The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 231: Blood God And Blood Monster

The whole city of Ten Thousand Corpse City was under martial law for a day, and the screams of bleeding monsters could be heard from time to time in the city.

Normal people don't feel this voice, but it's a bit festive, but when it's heard by zombies, it's terrifying.

Zombies are already dead. There is no pain or fear, but blood monsters seem to be born to kill zombies. Not only the rattle makes zombies fearful, but even similar

The flat duckbill and the blood-colored saliva secreted from the weird big mouth can corrode the zombies into thick blood.

And let the zombies feel that the body is melting and paining into the soul, feeling that it is being bitten and swallowed by the blood monster, and the fear of eternal darkness in the world will be wiped out.

In the community where Emily lives, the square downstairs is empty. No, there is no corpse. The news of the blood monster in this community has spread all over the city, and it is the place where the first blood monster appeared.

Hiding in the bathroom, Emily carefully cleaned the blood on her body, and after a while, she recovered into a woman with fair skin and charming temperament. She came to the mirror in the bathroom, and looked at herself in the mirror again, obsessed.

After turning into a blood monster and devouring countless zombies, she regained her human body like a goddess, and her face became more and more beautiful, as delicate as a peach.

"Oh my God, why is this, why did I become like this, is it because of that monster.

She loves her appearance more and more, especially the surging power on her body makes her addicted to it.

"Quack quack quack..."

There was a rattling sound from far away in the city, it was her new companion blood monster.

She had never seen these blood monsters before, but the mysterious connection in her soul let her know that new companions were rising rapidly in the City of Ten Thousand Corpses.

Just like when she was a human being, she heard the bad news that zombies appeared in the city and everyone fled desperately.

Now the zombies in the city of ten thousand corpses are also running for their lives after hearing the bad news of the blood monster.

Fortunately, the blood monsters were not born in the way of biting and infecting zombies, but in the way of reproduction by gods.

That's right, the blood god, not only many blood monsters appeared in the city of ten thousand corpses, but also blood gods appeared.

A blood god appeared inexplicably above the city, as if descending from nothingness, chasing the beautiful female zombies in the city everywhere, and infected female blood monsters who ate zombies.

In their eyes, beautiful females are not human aesthetics, they are healthy and beautiful with all four limbs, regardless of race or size.

All the blood gods are weird and mysterious, duck-headed, one-eyed, one-winged, and one-footed. They come and go like the wind, and disappear without a trace after creating blood monsters.

Emily knew that the blood god was the monster that took her captive to the suburban wilderness that night, but now she is very grateful to this monster for giving her a more charming body and strength.

Although the food was ugly, after being assimilated by the red liquid in her mouth, the popping pulp tasted very good.

Touching the disdainful Qunfang body, thinking about whether to develop subordinate forces, blood gods infect blood monsters through invasion, and blood monsters can also infect subordinate blood monsters in the same way.

The relationship is like God created the ancestor of the first generation of zombies, and the second and third generations of zombies appeared through the inheritance of blood.

The second-level peak corpse king in the city lord's mansion roared furiously and asked his subordinates: "Find out the source of the blood monster. Besides the blood god infection, is there any other source of infection"~.

Standing in front of the corpse king are several zombies in uniform, all of whom are the supreme commanders maintaining the law and order of the city of corpses. The first-level zombies are at the peak of the second-level stage, and there are "human bearded households standing out." Shen replied.

"Reporting to the city lord, the only source of infection under investigation at present is the blood god. The blood god appeared out of nothing above the city. We have dispatched manned flying weapons to search the sky many times, and there is nothing unusual. Some soldiers have witnessed the blood god, appearing out of thin air and disappearing out of thin air. .”

"Other sources of infection have never been found. The initial blood monsters can create lower-level blood monsters, and many male corpses have turned into blood monsters."

The second-level peak corpse king raised his head and roared: "Exterminate, organize a large army to exterminate them all."

It's disgusting, only their alien blood races have always infected and devoured other creatures, and nothing can infect and devour their alien blood races.

There are not only ten thousand zombies in the city of ten thousand corpses, it means that there are already tens of thousands of zombies by the second-level corpse king.

First-level intelligent zombies like Emily Robbie are everywhere in the city, and the low-level zombies under their command are even denser.

Regardless of human beings or other civilizations, they can only destroy their alien blood races, and no creature can devour them.

The main alien blood races are purely dead, and only the scavenging creatures can devour them. The scavenging creatures in Ten Thousand Corpse City who have come into contact with them have long since turned into alien blood races.

This second-level peak corpse king is not a human being, but a colorful giant tiger with a length of half a foot.

After being infected, it is the king of the mountain. Due to its great strength, it is difficult to meet natural enemies. It devours countless fresh flesh and blood to awaken its wisdom, and quickly becomes a first-class zombie leader.

Now he has become the second-level peak corpse king, the city lord of ten thousand corpses in the majestic corpse king empire.

It has countless second-level junior generals, first-level peak commanders, human beings from the Beijun Empire inside, and lizard people, lion people, snake people, beasts and birds from outside.

Hearing the tiger corpse king's roaring order, the generals of Ten Thousand Corpse City commanded the zombies, led the order to disperse quickly, organized the zombie warriors in the city, and tried their best to destroy the blood monsters and capture the blood god.

Numerous huge iron cage breeding areas on the outskirts of the city, the place where the zombies of the city of thousands of corpses are raised to eat blood, groups of life squirming restlessly, intelligent and civilized life, cattle, sheep, pigs and horses are all available.

There are all kinds of bear people, dog people, snake people, lizard people, and Naruto whispering with wisdom.

More aborigines of the Beijun Empire were preserved and reproduced by zombies, white-skinned humans.

"What happened, these zombies are very panicked."

"I don't know, let me go to the snake people to find out, they can communicate with the local snakes, the news is very well-informed.

"The ground snake has no wisdom, it's just what animals can understand."

"You don't understand this. Although local snakes are animals, snake people are not. Snake people can learn the information they need from the local snakes' communication."

"Then you might as well ask those bird people. Birds flying in the sky are more reliable than snakes digging around in the ground, and bird people's information is more reliable than snake people."

In the chaos, they were raised in captivity to eat blood, and they had no clothes to cover their bodies. They desperately approached other alien races who were also kept in captivity by zombies, and exchanged information with each other.

"`~ I found out clearly that blood monsters appeared in the City of Thousands of Corpses, and they only feed on these zombies. Many zombies are frightened and running around, and they want to move out of this city."

"Really? Really? Sure enough, the reincarnation of heaven does not deceive me. Hurry up and contact the hidden survivors, and the dawn of eliminating zombies will appear."

"Don't, don't, don't worry, we didn't turn into zombies. It was among these zombies that a high-level corpse king appeared, commanding generals, knowing that if we turned everyone into zombies, they would starve to death, so we were separated and kept in captivity.

"If they discover that we are secretly connecting together, and wait for the blood monster to devour it, maybe they will rush in, infect us all, let us become part of them to resist the blood monster, and we will be finished, not only will be swallowed by zombies , will turn into zombies and be devoured by blood monsters."

"Then what should we do? Let's try first without provoking the orcs next to us. They are more anxious than us. Orcs are orcs after all, and they are tyrannical and impatient to wait."

"This is a way. In the past, the Beijun Empire rarely saw these orcs. After becoming the Corpse King Empire, they all came here. People who are not my race must have a different heart. It just happens to fight poison with poison."

Various proposals in the human group continued, all of which were vetoed by the old and mature, and finally the unanimous opinion was pushed to the orcs.

Yao Tian, ​​the most glorious sage, has found the law of anger and mutated time and space, raised his head and laughed, and gave instructions to the two mid-stage disciples of the sage.

"My heavens and myriad worlds really should not die, the time and space where the law of anger appears is the territory of the Taiyin Heaven, a place called the Destiny Continent.

"Although it is inconvenient for us to intervene in the affairs of the Lunar Heaven, we can block the pressure of the Zombies, old dogs and evil bitches in the Nirvana Heaven for the Lunar Heaven."

"As a teacher, I secretly cooperate with the two of you, and immediately release the light source with all my strength, illuminating and harassing the zombies, old dogs, demons and bitches in the Ji Mie sky, so that they have no time to pull out to help, and the maggots of the doomsday in the Tianming Continent in the lunar world."

"Yin Wu is indeed a person of great luck. I didn't expect her to be the first one to comprehend the supreme law of chaotic vitality and save our heavens and myriad worlds."

The Guangzu is blazing and mighty, and they hate the doomsday race that devours and corrupts the heavens and the world. All zombie viruses, demons and dirt are the targets of the Guangzu.

This kind of order also happened to several other people, who had the deepest emotion for the heavens and the world, in the mouth of the supreme sage. .

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