The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 28 The Mermaid

The monster's two round eyes were full of curiosity, carefully observing the details of their bodies, and the two mermaids were so frightened that their fish tails tightened and quickly hid the hidden parts of their bodies.

Wang Yin nodded secretly. This is a normal reaction of intelligent creatures, which means that these two mermaids are born with intelligence, and they know that shame is not a mindless fish.

Unlike those monsters in Qinglong Mountain, even if they turned into humans, they would not be ashamed. Many of them do what they want in front of human intelligent life without any cover.

In the hustle and bustle of the crowd, they still do the thing of rushing towards the opposite sex when they see that they like the opposite sex. It is simply shameless, and they are barbaric lives that have not been influenced by civilization.

It is very interesting to carefully observe the way the two mermaids spit bubbles. One hides the bubbles in the fish tail, as if it can be used freely from the fish tail, and the other hides the bubbles under the two scales in the belly of the fish. At this time The two scales separated in the middle, and countless colorful bubbles burst out.

Wang Yin doesn't care about the two mermaids trying to stop bubbling, being under the bondage of demon power doesn't end when you want it to end.

Woo... A deep and long male voice sounded, and the male mermaid asked angrily.

"Why are you waiting for my husband and wife to be arrested by some monster? Please let go of our husband and wife quickly, or our family will surely flood your land."

Aha, there are still two talking fish, but this stupid fish has already fallen into his hands and still talks like this, does it not understand what it means to be a knife and I am a fish? The lesson is not enough.

The lesson is not enough. Does it mean that he is too kind? Wang Yin's furious claws were imprisoned by demon power, and then he protected another mermaid and pulled hard. The mermaid man who threatened him to ask questions screamed into the sky.

Because the other mermaid woman was protected by the demon power, she didn't get hurt very much. Don't ask him why he would protect a mermaid.

Another mermaid woman's ethereal and pleasant voice sounded. This is a very beautiful mermaid woman who can score at least nine points.

"My lord, my lord, the little girl can't speak, please let him go."

"You can ask the little girl anything you need to know, and the little girl will know everything without saying anything."

This is more or less the case, a family with a good wife and husband is less likely to suffer, and the same goes for other civilizations.

Wang Yin put on a kingly demeanor: "Seeing that you are such a cute little fish, I will go around your husband once first."

After speaking, he let go of the mermaid woman's monster power, and casually threw the mermaid man into the shallow water on the shore. The beautiful little mosquito demon took the opportunity to rush up and stomped the mermaid man's bubble warehouse a few times, stomping him until he screamed miserably again and called the fairy spare my life.

"Hahaha, hahaha...."

Wang Yin appreciates the behavior of revenge against the little mosquito monster, and laughed, and the other monsters who came with Wang Yin also laughed.

Anger flashed in the mermaid woman's eyes, but she didn't dare to show it.

These monsters were full of monsters, she didn't know their nature and couldn't provoke them at will, so as not to accidentally say the wrong thing and be killed.

Even though he was in a strange place with no knowledge of the origin, he still ignored him to ask her to blow bubbles despite all the excuses he made, and now the blowing was done by someone else.

Wang Yin didn't care about the drama in her mind, and began to ask questions seriously. Although she could use her spiritual sense to inquire, it was boring to use her spiritual sense to inquire about everything.

"What name, where did you come from, what did you do here, tell the truth one by one."

The mermaid girl pursed her bewitching red lips: "Little girl Yu is good, my husband is Yu Duoduo."

"We came from the largest ocean in Blue Star. We mainly feel the vigorous energy of life in this world. Come here to see if there is any chance of evolution."

After answering, he looked at Wang Yin expectantly, hoping that Wang Yin would release their husband and wife immediately.

"Stop you, do you mean the two of you, and are there any other accomplices?"

Wang Yin fiddled with the scales on the woman's lower section fish curiously. This race is very interesting, and the scales will automatically close and separate. Why not molt these scales? Isn't it uncomfortable to have so many fish scales on your body?

Yu Haohao has been a fish student for so many years, and she has been so humiliated. For the mermaids, fish scales are their clothes. Wang Yin pulled her fish scales away to tear her clothes, and immediately bit her teeth on the base of her tongue Wanting to kill himself in front of the monster.

It has to be said that this mermaid has a staunch temper, and she has no hesitation in saying death.

But in Wang Yin's hands, she couldn't die even if she wanted to. The bones could grow blood and flesh under the moisture of the monster power. What's more, she just bit her tongue to kill herself. Before her teeth hit the tongue, the monster in front of her took off the force.

Wang Yin held Yu Haohao's jaw and looked at Yu Haohao's beautiful blue eyes: "Do you want to die so much? Don't worry, my lord just hasn't seen your race. You don't need such a big reaction after studying it."

Yuhao breathed a sigh of relief. Their mermaid clan has evolved for tens of thousands of years, and their loyalty to husband and wife is deeply rooted.

Even if she gets angry that her husband is unreliable, she doesn't want to be humiliated by other men, not to mention that this man is still a monster without human form.

The beautiful ethereal voice expressed a series of gratitude: "Thank you for letting the little girl go, thank you for letting the little girl go."

Wang Yin secretly used the mimicry technique and smiled charmingly: "You're welcome, this is what I, the King of Qinglong Mountain, should do."

The mermaid woman was suddenly frightened, and felt that the monster had a malicious expression on her face. Before she could take precautions, she saw the monster's strange and strange disc mouth suddenly opened ferociously, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth.

Two of the syringe needle-like canine teeth exuded a cold, sharp and dangerous light, and pierced hard into her chest with a puff.

The monsters on the Luohun River laughed wildly, and the loud sound spread in all directions, causing countless monsters to laugh along with them.

"Hehehe... Hehehe... This king is a monster, the king of monsters, there is no benefit for this king to come to accompany you to play house, wow ha ha ha... first hand over the source of life to you. "

Yuhao couldn't believe it, his beautiful blue watery eyes were filled with tears of sorrow, watching the monster laughing wildly before his eyes gradually fainted, and he heard it faintly in unwillingness.

"Hahaha...hahaha...we are monsters, do you know what monsters are, you are civilized fish, you don't know."

"Do you believe what the monster said? You actually believed it, hahaha... so happy."

The Qinglong Mountain monster beside them laughed loudly, this race called mermaids is really a bit naive.

Yu Haohao cried inwardly, why don't you all be monsters, it's really a lot of drama.

I have to say that there is some reason why the Tianyi Palace and the Snow Mountain Sword Sect in human society want to slay demons and demons.

The monsters in Qinglong Mountain, including Wang Yin, have never harmed innocent people, but some of their methods of doing things are indeed evil and weird, and there is no doubt that they have proper demon thinking.

Yu Haohao woke up again, angry and inexplicable, she thought she had died, but after the monster woke her up again, she said to her in embarrassment.

"Sorry, sorry, the mermaid beauty disturbed you. The source of life will ebb after the coma, and it doesn't taste good to swallow it. It's better for you to be sober and let me swallow it."

Dead and dead, unable to get rid of and unable to get rid of, in front of the stimulating hallucinogenic toxins evolved by the demon profession, the fish screamed and screamed in pain and joy: "Scum is perverted, I am a big pig's hoof who doesn't speak well, old lady Spray you to death."

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