The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 29: Here Comes The Sea

After returning to the cave, Wang Yin made a big pool for the two mermaids at the bottom of the cave, and continued to try to transform, but no matter how hard he tried, it didn't work.

Really speechless, thinking hard, could it be that it is because my body has a human soul, so I can't change form.

Maybe this is true. The purpose of the monster form is to obtain a human body and a human soul, so that you can continue to practice with the human body and human soul, because the human body and human soul in this world is the way of civilization selected by the Dao of Heaven.

Not only does he have a human body, but he also has a complete human soul in his body.

Other demons are not human beings who are easy to adjust and change, and they have the appearance of a fart directly internally and externally.

Or you can control the form of the blowfly spirit in Dream Soul Realm, that is the real spirit of the demon race that can truly match this demon body.

Just do what you say, and immediately enter the blowfly spirit in the Dream Soul Realm, and observe this original spirit that is only a thread away from condensing and completing the real soul body.

Stretching out of the Dream Soul Realm with his body consciousness engulfed in the blowfly spirit, he came to the depths of the sea of ​​demon body consciousness to exert his demon power and began to transform into form.

Hey, it really can be a matter of course when you turn around. In the blink of an eye, Wang Yin turned into a strong human body with sword eyebrows and star eyes, but the four red turbine wings on his back are still there.

This situation is normal for the monster race, and many monster races will not fully transform. There are many monster races with horns and fox tails on their tops. Those who are fully transformed are those who have very high requirements for appearance and temperament. Only then will the last bit of original flaw be patiently worn away.

He waved his hand and released a clear water mirror, looking at the man in the mirror which has nothing in common with the human body before, he was a little regretful, who said that after the rebirth of a human being in the form of a monster race, he will look like himself, so I promise not to kill you when you come out.

I should have thought that I could use the blowfly spirit to transform into form, but the main reason seems to be that I don't like transforming very much, so I have been procrastinating until now, trying to use human spirit and demon body to transform into form.

By the way, why does he want to change form again now, pat his forehead, oh, it's because of the mermaid, Tun Tun spit, sure enough, every man has a dream of wanting to own a mermaid.

Now that he finally turned into a human body, Wang Yin turned around and rushed to the bottom of the cave. The bottom of the cave was a huge pool with a diameter of 200 meters and a radius of 200 meters that he temporarily developed, where fishes and fishes lived temporarily.

When he came to the pool, Yu Duoduo leaned in front of him with a flattering face: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty is here again, congratulations on your successful transformation."

Wang Yin snorted softly: "Well, the fish is good."

Yu Duoduo smiled uncomfortably: "Yu really didn't want to see the little one, so she hid in her innermost room."

Wang Yin looked at the mermaid man up and down, and said with a smirk in his mouth, "I thought only the human race would have scumbags, but I didn't expect you mermaids to have scumbags, but you are so scumbag that I like it, hahahaha …”

Putting on the arrogant and unrestrained villain in the movies he saw when he was a human being, Wang Yin felt secretly refreshed, he finally became a monster villain for once, and it was really enjoyable.

Yu Duoduo flattered and said, "Your Majesty, there are so many transfigured fairies here. Walking on the single-plank bridge is not as fun as walking in the forest every day."

Wang Yin patted Yu Duoduo on the shoulder: "Not bad, not bad, your ideological awareness is high, this king admires young heroes like you the most, go play with your little monsters."

Yu Duoduo nodded his head madly: "Thank you for your reward, the fish is well inside. I wish you happy eating, Your Majesty."

Nodding and bowing, he turned around and was surrounded by two coquettish snake demons into the pool, giggling and having fun.

Looking at this scene coldly, Wang Yin felt no guilt at all. There is no corner of the human world that cannot be dug up in the mermaid clan's way of fidelity in marriage and loyalty. It's just that the price is not high enough and the principle is not still applicable to them.

The firmer your love view is, the more you are a joke if the object is not firm.

Walking towards the most corner of the beautiful water room, countless firefly demons dance, bringing dreamlike elegance and light to the cave. The lonely figure leans against the pool in the room and sings ancient songs softly, and the ethereal tones go straight to the soul.

As soon as he arrived outside the room, Yu Haohao's melancholy voice came: "Your Majesty, you run to the little girl every day, won't you delay your great cause of evolution, Your Majesty?"

Wang Yin stepped into the room, admiring Yu Haohao's beautiful back, and smiled meaningfully without answering this question.

"Why are you in a bad mood?"

Yu Haohao: "The king turned his backhand to cloud and covered his hand to rain, can the little girl say that's not good."

Wang Yin: "This lord is just testing the credibility of the marriage loyalty of the mermaid family that you said, lest you have to live and die every day. If Yuduoduo can withstand the temptation, this lord will naturally let you find beautiful love. If you want to die, promise Not to interfere with you."

"Since Yu Duoduo can't stand the temptation, there is a saying in the human world that men and women are equal, so you can't live or die."

Yu Haohao: "Your Majesty is right, but the little girl is still feeling very uncomfortable."

Wang Yin walked up to her with his hands behind his back: "It's okay as long as my lord makes you feel better."

Yu Haohao sneered, turning his head to look at Wang Yin's new body: "Honestly, my lord, I have never seen such a brazen person like you. I owe everything to you now. You can't say that." They don’t look like demons, but rather resemble some human creatures on land.”

Wang Yin said haha: "Is there any? My king is very simple, okay?"

Yu rolled her eyes well, did you not know, but she knew that it was meaningless to discuss this topic with the man in front of her, so she asked curiously: "Is this the avatar that your lord is talking about? Why do you like to incarnate into the image of land humans .”

Although the mermaids live on the bottom of the sea, they have heard about the vicissitudes of the world. Just like humans have heard the legends of mermaids, mermaids have also heard of human legends, not to mention that she has seen many on the way to the inland. Terran.

Wang Yin chuckled: "There is no way for this. Human beings are the protagonists of this world. It is more in line with the way of heaven for the monsters to evolve and practice faster."

"It's just that you haven't seen this king's transformation, so why did you know it was me when I came in?"

Yu Haohao stirred the pool water with his hands: "You smelly little girl has smelled it from a long distance, even if you haven't smelled it, you should at least put your wings away before you say this."

"Ahahaha, it must be that the king is confused."

Looking at the beautiful and magical elves in the water, the eyes are shining again and again. The mermaid is the elf goddess in the stories he has heard since he was a child. Today, he can finally share a room with her in a human body.

Although the fly body was also my own before, it always lacked the sense of ritual of the current human body.

The waves are rolling in the pool house, and the mermaid singing from ancient times resounds through the soul.

Beautiful snake demon one: "Hey, Mr. Yu, your wife is very happy."

Beautiful Snake Demon II: "Hey, Mr. Yu, your strength is stronger than yesterday. It seems that you will be able to transform in a short time."

Wang Yin begged for support, and the evaluation data of flower monthly ticket rewards is the driving force of the heavens.

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