The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter Two Hundred And Forty No, Don't Cut My Legs

Wang Yin felt that he was riding a roller coaster, the extreme pleasure came from the depths of his soul, filled his brain and nerves spread throughout his body.

Shuangxiu with Yinwu, under the leadership of her late saint will, Wang Yin's soul flies higher and higher...higher than the sky without stopping.

Blue Star Great Thousand World, Meiyang Great Thousand World, Juque Great Thousand God Realm, Qianye Great Thousand World, Manggu Great Thousand World... Countless Great Thousand Worlds flashed and shrunk quickly until they disappeared.

At the junction of time and space in all the Great Thousand Worlds, bright red Bana flowers are blooming everywhere.

There are flower whiskers connecting the parallel time and space of countless Great Thousand Worlds. This is the time and space of the God Realm derived from the deep void of each Great Thousand World.

Wang Yin realized something in his heart, if the Ganges sand counts thousands of worlds, it is his body composed of cells in the heavens and myriad worlds.

Those who absorb the nutrients of these cells to grow, the fairy world, the demon world, the god world, the demon world, and the holy world, are the focus of his body.

Puff..․ As if fingering through tofu, Wang Yin's soul finally broke through a thick layer of time and space, and after an incomparably smooth and tender substance, it rushed into a space full of blood.

What is this place? He was startled. He was studying the science of the complementary evolution of the sun, the sun, and the yin with Yin Wu. As a result, his soul flew all the way here. 04

Maybe just rushing into this space, the dizziness caused by the rapidity made the world temporarily quiet, and after a while, there was a lot of noise from the outside world, followed by loud shouts.

"Hurry up, hurry up...the one who will tie up the chain of locks, don't let the blood fly's consciousness escape."

"I didn't expect that in this stagnant lake of blood, I could actually pick up innate monsters and make a fortune.

"Not bad, except for the chest and abdomen wounds that began to fester, the other parts of the body are still very fresh. Pull it back and break it down, and you can sell it for a lot of money.

"This is the congenital bloodfly. It lives in this lake of blood all day long and only sucks the blood of the congenital demon god. Doesn't it mean that it has successfully transcended itself? How did it fall from its original place?" 1

"I know the inside story. It seems that this congenital bloodfly is a lonely family. There is no backer above him. Only when he was detached, he was hacked to death by the unbounded power and kicked back to his original place with an axe.

"Damn it, then this innate blood fly is too miserable. It has been reduced to the present, and it will be sold by us... Hahaha."

"Fellow daoist, don't patronize and laugh. Be careful with the chain of locks in your hands. This kind of innate fetish and spiritual consciousness are very powerful. Maybe you haven't died yet. You are looking at us with your eyes open. Let the leader go to death. you.

Wang Yin's spiritual consciousness was stiff and he looked down. A group of two-legged monsters, which were obviously scary, were dragging a huge blood-colored fly in full swing, happily walking out of the blood-colored space.

He suddenly wanted to ask a few questions, who is he and where is he, who are these people and what are they doing.

As if trying to clear his mind, countless latent memories flooded in, making him unable to help but yell.

Fuck, this is his supreme body in the chaotic sea of ​​blood. These people are the innate demon gods of the outside world, and they are about to take his fallen supreme body outside and go to the gods and demons market to disassemble and sell it.

As if to hit him, he just finished receiving the latest information when a tyrannical voice came in time.

"Fat deer fellow daoist brought your machete and chopped off the bloodfly's thigh. It's so fresh that it will definitely sell for a good price, so don't drag it down."

Wang Yin's soul was trembling, and he looked along the tyrannical reputation, and saw an ugly giant with a height of three feet, commanding a fat giant with the same height of three feet, dragging a ten-foot-long ghost-headed sword, to the side of the huge bloodfly.

The fat giant spit on the palm of his hand, held up the big knife, and chopped off a fat and fat leg of the congenital blood fly.

Wang Yin shouted in fright: "Don't cut it."

It's just that many giants outside couldn't see him at all, and couldn't hear his voice. After the big knife chopping meat with a loud noise, the congenital bloodfly's extremely healthy giant legs were chopped off by the fat giant.

Two giants quickly walked out from the side, took out the God-locking chains, tied up the giant legs of the congenital blood fly, hung them on a giant tree, and walked away quickly with the legs of the flies while shouting.

"Fat it... I just need this fly leg, and it's enough to sell it for eight lifetimes."

"You have a good idea. This Blood Lake Congenital Blood Fly belongs to everyone, and the points are divided in proportion to the strength of the head. It is impossible to monopolize it."

Wang Yin grabbed forward with one hand, trying to keep the thigh that was getting farther and farther away from him.

"Don't chop, don't chop my leg.

When the fat giant's big knife fell, he seemed to be facing a big terror that would tear his whole body apart, and he felt the pain in the click.

During the call, he rolled his eyes and fainted, and his soul consciousness popped again, returning to the inside of the blood fly's body, passing through an unknown amount of time-space smooth material, and falling towards the heavens and worlds of the body.

The entire time and space of the Blue Star Heavens and Worlds, the Blue Star Great Thousand World, the Charming Yang Great Thousand World, the Juque Great Thousand God Realm, the Qianye Great Thousand World, the Manggu Great Thousand World... all the deep worlds of the Heavens and Great Thousand Worlds, issued from nowhere And cry out.

Shouting, shocking, lightning flashes and thunders in the void, black lightning penetrates countless worlds, and in the rumbling, countless parallel time and space worlds are wiped out.

"Don't chop, don't chop my leg.

In the huge white and flawless space, Wang Yin was suspended in mid-air, unconscious and sweating profusely, the veins on his forehead bulging and roaring.

Yin Wu held the rule silk scarf and quickly wiped the sweat off his cheeks. His solemn and beautiful face was extremely anxious, and he asked questions to the space next to him one after another.

"Why did the Lord God suddenly act like this, do you know the situation?"

The space next to it vibrated, and the phantom of the woman in the green skirt of the demon and the way of heaven appeared, and she replied with a slight frown.

"The main soul should be in the process of dual cultivation with you, with the help of your divine soul will to break through the limit, and after returning to the outside world, an unknown situation has changed."

The majestic and beautiful woman Yin Wu looked agitated, and the supreme sage in the Taiyin sky lost all his dignity, so she grabbed the woman in the green skirt of the demon and heavenly way.

"What did you say, you said that outside of our heavens and worlds, there are also heavens and worlds."

The woman in the green skirt of the demon and heavenly way looked at the solemn and beautiful woman calmly: "Yes, there are heavens and realms outside our heavens and realms, and the main soul is the bloodfly, the supreme innate holy thing in the outer heavens and realms."

"You are now the main soul dream slave, and you are a saint who can help the main soul in the later stage. You can know these things."

The solemn and beautiful woman seemed to hear Hong Zhong Da Lu 410, and her spiritual consciousness exploded in an instant. As expected, as expected, the sage of Taiyin in the Taiyin sky has never realized it.

The heavens and myriad worlds she preached are indeed a great chaotic inner universe world.

So as long as she closely follows this great chaotic will, she will be able to successfully unite and break out of the heavens. Her future is extremely broad, and she is no longer just staring at the supreme saint of heaven.

At this moment, Yin Wu's aura was rising steadily, and finally reached the peak of the supreme saint of the heavens, the realm of the saint of heaven.

Suspended in the air Wang Yin was stimulated by this momentum, his eyes moved and he woke up and shouted angrily.

"Don't cut off my legs, my legs are still in the Demon Realm, they were cut off before I was born."

Seeing Wang Yin awake, the woman in the green skirt of Tianmo Tiandao quickly stepped forward to support Wang Yin, wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked.

"Master soul, you are awake... What happened just now, have you returned to the outside world?"

Wang Yin was already a third-level galaxy life before he met Yinwu, the sage of Taiyin.

After successfully opening the Yinwu Dream Realm and receiving the nourishment of the Yinwu Innate Yuan Liquid, he has jumped several levels and reached the pinnacle of the galaxy's great love level.

It's just one step away... the existence of entering the holy realm of the inner universe.

Ordinarily speaking, such a state of strength, and being in the holy territory of the supreme god realm in the cloudy sky, it is impossible to sweat like this. Do you want to laugh at the quasi-sage sweating?

It can be seen how much his soul breakthrough this time, and his spiritual consciousness reaching the outside world of the heavens and worlds, consumed him a lot. .

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