, I really want to eat, those zombies outside are so delicious, she really wants to swallow them all.

Did she become an unknown monster again? After turning from a human into a zombie, she forgot her human memory, and only felt that humans were delicious and delicious. Now that she has become a duck-billed monster, she feels that zombies are delicious and delicious.

I couldn't help longing for Emily in my heart, tried hard to retract the weird duckbill, restore the delicate red lips, and moved step by step to the door of the bathroom.

Outside the bathroom is her zombie boyfriend, laughing loudly while playing a game.

It was a little zombie who had just completed a first-level transformation and had thought and wisdom. She was such a little zombie in the past.

The bathroom door opened quietly, and Emily, with fair skin and delicate skin, walked towards the zombie boyfriend with her long legs.

The zombie boyfriend raised his head when he heard the movement, his eyes were dull, and Zhan Zhan trembled and howled.

"Emily...Emily, why have you changed? Have you returned to adulthood?"

Looking at the beautiful girlfriend in front of him, the zombie boyfriend rushed to Emily, hugged her tightly, moved his nostrils and opened his mouth wide, and sniffed Emily.

"It doesn't smell like a human, it doesn't have the smell of human flesh and blood, it's just why it's exactly the same as a human, what happened to you, Emily.

Emily looked at the zombie boyfriend's neck and licked her tongue. It was so fragrant that it tasted like this, so eager to swallow it in her mouth.

Pretend to be coquettish and growl: "I don't know Robbie, I wake up like this."

The red liquid flowed out of the corner of the mouth in the Jiaohu growl, bringing out an inexplicable and terrifying aura, which shocked the zombie boyfriend.

The zombie boyfriend felt that what he was embracing was not his girlfriend, but a terrifying evil spirit, so he quickly fled to the side and let out a roar.

"Whoa...Emily, what was it just now?"

Emily quickly swallowed her saliva, pretending to be puzzled and asked: "What's wrong with you, Robbie, it's nothing just now."

Zombie Robbie looked normal, but Emily returned to a human form. She also wondered why he was very scared.

This feeling has never appeared since he became a zombie. Even in the face of an attack from a high-level zombie, he would only rush forward excitedly, and let the opponent be torn apart without pain or fear.

Perhaps it was his hallucination, the first-level zombies already possessed the wisdom of ordinary people, not the kind of zombies that just became zombies, only know how to roar and bite low-level corpses.

Patting his chest, the zombie boyfriend Robbie approached Emily again, hugged her again, and laughed loudly.

"It's nothing, I might miss you... Hehehe.

Emily turned her head away so her boyfriend Robbie couldn't see the desperate food craving in her eyes.

The lights in the room changed, the roars of zombies continued, and there were many wandering zombies in the square downstairs, smiling knowingly.

Some low-level corpses that have not yet appeared wisdom far away from the emergence of intelligent high-level zombies. For low-level corpses, the emergence of intelligent high-level zombies is the most respected commander of Gao Jie.

In the room, Emily finally couldn't control her eating instinct and bit the zombie Robbie on the shoulder.


Zombie Robbie's entire arm was bitten off by Emily.

I saw Emily's red lips opened wide, turning into a hard wide flat duckbill, with two circles of strange rotating knife teeth inside.

After biting off the zombie Robbie's arm, the duckbill quickly secreted red liquid, and Robbie's arm instantly turned into blood, which was swallowed by Emily.

At this time, Emily finally showed a scary change, her whole body was blood red as if bleeding, her eyes were dark and frightening, her ten fingernails grew wildly, and they were as sharp as knives, holding the zombie Robbie tightly, making him unable to move.


Zombie Robbie yelled in pain, and quickly fled from Emily's side, while the other claw quickly grabbed Emily's neck.

It's just that Emily at this time is not only as hard as iron, but also very smooth. Zombie Robbie's claws grabbed her body, without even a trace of claw marks.

Emily was unmoved, and quickly dodged behind Robbie, pecked into Robbie's heart with a flat and long duckbill, and swallowed it happily.

Robbie was pierced into Emily's body by the duckbill, and the flesh inside turned into blood. The eyes of the human beings were wide open, and the other claw was pointed at Emily.

" are not Emily, what kind of monster are you."

But Emily was already possessed, so she didn't care what he said, her scarlet eyes became more and more excited, and with a bang, she sucked the blood zombie Robbie into an empty shell, howled and smashed open the door, and rushed downstairs.

"Hoo...ahhhhhh...․Monster, there are monsters here."

"Hoho... Where did the monster come from, run... run for your life.

"This is the blood monster, the monster that will turn us into thick and devour us, run away.

The screams in the square became one, but the screams were all horror howls, and there was no normal person's voice.

At the same time, in the highest depths of the heavens and myriad worlds, the law of chaotic vitality suddenly jumped, and the nineteen super holy lands were in charge of the saints.

"The law of anger... This is the law of anger. The law of anger in the heavens and myriad worlds has begun to move. Hurry... go and find out what has changed."

In another dream world, the thousand-foot white dragon screamed and was defeated by the five-clawed golden dragon. The long eyes looked at the corpse king empire and stared wide-eyed through time and space.

"This is the law of vitality... The zombie that was contaminated by our descendants has turned into a vitality restorer."

Looking at the changes, Wang Yin's face was also extremely bewildered, and an inexplicable message appeared in his mind and replied to the white dragon.

"No, this is not a vitality restorer, it is my supreme consciousness, and the health management mechanism has started.

"This female zombie is no longer a zombie. After being invaded by the genes of our two heirs, because she has no life, her descendants inherited from us. The powerful gene has nowhere to go, so she assimilates her original flesh and blood, turning her into the supreme chaos , managing healthy organisms."

"The same principle as white blood cells swallowing bacteria, this female zombie has evolved into a blood monster that swallows all the viruses and viruses in the sky."

"I forgot to tell you that my chaotic body is the outer heavens, the supreme blood fly in the chaotic sea of ​​blood, and devouring blood is the basis of my survival.

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