The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 30: Toad Essence

In the water house, Wang Yin earnestly teaches Yuhao the Qinglong Mountain evolution secret technique. This secret technique is a copycat version of the devouring technique that he deleted and adapted.

Wang Yin was secretly delighted to distract the fish to pay attention to prevent the fish from discovering the loopholes in his teaching, and said to her seriously: "Take me to your hometown tomorrow, my king wants to see what the biggest ocean in Blue Star is like." .”

The original quality of life on land is already low for him, so he just went to the sea to find high-quality life essence.

Yu Haohao: "What is your Majesty doing there? It's so smoky there now that there is no aura of heaven and earth. Otherwise, Yu Duoduo and I would not have taken such a risk to send it to your mouth after feeling the changes in the world here."

Wang Yin was very curious: "Can you only evolve with the aura of heaven and earth? No wonder you are so weak, but it doesn't matter. As long as you evolve in the way that the king taught you just now, you will definitely be able to reach heights you can't imagine."

My lord's devouring and evolution technique has no requirements on the spiritual energy resources of the world, as long as there is life, it can be practiced, even if it is a deleted copycat version, it is not comparable to the ordinary cultivation methods in those books.

Yu Haohao was overjoyed to show her first happy smile since meeting Wang Yin.

"Really? Thank you, Your Majesty. Even though you are very bad, Your Majesty, you still keep your promise."

Wang Yin smiled cryptically, so hehe, this silly fish forgot about the pain when the scars healed, and the benefit was that good people didn't keep their promises, so she sprayed them.

"Of course it's true. You can see that my lord is an elite mountain. Why should my lord lie to you, right?"

Yu Haohao hurriedly expressed her gratitude to Wang Yin. If it was true, she would not be in vain.

Dao Qinglongshan monster has only been practicing for a few years, and it is like a dog beeping.

Their mermaid tribe and other monster tribes in the ocean, if they want to reach the level of the Qinglong Mountain monster, they will not be able to do it for thousands of years.

As a result, there are thousands of big monsters in transformation form on the bright side of Qinglong Mountain. In the ocean, only the ancestor of Jingkun can barely equal the strength of these big monsters of transformation in Qinglong Mountain. A super boss who has only reached his current level in a thousand years.

So the platform is very important, especially for high-end careers such as the evolution of advanced life. A one-year evolution of a good platform can save you thousands of years of effort. Ordinary life with a hundred years of life is longevity. Who can live for thousands of years? Rare cause.

Compared with the big monsters like Qinglong Mountain, the ancestor of Jingkun practiced for thousands of years and lived like a tortoise.


This day, Wang Yin took the fish out of the cave and let the fish lie on his body and flew towards Luohun River Lightning.

As for Yu Duoduo, a scumbag who is happy in Qinglong Mountain, he firmly stated that he would stay in the cave and help the king take care of Qinglong Mountain. He is not afraid of hard work or sacrifice, so he will not disturb the king and the fish to swim in the world.

Yuhaohao immediately got so angry that Yuduoduo wrote the divorce agreement and pressed his fingerprints, and wanted to take it back to the Yuelao Office of the Mermaid Clan for divorce.

It is not only human beings who need to be confirmed by the government for divorce, but also mermaids. It seems that as long as it is a civilized society, there will be emotional disputes.

Seeing that her king wanted to go far away without her, Qinglong empress was so angry that her avatar on the top of the mountain swooped into the ground and disappeared. The female fly stood on the top of the mountain blankly watching Wang Yin take the mermaid girl away, her lips trembling and her eyes filled with tears.

Because the speed with Yuhao was too fast, Yuhao couldn't stand the strong wind in the sky, and the two of them flew for more than an hour to arrive at Luohun River, which usually takes three minutes.

In fact, it should not be said that there are two people, because neither of them is human.

Along the way, Yu Hao was very restless, always yelling that she had been exploited and oppressed by Wang Yin these days, and now that she has returned to being a single fish, she has to sit with Wang Yin and fly to her hometown of Lanxing Dayang, expressing her aggrieved anger.

He resolutely does not agree to take a boat or a car, or take a handjob or something.

Alas, so don't mess with women. Any woman who is docile on the surface is very rebellious in her heart.

Swimming down from the Luohun River, if there is no delay, you can reach the ocean at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour in more than a day.

It’s just that such a long journey can’t be delayed. Wang Yin was flying upside down in the sky very well, when suddenly there was a commotion and noise from below, and the sound of countless human beings running around in panic spread to the sky:

"Run away! That female toad is here again. Uncle Zhang's second son has been devoured by it so much that he vomited out his gall."

"Really? I'm scared to death, run, run, poor bastard, are you useless, will you not even be able to fight monsters in the future?"

Passerby A: "Hey, what are you running for? Have you encountered an evil toad spirit? So many of you are afraid of what it will do, just kill it."

"It's the toad spirit, don't you know it, kid?"

Many human beings looked at Passerby A who didn't know the situation like an idiot.

"Brother, you are from outside. I don't know if we don't laugh at you. This toad spirit is a very disgusting toad. It is the same size, full of foul-smelling sticky saliva, you will vomit to death when you see it and smell it, it also likes to stick its tongue into your mouth to suck your vitality, you can't bear it, you can help us if you can bear it Slaying demons and eliminating demons, we thank you eight generations of ancestors."

Passerby A was dumbfounded: "Didn't you say that monsters know how to charm? Why can't this toad spirit be so? It's really scary if it's like this. It's too scary. I'll run away too."

One of the humans complained: "This toad spirit is not a direct monster of Qinglong Mountain. It is a wild monster spawned by the ding ding monster who passed by some time ago. The wild toad spirit knows a fart charm."

Two of the human beings said: "Yeah, yes, if we can charm, we wouldn't be so scared, at worst, we would just close our eyes and wake up, and then feel sick and vomit. The problem is that it doesn't know charm, and it's so freaking weird." Loves to lick people."

Passerby A ran faster: "Dear friends, please run slowly, brother, I will go first to respect you."

Many human beings saw that they were running so fast, passer-by A couldn't wait, if they knew this guy was running so fast, they wouldn't have told this guy, and they could let him block the toad spirit, and collectively shouted: "Hey, hey, hello, Brother, run slowly, it’s not that exaggerated, we were scaring you just now.”

After hearing this, passer-by A even ran away without a trace. When my brother is stupid, my brother is really afraid of your intimidation. Fortunately, my brother's speed talent flashed first.

The two people in the sky watched this funny scene with relish, and Yu stretched out his hand to thump Wang Yin: "Look, your demon son and grandson are making trouble."

Wang Yin laughed awkwardly: "It's wild, wild, you know. They didn't receive the education and training of our Qinglong Mountain, so they are quite barbaric. We also have toad spirits and frog demons in Qinglong Mountain. They are gentle and talented students, and there have been many transformations. What a monster, all the handsome women wearing toad glasses are beautiful."

A bedroom as big as a house in the distance while talking, a toad spirit covered with a washbasin-like bulge, squatted hard, bounced from the ground and jumped up to a thousand meters into the sky, and shot towards Wang Yin with a long tongue.

Wang Yin was so angry that he gave you a face. He dodged his sticky tongue and went straight to the top of Toad Jing's head. He flapped his wings on his head, and slapped him from the air to the ground, smashing a 30-meter-long and deep hole. pit.

After a while, the toad spirit twisted and crawled out of the pit and fled away in the distance.

Yuhao laughed loudly, this is still a smart toad, and he ran away when he saw that he couldn't beat him.

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