The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 34: Escape From The Mermaid Country

After seeing Wang Yin's gloomy expression, he laughed: "The king doesn't know where he fell."

"Actually, I'm not sure about the depth of the king's strength. I just feel that the king's qi and blood fluctuations and coercion are very weak from the perspective of transforming into a big monster. At first, I thought it was because the king is good at hiding himself. Until the king's demon power covers the book, I personally feel it. It was later confirmed that the king's strength was really weak, and it was determined that the realm of the king's energy and blood energy had not reached the world of mortals."

"It's just that the queen is really curious about the secret of the king's ability to transform into a human body without reaching the world of mortals, so he continued to sing the show with the king."

Wang Yin sneered: "That's why the empress didn't hesitate to end herself. It's really brave to lure me here from Yuelao."

The empress of the fish laughed loudly: "Hahaha... Your Majesty thinks that because of Yuhao's marriage, I think that my views of the mermaid tribe are traditional and old-fashioned, so it is a real discussion to ask for advice from your majesty."

"That's your lord, you're thinking too much. The reason why our clan's concept is traditional is because clansmen naturally love the way of yin and yang. In order to prevent clansmen from going out to find spouses of different races, which would lead to a more serious endangerment, I only established marriage rules five hundred years ago to strictly prohibit casual divorce. Husband and wife You need to be loyal to the opponent's measures."

"Otherwise, five hundred years ago, there were no taboos for our mermaid spouses. This empress is a mermaid who has never had taboos. Now these traditional rules are of course useless to this empress. As long as you can achieve your goal, it is a good way."

So it turned out that Wang Yin felt tight in his chest, he was really preconceived by Yu Haohao's view of marriage.

In fact, this mermaid is a race with absurd nature and no taboos on the relationship between male and female. It is only to maintain bloodlines that there are old-fashioned marriage rules.

For the old hag who made the rules in front of her, those rules would naturally not affect her world view, nor would she be complacent in handling things. Wang Yin thought that he really wanted to explore how to advance and evolve with him, and sincerely discuss Taoism for the promotion. .

While the fish empress was distracted and talking, Wang Yin quickly cast Charm Dream, and his spiritual force hit the rock-solid consciousness of Fish Queen, and the backlash caused him severe head pain. It's useless, or his level is really too low.

After the fish felt his head was in a daze, his eyes were alert, he inspected himself carefully several times and found nothing unusual, he thought it was because he was exhausted from vigorously exerting the magic yin sea anemone fish suction power.

Wang Yin saw that the charm of dreaming did not work, so he quickly stopped and stopped probing. This is a method that the queen of fish does not know, so as not to be found out, but it is not easy for the queen of fish to find out.

According to the Queen of Fish, Blue Star can accommodate the highest level of monster clan is the seventh rank of the world of mortals, and the eighth rank of the world of mortals, unless it is a big monster like her who is hidden in the ancient sages' defense formation.

And the seventh round of the world of mortals can't transform, so it is really strange that there are more than a thousand transformed monsters in Qinglong Mountain, and it should all be caused by the high level of the evolution method of the Great Dream.

Now there are many new monsters in Qinglong Mountain every day. I am afraid that I will go out and go back later, because the houses built on the mountain are not enough to live in.

Think about the countless trails going up and down the mountain, the avenues have been turned into prime locations by those monsters, let them be self-reliant.

According to the division of queens, I haven't even completed the first round of the world of mortals, so the gap in strength is really too big, no wonder it's hard to move.

However, I am not without opportunities. The low level of qi and blood in my physical body is inherently restricted by blowflies, but due to the evolutionary method of the Great Dream, the physical body bypasses the innate restrictions and develops in the direction of hardness and speed.

As for the seven-turn demon in the world of mortals, Wang Yin, the eight-transformation demon, believes that he is definitely not bad at Qinglong Mountain, but everyone is confused because he doesn't understand the division of levels.

For example, those transformed thousand-meter female pythons and the Qinglong Mountain demon spirit are 100% at the eighth rank of the world of mortals, but they haven't encountered real enemies of the same level of strength, and they can't feel their eighth rank power without exerting their full strength.

This time, he was inexperienced, and he was suppressed by the Queen of Fish's blood when he came up, otherwise, even if his strength did not reach the world of mortals, in terms of physical strength and speed, he would definitely make the Queen of Fish unable to eat and walk around.

According to the comparison of the comprehension books I read when I was a human, the eighth turn of the world of mortals mentioned by Yuhou is probably the period of crossing the catastrophe. High-level beings are also divided into low-level, middle-level and high-level.

It is impossible for one's own strength to establish the foundation, otherwise, how could it be possible to easily suppress the Xueshan Sword Sect, Tiandao Palace and other thousand-year-old sects, and the strength of Dao Tianyi and his wife are clearly in the foundation establishment stage.

The queen of the fish clapped her palms, and a hundred or so charming and enchanting mermaid women filed in.

Large streams of seawater emerged from the corner of the hall, which was as clear and clear as an automatic circulation filter. Hundreds of mermaid women wandered happily singing and dancing in it with the help of water power.

The Queen of the Fish pointed to Wang Yin: "From today onwards, the formation will be opened and the gate will be closed. You will use the blood code to enter and exit the hall to guard this demon, take turns to squeeze out all its blood, and report back when the last blood is left. "

Hundreds of mermaid women bent down and bowed together: "I would like to obey your mother's orders."

Wang Yin Huo Huo Huo, is this going to use beauty tricks to deal with him? Come on, I am afraid that you are not human.

Therefore, in the main hall of the Queen of the Fish, there were screams and screams all day long. A certain monster who thought it was a mermaid, was tied up by a group of mermaids, and used special instruments to beat his chest essence blood all day long. The Queen of Fish also participated in it from time to time. Among them, Wang Yin was severely exploited and squeezed.

After the torture is over, he will do his best to help him recover from his injuries, and then he will go out to rest in the hall with laughter and laughter. I don't know how much he has enjoyed the blessings of being equal to others, making a guard who often brings food to Wang Yin extremely envious.

The queen of the fish knows that Wang Yin is special, and she just wants to absorb Wang Yin's blood and soul to find out the secret. Before getting the secret, she doesn't want to kill Wang Yin.

Today is the delivery time again, Wang Yin was so hungry early in the morning, he took the nourishing specialty deep-sea crystal fish fillet from Mermaid Kingdom from the guard and started to gobble it up.

The guard looked at him and sneered: "Eat slowly, if you continue to resist your mother's will today, this will be your last meal."

Wang Yin was taken aback, no wonder the treatment for lunch was so good today, even the deep-sea specialties from the mermaid country were brought to him. I dare say that the queen of the fish was impatient to continue, and he couldn't guarantee whether the queen of the fish could be killed.

After all, his body is hard, the hall is suppressed by the formation and cannot display speed, and the queen of fish can be smashed piece by piece by him.

Looking at the sour guard in his words, he knew the guard's thoughts well. A group of goddesses who could see but could not move every day, including his own queen, all surrounded a man from the foreign demon tribe. One could imagine the depression in his heart.

He planned to lure the dreamer into the guard's consciousness with a loud bang. This move has no effect on the fish queen. It is not easy to catch a small guard. The main reason why he has not used it is that the fish queen told him that these guards were too wary of him.

I guess I wanted to deal with him today, but my defense against him was lax.

After a while, the guards changed their clothes with the guards smiling happily, and followed the guards to the exit to stick to the body of the guards and walk out of the hall.

Using Enchanting Dream all the way to the edge of the murloc defense formation quietly, and using Enchanting Dreaming to get a mermaid out of the formation, it flapped its wings and flew straight into the sky and disappeared with a buzzing sound.

A group of mermaid women in the main hall returned to the main hall, looked at the guards with blood flowing from their noses, and were shocked.

"It's not good that the monster race escaped, so report it to the empress."

After receiving the report, the Empress Yu came to the hall quickly, and after careful examination and interrogation, she slapped the guards out of the hall with a slap in anger.

"It's not good to send a meal, it's a waste."

"I didn't expect Yaozu to have this move, why didn't Yu Haohao report it."

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