The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 26 Heavenly Palace

He is obliged to return the world to the world, but he didn't expect the monster to be so irresistible, so he had to succumb after several attempts.

Otherwise, once the monsters are triggered to kill, if one of the monsters can't stop after tasting the blood, it will be a great crime for him to slaughter the world.

"Well, since this is the case, you should know what this king likes, so I will offer up all the disciples under your sect, and this king will personally choose and swallow them, wow ha ha ha... Jie Jie Jie..."

Daotian made a deep obeisance: "I would like to abide by the decree of the king."

There was a sound of wailing and calling in the hall, and those close to him asked disappointedly: "Do you really want to sacrifice us, the head of the family?"

"Father, father, my child does not want to be swallowed by monsters, my child is so scared."

The person with awe-inspiring righteousness: "Don't worry, Palace Master, we are willing to sacrifice our lives to open up the future for the evolution of the human race."

"Junior Sister, don't worry, Senior Brother has learned that it won't kill you if a monster devours your vitality, and you can recover after a good cultivation."

Regardless of the commotion of countless Tianyi Palace disciples below, Wang Yin's demonic force rolled those who were filled with blood into the main hall. The halls were closed with a bang, and a buzzing sound followed, ordering other monsters and humans in Qinglong Mountain to be conveyed.

"My majesty's feast has started, and the remaining disciples will reward you."

When traveling in Qinglong Mountain, except for the monsters who have already left the mountain and did not follow, most of the monsters who live in the mountain are forbidden to come out. Only the representatives of the shape changers can come out, and the leader shouted: "Thank you for the reward."

"Brothers and sisters, there are too many monks and too few porridges. The old rules are rock-paper-scissors. Whoever wins takes the person away. The loser challenges the next one."

Just as the voice of the suggestion disappeared, a thick and beautiful woman outside the main hall recovered her body, defeated her opponent with one punch and came out to lead her. The three-foot-tall gorilla monster slapped her chest, roaring and laughing.

"Aw... Ho Ho Ho..., you stupid pig without five fingers, you dare to cut rock-paper-scissors with my orangutan sister who has five fingers, and I will cover your stinky scissors forever with a piece of cloth , Wahaha... you are stupid."

Next to it, a pig demon with five big and three thick faces protested with a black face: "Protest, protest, grandson orangutan cheated, old pig refuses to accept the request for weight ratio."

The leader, the boa constrictor fairy: "You are so stupid to protest that it is invalid. This fairy will not recover her body."

The disciples of the Tianyi Palace asked with a mournful face: "Sister orangutan, you are so powerful, can you transform into a shape, sister orangutan?"

The three-foot-tall gorilla monster slapped his chest: "Woohohoho... Sister gorilla is so powerful, of course she can transform."

The male disciples of Tianyi Palace raised their hands in joy: "I, I, I, sister orangutan, take me, look at me, I'm the most handsome."

The three-footed orangutan monster slapped its chest, opened its bloody mouth and roared loudly: "Woohoo...but your orangutan sister won't change her shape, so she will swallow your blood with her bloody mouth, ouch... Ho ho ho ho..."

The disciples of Tianyi Palace were all dumbfounded and weeping: "Sister Orangutan, can you still have fun?"

The three-foot-tall gorilla monster slapped his chest: "Woo hoo hoo...Of course not, why does the orangutan sister want to play happily with you...Wow haha, I want to follow the example of the king. Woo... ho ho ho ho...."

The male disciples of Tianyi Palace burst into tears collectively.

The five big and three thick pig demons on the side were overjoyed when they saw this, and turned into a handsome and handsome boy. Halazi called out: "The old pig turns into a shape, the old pig turns into a shape, see how handsome the old pig is, who will go with the old pig."

The arm of the leader, the boa constrictor fairy, instantly turned into a snake tail, and with a snap, the beautiful boy transformed into a pig demon was sent flying into the air.

"Stupid pig, if you dare to break the rules, I will beat you to death."

In the main hall of Tianyi Palace, the most solemn and sacred place in the heart of countless disciples, hundreds of disciples are shouting in unison at this time.

"Master, come on...Master, come on...."

"Master one two three four," "Master two two three four," "Master three two three four," "Master one more time."

Following the shouting sound, I saw a middle-aged beautiful woman in the main hall exerting all her strength, competing with a huge blowfly to swallow the clear water in a row of two-meter-high water tanks in the main hall.

Middle-aged beautiful woman: "Hmph, I have practiced the Zhengyang Patriarch and handed down the sutra for thirty years. Will it be inferior to you, the monster Lord of the Flies who devours Dafa? Let's see if it is my plain girl!" The breath-holding skill is great, and you, the monster Lord of the Flies, is the best breath-holding skill."

Numerous disciples beside him cheered: "Don't be afraid of it, Mrs. Zhengyang. We have also practiced the scriptures of the plain girl's peeking at the sun and locking the soul handed down by the founder of Zhengyang. You can't suffocate it if you don't believe it with a wheel."

"Come on, mistress, one, two, three, four," "Come on, mistress, two, three, four," "Come on, mistress, three, two, three, four," "Come on, mistress, and do it again."

The wife of the palace lord of Tiandao Palace, the most sacred mistress in the hearts of all the disciples, did not expect her skills to be so profound that she could hold her breath in a competition with monsters, and she was evenly matched.

Wang Yin's complexion turned black and she regretted it in her heart. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, this day, the wife of the palace master actually practiced this kind of wonderful kung fu, and her strength is much stronger than that of the Snow Mountain Sword Sect.

Why don't you just go up and devour me if you're so strong? If you have to pretend to be a chacha, why hold your breath with this palace lord's wife?

Dao Tianyi, the head of Tianyi Palace outside the main hall, led a group of disciples, but he was crying.

Dao Tianyi: "I beg you monsters to be good human beings. If you can transform, you can transform, can't you? At least give me disciples a spell of charm. What are you doing? Personnel."

"Hey, hey, what kind of wasp monster, your tail needle is so big, it's too much to pierce the chest with the tail needle to suck blood, it will kill you."

"And that stinky fart, if you swallow your blood energy, you can swallow it. Why are you farting on my disciple's mouth? Didn't you see that my disciple was fainted by you?"

All the monsters in Qinglong Mountain were in the same order, and they answered confidently: "We are not human, of course what we do is not human."

Daotian burst into tears: "What about your integrity... What about your professional ethics, isn't it rumored that you can at least perform the charm technique?"

"My poor apprentices, you have suffered."

All the monsters in Qinglong Mountain were uniform, and they answered confidently: "Your Majesty brought us here to punish you, do you think he brought us here to test you?"

"Oh, by the way, what is integrity? Is professional ethics delicious?"

As soon as Daotian was furious, he was playing the piano to a group of local cows again, and the bull's head was wrong.

Just as he was spitting blood from the mouth of a group of Qinglong Mountain monsters, an ethereal voice suddenly came from above.

"Dao Tianyi, the king said that your daughter-in-law is very skilled. With such a powerful daughter-in-law, you are also very powerful. Come up, come up, and reward you for doing maintenance for Ben Dashan."

As soon as Daotian heard the words, he spit out another mouthful of old blood. What did he hear? He actually heard a demon boasting about his wife's proficient skills. For this reason, he was rewarded to help maintain the mountain above him.

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