Yu Haohao felt very happy that the demon king of Qinglong Mountain was counterattacked by the little demon. Although the toad spirit did not succeed in counterattacking, at least he had the courage to counterattack. One.

Wang Yin caught up with the toad spirit in an instant and continued to slap it into the ground with one wing, making a big hole again. Who made you run away.

This time, the toad spirit stayed in the big pit in the ground and did not move, probably knowing that the difference in strength is too great to escape, and the little guy flying in the sky is definitely a big demon in shape.

Cautiously cooing: "Coo, coo, which senior is above, the little one has eyes but no eyes to offend the senior, senior let the little one survive."

Wang Yin fell on the edge of the pit and put on an air of superiority: "When did you become a master, little toad? Why did you harm the common people?"

The toad spirit in the pit felt the coercion of the high-priced demon king and trembled with fear: "I tell you seniors that the little one was led out by the ding ding monster passing by some time ago. The creatures of other races have evolved so much through cultivation, and the little ones have never persecuted these human people, and they just want to ask them to help the little ones in their cultivation."

Wang Yin rubbed his nose, how did he feel that this was a smart and motivated toad spirit, and there was no disgusting mucus on his body, not as exaggerated as those humans said, but why it became a spirit and not a demon.

He hated iron but said: "Then you can't just spit out the gall of others for the sake of cultivation, and lose consciousness, and cut off the hope of evolution."

The toad spirit in the pit is wronged: "Senior, you are wronged. The small ones have never harmed the cultivation furnace and made them faint and cut off their evolutionary expectations. It is almost good. They ran away when they saw the small ones. There is also a small fellow, who is greedy and unhygienic and looks exactly like the young one, causing people to misunderstand that it was the small one who did it."

Unexpectedly, there are such twists and turns in it. Wang Yin waved his hand and said, "Let's lead the way, such a monster with no monster quality needs to be dealt with."

The toad spirit hurriedly jumped out of the pit, and led the two of them to a valley full of sewage. They saw a very fat and disgusting toad happily confronting a bald strong man with tattoos all over his body, wearing a big gold chain and holding a thick cigar in his mouth. Han concentrated on devouring the Xiantian Yuanye.

The huge bald-headed man was wrapped in the huge tongue full of foul-smelling thick liquid, and he swallowed it like he was sucking sugarcane until he spit.

The bald man blushed and shouted excitedly: "One, two, three, four, two, three, four, Mrs. Toad, you are really unique in using your tongue to make a sauna. Come again, come again, this time it's my turn to practice. It's your turn." Provide me with Xiantian Yuanye, I have to recover and improve my cultivation before it's your turn to practice."

Yu Haohao and Wang Yin, the leading toad, were stunned. What happened was that these people were very afraid of this toad.

Turning to look at the leading frog spirit: "Are you sure it's this one."

Leading the way, the toad swallowed his saliva: "Reporting to the senior is absolutely true, this is the one. If you don't believe me, you can see how dirty the ground is."

Yuhaohao giggled coquettishly: "Your Majesty, don't interfere with others. Radishes and vegetables have their own preferences. If you don't like them, you can find a partner who loves them."

Wang Yin said that he was speechless, but he couldn't do things without a beginning and an end. He used his demon power to solidify in the blink of an eye a crystal clear demon cage with his own soul monitoring.

Then, under the bewildered eyes of the fat and disgusting toad spirit and the bald man, he inscribed a few words at the entrance of the cave.

"Volunteers enter, and the Qinglong Mountain Demon King will stand."

The fat and disgusting Toad Jing saw the words Qinglong Mountain Demon King, and was so frightened that he spit out the bald man and crawled on the ground.

"Little demon, Lady Toad from the Black Pond, pay my respects to the King of the Qinglong Mountain Monster Clan."

Wang Yin waved his hand: "My lord just passed by you to continue, but you little toad doesn't pay attention to hygiene and doesn't know the seriousness of things. When will you be able to transform into this demon cage and you will come out."

The fat and disgusting toad spirit was so frightened that he quickly kowtowed on the ground: "I will obey the decree of the king, and the little ones will change their forms before going out."

Leading the way, Toad Jing opened his mouth in surprise and was very happy to see it. The stinky bitch told you to fight against my empress for a day. Now you will be imprisoned by the senior king. Oh, my empress actually met the legendary King of Qinglong Mountain So happy.

Wang Yin took the fish and sat down next to the two toads. The bald man held a new cigar in his trembling hands and nodded and bent over: "My lord, would you like one?"

The fat and disgusting toad spirit was so frightened that he slapped the bald man to the ground: "Shut up, you don't have the right to speak in front of the king."

Wang Yin didn't bother to look at the resentful expression on the bald man's face, and waved his hands: "What's the matter with the passing ding ding monster you mentioned, and why you call yourself fine, tell me about it."

He has heard a little about the Tin Tin Monster, Tun Tun Monster, and Big Mouth Monster attached to the mountain, but he doesn't usually pay attention to it. These two toad spirits are mutations caused by the Tin Tin Monster, so it's just a matter of understanding the relevant situation.

Toad Spirit, who led the way, was the quickest to answer: "Senior King, this little one knows a little bit about Tin Tin Monster Tun Tun Monster Big Mouth Monster is a ghost that appeared when Grandma Qinglong was patrolling the land. Because the level of sanity that was activated by the ding ding monster is too low to transform into form, so it can only be called fine."

Glancing enviously at the black water pond, Mistress Toad muttered, "This stinky bitch is lucky enough to be enlightened by a demon and be able to transform into a demon."

Then said: "The actual distinction is all these spirit monsters, there are grass stingers, wood stingers, mud stingers, stone stingers, and stone stingers are divided into big rock stingers, small stone stingers, grass swallowers, wood stingers Swallow monsters, mud swallow monsters, stone swallow monsters, big stone swallow monsters, small stone swallow monsters, etc., the big mouth monsters are all monsters that don't have Tun Tun Tun but only big mouth monsters, and there are other small wild monsters such as hat monsters, Shock monsters, etc., in short, all the ghosts you see, my lord, can be counted."

"Except for human beings with souls and monsters, they are all spirits, and the little ones are toad spirits."

Wang Yin has nothing to say with his big mouth. A simple monster can be made into so many branches according to what kind of stinging and big mouth.

I suddenly remembered the underwear monster from a while ago. Is there still a clothes monster with a big mouth and a monster with a big mouth? I'm going to go back to Qinglong Mountain to open up wasteland and farm, and raise more grass and mud horse-drawn carts to work.

After dealing with the toad spirit incident, Wang Yin and Yuhaohao continue on their way. I don't know if it's because of Wang Yin's transformation into a human body. Yuhaohao obsesses Wang Yin along the way, forcing Wang Yin to teach her how to swallow her innate energy.

Mainly, she suddenly thought of the Demon King of Qinglong Mountain, who seemed not as trustworthy as she had seen on the surface, and was a little suspicious that the devouring evolution technique taught to her by the other party was a fake.

In her words, the mermaids are inherently friendly to the opposite sex. Your Majesty, you can't deceive her friendship and trust, just like she hates Yu Duoduo for deceiving her emotional trust. She just divorced and said goodbye.

Wang Yin immediately assured that the phagocytosis evolution technique is absolutely true and effective, but silently added that the effect is relatively discounted, and the phagocytosis method is rather special.

Yu Haohao said that his guarantee to him remains to be seen, and he will not stop until he really feels that he has swallowed up his innate vitality.

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