The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 27 I Want To Maintain A Mountain

Are you so justified in attacking my Tianyi Mountain Gate and devouring the life and blood of my disciples?

My poor wife, my husband is sorry for making you suffer. Don't worry, even if you are old, my husband will grow old with you.

He thought that his wife had been seriously devoured by demons, her life was consumed too much and her hair was covered with white hair. Sure enough, love is a ray of light, a light that shares weal and woe.

Before he had time to wipe off the old blood from the corners of his mouth, he flew into the air when the evil wind blew, but what does it mean to fly while lying flat with his face up.

Three hundred feet above the Dao Palace, Qinglong Mountain floats in the colorful clouds of the sky, because Dao Tianyi flew up while lying flat, and after the colorful clouds at the bottom of the mountain separated, Dao Tianyi lay flat like this and smoothly fell to the bottom of the mountain.

Looking around, I saw that the bottom of the mountain was densely packed, with countless things like syringes and straws lined up, and the ethereal voice came again.

"Daotian, come on, Benshan is very optimistic about you, you should swallow these syringes one by one, and dedicate your life energy to maintain Benshan."

Looking at the thick and dense syringe tubes on his arm, Daotian rolled his eyes once or twice and almost fainted. How could he swallow so much.

The next group of Tianyi Palace disciples who were receiving the training of swallowing monsters in Qinglong Mountain let out deafening cheers when they saw that it was finally their master's turn to play.

It's better to be alone than to be happy together. You said that we disciples are being trained hard. Are you ashamed to be a master and watch the show all the time? Now the master has finally come to an end.

The sound of cheering came out uniformly: "Come on, master, come on, master, we are optimistic about you, master."


Dao Tianyi, who heard the cheering of the disciples in the audience, had a high blood pressure, pulled out the thick tube stuck in his throat, and vomited like a whirlwind.

"Master one two three four," "Master two two three four," "Master three two three four," "Master one more time."

"Ugh... vomit... vomit...."

Dao Tianyi, who heard the audience's disciples shouting again, had a cerebral hemorrhage, his eyes were bloodshot and he vomited until the color of the world changed.

"Master, we are optimistic about you", "Master, we love you", "Master, come on, master, come on."

Daotian looked at all the beloved disciples in the Dao Palace affectionately with teary eyes, and his heart was extremely warm. As expected, they are all good disciples who are teachers, and they will definitely educate you with all their heart in the future.

It was very suitable for the occasion, and there happened to be a sentimental voice mixed in, "Come on, my husband, my family is optimistic about you, and my family loves you too. My family has won the demon king, hahaha."

Dao Tianyi finally couldn't bear the oppression of the last straw, he rolled his eyes and passed out: "My lady... don't you take part in the attack on your husband, please."

Ethereal voice: "Hey, hey, Dao Tian Dao Tian Yi, you can't be lazy, get up, get up, this mountain hasn't been well maintained yet."

The tragic tearing sound pierced the sky: "What evil did I do in my previous life? In this life, God wants me to use my vitality to maintain a mountain. I am a human being. How can my vitality be enough to maintain your mountain? Ah... If Time lets me do it again, and I will definitely say to that mountain, please stop being a demon, and be your mountain.”

This kind of thing also happened in the other two thousand-year-old families of the Dragon Kingdom. They have a long history and regard the Dragon Kingdom as their own back garden, so they thought of killing demons and demons. In the end, the demons were not killed and even their own families were unable to do so. went in.

Fortunately, this group of Qinglong Mountain monsters only let their family contribute to devour the furnace, and did not destroy the family's thousand-year foundation. At most, some evil monsters made some members of the family glow green. What's more, there are people in the family who have greened these monsters and Qinglongshan humans. Everyone is fair to each other, quack quack.

Wang Yin, who swaggered to complete his revenge, brought many monsters in Qinglong Mountain, and amidst the cheers of Qinglong's grandmother from countless ordinary people, he leisurely returned to Qinglong Mountain where he resided.

The evolution of this trip went a step further, but it was too embarrassing for him to hold his breath and lose to a woman.

The majestic demon king had to go back on his word if he lost, and immediately punished the wife of the palace owner and other high-quality stoves to help him make a lot of glutinous rice cakes before leading the mountain to leave.

Human beings say that food is the most important thing for people. When he was a human, he liked delicious glutinous rice cakes very much. Now that he is a monster, he eats even more. How can he do without some delicious glutinous rice cakes by his side.

I also used this trip to digest and integrate the source of life contributed by the demon spirits of Qinglong Mountain before. The physical body became more perfect and stronger, and the bone cells evolved to the point of invincibility. It is very good to kill multiple birds with one stone.

Consciousness penetrated into the Dream Soul Realm, and the four light spots became brighter, showing gold, red, pink, and green colors, and the blowfly's soul became more solid, and it was about to complete the evolution of independent souls.

"My lord, my lord, I found something interesting by the Luohun River, my lord, come and take a look."

Returning to the cave, Wang Yin opened his eyes, and a mosquito demon in the shape of Qinglong Mountain hurriedly flew to his head to report the situation.

Wang Yin asked indifferently: "Oh, you found something interesting."

Mosquito Demon's delicate and beautiful face flushed with excitement.

"We didn't discover the great king, but the little one. It's the slave family. This credit belongs to the slave family. You can't share it with other demons."

Wang Yin looked anxiously at the cute and beautiful little mosquito monster, stretched out his paws and patted her little head lovingly.

"Well, what you found, tell me what you found. If it is useful to my lord, I will give you all the credit."

The mosquito monster giggled and replied excitedly: "My little one found two human-like fish in the Luohun River. The upper body is a human and the lower body is a fish. It's fun, it's fun, hehe."

"The little one took a mouthful of the blood of the male fish, it was so sweet, and was almost slapped to death by it, so he ran back and told the king, isn't the slave really powerful?"

Wang Yin rolled over and got up, his eyes were shining,

"Is there really a mermaid in this world? Is it a mermaid? Give your little guy a credit."

The beautiful little mosquito demon was overjoyed, and her eyes were brighter than Wang Yin's.

"Then what are you going to reward my family with, my lord? Or reward my family to be your concubine, okay?"


Wang Yin's eyeballs rolled, and he looked at the mosquito demon's body, which was only the size of a slap on his own foreleg.

"Little guy, you are too small, and your body is not as big as my king's palm. This king is very willing, but you can't be my concubine, unless your body can evolve to be as big as this king. In exchange for a reward A reward."

Beautiful Mosquito Demon: "No, no, the younger one will be your concubine, you can use your demon power to shrink your body."

Wang Yin's eyes lit up, this method is fine, but when he thinks of himself becoming smaller, he immediately shakes his head like a rattle.

"No, get fucked, you want to eat farts to destroy this king's tall and mighty image."

Coming to the Luohun River, Wang Yin found two mermaids in a river bay aquatic plant under the guidance of the transformed mosquito demon.

There are two mermaids, one male and one female, with long blue hair on the top half of the human body. The male is strong and strong, and the female is hot.

From the waist down, the lower body is covered with scales, the fish body is round, the waist is delicate and the fish tail is flat, and the tail fin is as soft as boneless and translucent as gauze.

At this time, the two mermaids are entangled in the river bay, ups and downs and spitting bubbles. Wang Yin Daqi, these two mermaids ran down the upper reaches of the Soul River to spitting bubbles. Maybe there is something wrong with their brains, maybe they are creatures without wisdom.

The wings swayed slightly, and a gust of evil wind rolled up the two mermaids in the water, and displayed them in front of his two particularly round and circling fly eyes.

The two mermaids were spitting bubbles happily. There was a sudden change, and they uttered a long, beautiful and ethereal sound in shock.


Looking up in a panic, he found himself floating in mid-air, imprisoned by an unknown force in front of a monster with bulging green eyes, a thick figure with two wings, four bewitching red whirlpools, and six hairy claws as hard as iron.

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