The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter Thirty-Three

Chatting all the way to the place where the Queen of the Fish lives, the highest mountain in the mermaid country, of course, the highest mountain is incomparable with the land, only a dozen meters.

At a height of more than ten meters above the sea level, in a luxurious palace made of materials that are more crystal clear than white marble on land.

"Your Majesty is saying that the cultivation of the Blue Star Monster Clan is divided into ranks 1 to 9 at the Red Dust Realm, and the transformation can only be achieved at the 8th Rank of the Red Dust Realm. Moreover, the big demon Blue Star at this level can no longer withstand the energy supply and cannot live in the Blue Star. If Breaking through again will be the fairyland of star life."

The Queen of Fish looked at Wang Yin's eyes with deep curiosity: "Yes, before the world of mortals changed, it could only be regarded as the qi training level of the mundane world. The qi training level is divided into nine levels. I heard that some Taoist masters broke through the ninth level of qi training. Entering the foundation of Taoism at the first level, the foundation of Taoism is the same as our demon clan's mortal realm. A monster must reach the mortal realm for one turn before it can be called a demon clan, and it can only be transformed into a big monster after reaching the mortal realm for eight ranks, so many monsters When there is no transformation, you can only walk in the world with mimicry, creating a terrifying image of the monster race."

"I'm curious about how the king can run around after he has transformed into a form."

"This is because the mermaid country has ancient sages who built a large defensive formation. Even the star beings in the mermaid country can hide their energy and not be rejected by the blue star energy. In addition, the mermaid country only has one transformation period, so staying in the mermaid country is no problem."

Wang Yin said haha: "Ah, well haha, this king has his own methods."

The Queen of Fish stopped discussing this issue, and waved her hands away to dismiss her subordinates, "I heard that there are thousands of big monsters in the Qinglong Mountain monster clan. Your king is really good. I also heard that your king is well versed in the way of devouring. This empress is also a natural sea anemone carp with a strong life source, I wonder if I can ask the king for advice."

Wang Yin secretly hated Yu for turning his back on him so he would give him away. Isn't it afraid that the Empress Yu would know that he taught her the phagocytosis and evolution technique?

It's just that he is not as enlightened as Yu Yu. The people of the Murloc people are gradually becoming rare and endangered. It is the strict rules and unity that have survived to this day. Not to mention that she just reported the situation of Qinglong Mountain to the Queen of the Fish in private, that is, the Queen of the Fish The empress is willing to order her to order her.

Immediately smiled: "Your Majesty wants to discuss the Tao with me, so of course I am willing to accompany you."

This old fish witch actually wants to play against the king's evil power, and think that the king is afraid of you.

The empress of the fish, with her graceful body, sits on her special training throne.

"Is that so, how does the king want to ask for advice in the future?"

Wang Yin laughed: "Well, let's try to hold our breath and swallow, and use our respective powers to suck the other's life essence from the air. Whoever can't hold back to be swallowed first will lose. Didn't the lady call herself a sea anemone with a carp body? Carp are born to swallow. There is nothing wrong with such an argument.”

While talking, he walked to the empress fish and sat down, turned into a demon body and sucked with a fly mouth sucker, and the huge demon force covered the empress fish's whole body, empress fish frowned slightly, and imperceptible doubts flashed in her eyes.

Half an hour later, the empress of the fish said with a deep meaning: "My lord, how is this queen's ability to swallow the body of sea anemone and carp? It's not worse than the king."

Wang Yin's face was dark and depressed, and he replied: "Your Majesty's talent is indeed superb, but it's too early to tell the outcome. Come again."

The corners of the Empress Fish's mouth curled up with an inexplicable smile: "Yes, it's like this empress didn't know that there would be such a super monster in the world who was born to devour the king, and she didn't know how to suck up the king's blood and soul to get it. After the king's ability, can you help the queen to advance to the star life?"

"But even if you can't, the secret of Qinglong Mountain's rapid transformation on King Bi's body is also of great use to the slave family."

Wang Yin froze: "What does your mother mean by that?"

The Empress Fish got up and came to Wang Yin, her flaming red lips suddenly turned into a terrifying giant mouth, and a huge suction force that could swallow planets came from it, directly making Wang Yin's whole body surge with energy and blood, and large strands of life were transformed into The blood arrow spewed out and was sucked into the mouth of the Queen of Fish.

At the same time, an unattainable and cold voice sounded: "Naturally, that's what it means. The little monster dared to call himself the king and the ancestor before he even reached the world of mortals. I really thought that I wanted to discuss with you later. If it wasn't for you It’s a secret, you are not qualified to lick your feet after turning into a little demon.”

At the end of the speech, a super monster pressure that Wang Yin had never experienced poured out like a catastrophe, suppressing Wang Yin on the ground and making him unable to move. , I suck..."

Not good Wang Yin turned pale with shock, an extremely life-threatening warning message roared out from the dream and soul world inside the soul, his consciousness was instantly dimmed, and the essence and blood all over his body gushed away, almost knocking him out of his wits.

At the critical moment, a prehistoric force in the body rushed into Wang Yin's consciousness from the dream and soul world in time, protecting Wang Yin's human soul essence and blood as stable as Mount Tai. Even so, Wang Yin's physical body lost one-third rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his whole body was pale. There was no trace of blood, and the chest and ribs were like a living skeleton.

In the midst of a life-and-death crisis, Wang Yin almost received a lunch box before he could react to the sudden attack of the Queen of Fish.

If it weren't for the prehistoric power that suddenly spewed out from the Dream Soul Realm to protect his soul essence and blood, he might have fallen on this girl today.

Knowing in his heart that it was Damengtianjing who took the initiative to protect the lord, he calmed down and mobilized his whole body's demon power to break free from the shackles of the fish queen, but the fish queen queen's demon strength was as heavy as Mount Tai, and he couldn't shake Fenhao even with all his strength.

"Hehehe, yo...You little monster who has turned around is not sucked dry by the magic Yin sea anemone fish's suction power. It seems that the king really has a secret."

There was a sarcastic laughter from the Queen of Fish in front of her, her spiritual consciousness was imprisoned by an invisible force, and when she looked up, her eyes were blurred and blood-red. Wang Yin was so anxious that he never expected to hunt geese all day long, but today he was pecked in the eyes by geese.

After calming down, he asked coldly: "I don't know what your empress means, did this king offend your empress somewhere?"

If the woman didn't continue to attack, she either knew that she had lost her chance to kill herself, or she was planning some other trick.

The Empress of the Fish caressed Wang Yin's face with her slender hand, and gently pressed Wang Yin's lips with her jade fingers.

"Your Majesty didn't offend this empress, this empress just wanted to see if your majesty could withstand this empress' magic yin sea anemone fish absorption power."

Nima is even more shameless than this king.

Run the demon power to clear the blood stains in both eyes, and saw a huge golden carp with a ten-meter-long lower body appearing in the palace, and the upper body is the enchanting and beautiful figure of a fish queen, which is to swallow him and restore his body.

This fish empress of the mermaid clan is simply an old hag who kills people with a smile and a smile.

After recovering the mermaid body, she didn't suck Wang Yin's blood again. The fish empress didn't continue to try to swallow Wang Yin's blood.

Looking at the immobile Wang Yin, he seemed to know what he was thinking: "Your Majesty, you don't have to do useless work. Since you haven't reached the strength in the world of mortals, if you want to resist the empress, it's like an ant can't resist you."

Wang Yin stopped struggling and replied speechlessly: "Your Majesty is hiding very deeply. Send two low-level clansmen to Qinglong Mountain to confuse this king, making this king think that the strength of the mermaid clan is no more than that, and they run away to throw themselves into the trap. This king has nothing to do with you in the past." There is no hatred in the near future, why do you want to play such a black hand on this king."

Empress Yu covered her mouth and smiled softly: "Your Majesty is too worried. If this empress says that all the clansmen don't know her strength, I am afraid that your majesty will not believe it, but the fact is like this. How can this empress lead my clan without any foundation?" In this ocean-based country, it was an accident that Yu Haohao could lure the king to my mermaid country, and it was not intentional in the future."

A certain person is speechless and even her clansmen don't know her strength. She is not only an old hag but also an old woman.

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