The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 32: Empress Fish

The happy time is always short, and the two non-human beings soon come to Yu Haohao's hometown.

In the middle of the largest ocean in the Blue Star World, a piece of land that looms in the ocean entered Wang Yin's eyes. This is the country of the mermaids, the country of the mermaids.

Different from the legends of the human world, mermaids not only live in the deep sea, but they also need land, but this land must be a plain land covered by the ocean, so the highest point of the Murloc Land is only a dozen meters above sea level.

Yu Hao described this piece of land, which was covered by the ancient mermaid star-level power formation. Foreigners cannot see this land. Without the mermaid leading the way, foreigners will never be able to enter. To prevent foreign invasion, even if there is a mermaid leading the way, everyone The fish family can only bring up to two other intelligent races.

Unless half of the people in the mermaid country turn to foreign enemies, no foreign enemy can launch a war against the mermaid country.

After entering the mermaid country, the fish took Wang Yin happily and flew towards his place of residence. Along the way, many handsome and coquettish mermaids looked at Wang Yin curiously.

"This fish looks so strange, isn't it from our mermaid family?"

"Of course not. If someone has legs, do you have legs? I've read the clan's strange talk magazine. This is the legendary human race."

"Really? My mother, there are really human beings in this world. I thought it was those experts who made up stories to brag,"

"Who is that female who brought the human race in? She is so courageous that she dares to leave the mermaid country. Aren't you afraid of being caught by monsters outside?"

Wang Yin looked curiously at the land below. Nests of mermaids lived in shallow water, some climbed up the reefs and sang ancient songs, and some went into the deep sea to hunt for food.

Xiang Huaizhongyu asked carefully: "So do you live on the water surface, in the deep sea or on land?"

The fish looked at Wang Yin like a fool: "Do you need to ask? We hunt in the deep sea, live in shallow water, and go to land for leisure, because we have both human and fish bodies, and we need oxygen at the water level and water to maintain our bodies. "

"Speaking of which, maybe the ancestors of your human race and our mermaid ancestors belonged to the same branch, maybe it's just that the direction of evolution is different."

"Yuelao's office is in front of me. I'll deal with the divorce first."

During the flight, I came to a house-like shell in the shallow water of a town. The fish got into it for a while and then came out with a frustrated face.

Wang Yin asked, "Why didn't it work?"

Yu Haohao replied angrily: "Yu Duoduo needs to come here with me, and I have to wait for a one-year cooling-off period before I can do it."

Wang Yin hehe: "Is your Yuelao office responsible for the accident during the cooling-off period?"

Yu Haohao: "If you are in charge, you will meet a garbage partner. You can only consider yourself unlucky if you kill him during this period."

At this time, a pair of mermaids who had just completed the divorce procedures interjected: "No way, we waited for a year to get it done. I don't know if it's the rules set by the squishy fish. There was a violent male fish some time ago." During the period of domestic violence, his wife refused to agree to divorce, and the poor female fish was beaten to death, although the male fish was caught later, the tragedy has already caused irreversible."

Other fish: "It's just that you can't calm down when you get married, and you can't calm down when you get divorced. If you really have feelings, you will remarry even if you get divorced. To leave a cooling-off period for those fish who love domestic violence is to give them the opportunity to commit crimes."

Amid all the discussions, a majestic and cold voice came: "Yaozu, what is your business in our mermaid country?"

The group of mermaids suddenly fell silent and looked at Wang Yin collectively.

"Is this monster a demon race? Didn't some fish say it was a human race just now?"

"Let me just say, I remember the legend that the human race has no wings, and those with wings are all birdmen."

Hearing the sound well, Yu bowed down to pay tribute to the majestic and cold voice with many mermaid tribe members.

"I've seen the Queen of Fish."

Wang Yin followed the prestige, and saw a mermaid woman wearing a colorful running gauze dress, graceful and luxurious, with a very beautiful appearance, coming gracefully under the guard of a dozen mermaid men who were like guards.

Wang Yin arched his hands: "I have seen the fish empress, this king comes from the human continent, and he only travels the ocean without any purpose."

He secretly slandered in his heart that although the mermaid country continent is big enough, there are not many mermaid people. He was discovered by the supreme ruler, Empress Yu, not long after he arrived. It seems that he is also an endangered race.

The Queen of Fish came to Wang Yin's side, looked at Wang Yin carefully with a pair of beautiful eyes, and then sighed leisurely.

"Since the death of my king, no foreign race has come to our mermaid country for a thousand years, especially the transformed monster race, which is almost rare in a thousand years. Since you entered the mermaid country, I have received news to follow you."

After speaking, she looked at Wang Yin and blinked her beautiful eyes: "Do you know why I am the only one wearing gauze?"

Wang Yin shook his head honestly, I don't know why you are the only one wearing gauze clothes, besides, it's strange to wear clothes, and don't you think it's awkward to ask me this question when we meet for the first time.

Oh, by the way, you mermaids don't wear clothes. It's really strange that you only wear clothes.

The Queen of Fish looked at Wang Yin with a bewildered expression, smiled proudly and lifted her gauze, revealing a pair of beautiful and dazzling jade feet.

"Because my lady is the same as you, the human race has already transformed into a fish, so it is natural to wear clothes to hide shame, and you are wearing this green robe as a demon race, the reason is the same."

All the mermaids present were shocked, the fish empress actually had legs, oh my god the fish were scared to death.

Don't we mermaids also have to transform? Those who want to transform are all monsters, and we are also monsters? No way.

Wang Yin left Qinglong Mountain in a human form, but Guoben actually used monster power to cover his body with a green robe.

Looking carefully under the Empress Yu's gauze clothes, there are indeed a pair of beautiful and slender feet that are crystal clear like jade. It is the first time since evolution that I have met a big monster of a foreign race outside Qinglong Mountain. Tun Tun is drooling for some reason, and cups his hands to show respect .

"Your Majesty's cultivation base is so profound that this king admires me so much, I dare to come to the Empress's country to hope for her kindness."

The empress of the fish smiled subtly: "Everyone who comes is a guest. In such an era where it is rare to meet the transformation state in a thousand years, why not come to my mansion to discuss the method of advancement."

Wang Yin was overjoyed that he didn't know anything about the following cultivation realm and didn't introduce the scumbag scriptures. Now it's very good to meet someone who can be discussed, and quickly said: "Okay, then I will follow my mother for a while."

The fish next to him anxiously tugged at Wang Yin's arm: "Your Majesty."

Empress Yu gave Yu a good look: "Yu looks good because of your acquaintance with this fellow. I won't investigate your husband and wife's crimes of leaving the Mermaid Kingdom privately and fornicating with other clans. I will return to the ground where I live and think about the past."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Wang Yin: "Your Excellency is laughing. Due to the end of the world, there are not many people left in our clan. It is difficult for the people of the country to continue without rules. I have wronged your friend."

Wang Yin waved his hand to signal Yu Hao to go back and rest. Yu Hao Hao is not his. The reason why he came here is only because he is curious about the mermaids. Now when he encounters business, he naturally puts the business first. It is a typical standard of a ruthless scumbag.

Yu returned to his residence with his mouth full, and immediately thought of Wang Yin teaching the Dafa of Devouring, he became happy, and his eyes gradually glowed as he aimed at all the fish men.

Now there is no Yu Duoduo's emotional restraint, and there is the Dafa of devouring taught by Wang Yin. Wang Yin doesn't care if she is really high in the sky and lets the birds fly and the sea wide and let the fish swim. What is a changeling? My fish will evolve into a star life one day.

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