The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 239 Light And Darkness Are The Eyes

Sitting on the supreme throne of the Demon Palace, Demon Emperor Heitian's face was ashen.

This sword boy is really the one from last time. I gave him a lot of green light kid seeds, but I didn't expect to use his sword to green him again. It seems that Dao green is light, except for Dao green and there is sword green behind him. .

Boy, don't let this great emperor catch you, otherwise this great emperor will castrate you thousands of times.

The beautiful Sword Spirit Demon Sword Empress originally wanted to take all the sword boys away, but unfortunately they are all sword spirits, and they must have a physical sword body in order to fly away from the heavens and worlds.

The blade of the Heitian Demon Sword has long been practiced by the Heitian Demon Emperor as a life-defining sword weapon, so naturally she can no longer use it.

Otherwise, no matter where she is in the heavens, if the Heitian Devil Emperor summons her, she will have to appear immediately, that's a fart.

Therefore, the Demon Sword Queen and the Sword Boy Sword Spirit exchanged the sword body. She used the sword body of the five or six-year-old child-like sword spirit, and the five- or six-year-old child-like sword spirit inherited her sword body.

Fortunately, the five-six "nine-five-three"-year-old child-like sword spirit is one of the ninety-nine swords, which perfectly inherits the breath sword of the Heitian magic sword.

In layman's terms, this five- or six-year-old child-like sword boy inherited the Heitian Demon Sword gene, and was born with a perfect fit for the Heitian Demon Sword.

Just like a couple who have multiple children, there is always a five-six-year-old child-like sword spirit who is very mother-like, and the five-six-year-old child-like sword spirit is very similar to the Demon Sword Empress, and the five-six-year-old child-like sword spirit is also very happy with the Demon Sword Empress. Change the blade.

The Heitian Demon Sword is a mature congenital spiritual treasure, the emperor's natal sword weapon, and it becomes the Heitian Demon Sword Sword Spirit to reach the sky in one step.

After Bu Changge, the devil emperor of Heitian, knew the reason, there was nothing he could do about it. Ai Jian ran away with the illegitimate son of the old king next door.

It seems that this sword means that my wife can't hit it casually, otherwise she will find the old Wang next door and plant a prairie for you to escape.

Holding the Heitian Demon Sword in his arms, Bu Changge dominated the power to enter the sword body, stroking the five or six-year-old child-like sword spirit to comfort him.

"Demon Sword, Demon Sword, Mom doesn't want you, Baba wants you, and Baba will take care of you from now on."

The five or six-year-old child-like sword spirit jumped up and down happily: "Thank you, Great Emperor Baba."

Sure enough, it made the right choice, Emperor Baba likes to take care of other people's children.

After pacifying the beloved sword in his palm, Heitian Demon Emperor disappeared, and reappeared in a secret room, where a ray of dark and pure light appeared, as if the Supreme Demon God penetrated the ancient, modern and future time and space

Coming to the front of the darkest pure light, Bu Changge put on a flattering dog-licking smile, and said to the darkest pure light.

"Master Anjun... Chang Ge has sent out ten female emperors and the Demon Sword Empress according to your instructions, and they all kept the information of that person's heir. Now that Chang Ge is full of green light, please give me instructions on what to do next."

The darkest and pure light was quiet for a while, and it swayed like seaweed, and the cold and cold sound like the eternal night sounded.

"Very good, you have done a good job, the green light on your head is the supreme chaos green law, the research is thorough and the future is boundless, the heir of that person doesn't care about him, the supreme and great Lord of Darkness has his own arrangements.

"What you have to do now is to continue pretending that you didn't find that person, and send someone who is deeply involved in your cause and effect into the surrounding world to find many clones of that person, and arrange at least one of your people next to each clone, Just try to provide him with Xiantian Yuanye."

Heitian Demon Emperor Bu Changge respectfully replied: "Good sir, but Chang Ge still doesn't understand what is the point of doing this.

The black light flashed in the darkest darkness, and he said displeasedly: "It's not something you should worry about, don't worry about it, you just need to know that after the matter is accomplished, I will allow you to enter the holy realm, and Qianye Daqian God Realm will be under your control, just go down!" Bar.

Bu Changge didn't dare to ask again. The dark and pure light in the secret room is a representative of a great will, and the great will behind it is at least the realm of a saint. It's not that he can question it now

When he was roaring around with the third ray of green light above his head, this great and extremely dark will found him.

Let him cooperate with being sent green by the Blue Star Demon Boy, and let his various female relatives stay as much as possible, the descendants of the Blue Star Demon Boy.

Of course he disagrees, it's unreasonable to deceive people too much, you all take this emperor for nothing, let him all die.

After several violent shots and howling, he finally knew what kind of existence the great, darkest and pure light was.

This is a supreme existence that can torture him to death in all directions, because it was him who wailed and screamed a few times.

So the aggrieved Heitian Devil Emperor Bu Changge, not to mention being sent green light by the blue star despicable monster, was also forced by the will not to resist, and took the initiative to give the blue star monster boy more opportunities to create green light for him.

And when the resources of the female relatives around him are not enough, let go of your body to get to know more Qianye bosses and female fairy emperors. Miss Qianjin will be sent to the side of the blue star demon boy, and when the demon boy is away, she will be sent to the demon boy's avatar.

For example, in the Manggu God Realm next door, when Wang was wandering around with three giant dragons in the flesh of a blood fly, he would always meet some lucky luck delivered to his door for no reason. .

Under the throne of the Supreme God Realm to the Dark Sky Sacred Realm, a beam of pure light piercing through the sky and piercing the earth, respectfully reported to the deep and dark space above the throne.

"Report to Master, this disciple has arranged for the Devil Emperor Heitian of the Qianye God Realm to have close contact with the suspected human clone walking in chaos, and leave behind countless bloodline descendants. You don't need to bring it to Master for your study."

In the throne of the highest holy realm, in the dark and deep dark space, there was a lonely and cold sound.

"You don't need to bring it to the teacher for research, you just need to contact it according to the teacher's instructions. In the future, all the people who have been in contact with that person, and all the people who are deeply involved in karma with you, will give birth to children who will be closely united by your side."

"This is the key to the recovery of the Supreme Chaos. In the future, we will be the ones who will make contributions from the dragons. My Dark Clan will always be the Supreme Chaos Protoss."

The pure beam of light piercing the sky and piercing the earth hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Master, is that person really walking with the supreme chaotic will? What's the point of us doing this.

Demon Emperor Heitian also asked him this question, he didn't answer, but he didn't know the meaning of it, so he told Demon Emperor Heitian to shut up and don't ask, now he just took the opportunity to ask Master.

In the throne of the highest sacred realm, in the dark and deep dark space, the lonely and cold voice seemed to know that the pure light piercing through the sky and the darkness would ask this question.

"It doesn't matter, you are the patriarch of my Dark Clan and the next successor to the Holy Realm. I need to let you know something."

"As a teacher, I naturally know that that person walks with the supreme will of chaos, because we, the dark race and the light race, both have the supreme will of chaos, observing the light of the real heavens and worlds.

"This light dominates the light and the other dominates the darkness. When the supreme will of chaos is in the light, it is the light of our dark race that covers the light for the supreme will of chaos.

"When the Supreme Will of Chaos is in the dark, what illuminates the darkness for the Supreme Will of Chaos is the light of the old guy Yaotian, the Light Clan.w

We all live in the eyes of the supreme chaotic will, have seen the appearance of the supreme chaotic will, and are very familiar with the supreme chaotic green law.

When the law of green and green affects weak life, it is indeed difficult for a teacher to sense it, but after it acts on the Black Sky Devil Emperor, this top-level galaxy Da Luo Fengfeng, the teacher will naturally sense it.

In addition, the walking appearance of the Supreme Chaos is exactly the same as that of the Human Race in the form of the Supreme Chaos, so it is not surprising that the teacher recognized him. .

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