The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 263 Pseudo-Chaos Consciousness Aperture

Inside the chaotic sea of ​​blood, everyone in the Pan Clan excitedly moved the Blood Lake Congenital Blood Fly.

This is a good thing, the leader hinted that although it is a corpse, the Poyu Patriarch had the least strength during his lifetime.

A physical body of the Poyu Patriarch, how much is it worth to pull it to the innate gods and demons market.

The ugly pan giant's volcanic eyes seem to see him waving a lot of innate gods and magic coins, followed by countless happy scenes of pan beauties.

Commander Huchihuchi was also three feet tall, and the obese giant ruthlessly chopped off one of the freshest bloodfly thighs.

Giant Volcano is the younger brother of the leader of this group of Pan tribes, and he will definitely not let go of the freshest thighs.

Even if the wealth from the sale of this blood fly thigh is distributed to the fat giant and other hard work, he can still get more than 70% of the income.

At that time, he will be the richest giant among the Pan clan giants except for his elder brother.

Innate treasures such as the bloodfly heart, blood essence, etc., no one who must be the elder brother can snatch them.

It's impossible to distribute it fairly according to the head, it's just a good wish of ordinary Pan people.

The fat giant Fat Deer raised the ghost-headed sword, and under the command of the ugly giant, he cut off the fattest leg of the blood fly. He called the two giants over, and tied the giant leg with the giant wood with a god-lock chain, yelling and carrying it up. The giant leg left quickly.

The two giants grew up quickly while walking, and after a while they turned into tall giants, and the tsunami they set off was earth-shattering, like a natural disaster.

What's interesting is that the congenital bloodfly's thighs also grew bigger with the giant's size, and did not become smaller because of the giant's size.

For the extremely huge bodies of the Pan Clan, the Chaotic Blood Sea is just a super-large innate blood lake, but the pressure on this super-large innate blood lake increases as it enters the core position, and they have to shrink their bodies accordingly to withstand the boundless pressure.

After leaving the blood lake, there is no such pressure, and they can return to the normal height of the Pan clan while leaving.

The two giants chatted as they walked, and the giant walking in the front said: "Hei Mu, let's steal the body of the ancestor of the blood fly, will we be chased and killed by its clone outside? I heard that it is Pofeng Laogu.

The giant walking behind: "If you chase and kill, what are you afraid of? It's body was hacked to death by the old Tugu, and the rest of the body is not afraid of us. The leader is the grandson of the ancient ancestor, and the boss of Neyu is afraid of a bird." .”

Angry at the giant's contempt and giant legs, he suddenly struggled and kicked the giant's stomach fiercely, kicking the giant behind him until he cried out in pain, and curled up like a shrimp in a sea of ​​blood.

The giant in front turned his head when he heard the movement, and was so frightened that he quickly put down the giant log on his shoulders, threw himself on the giant legs and pressed them tightly. If they let go of the giant legs, they would be beaten to death by the leader.

"How are you, Heimu? It seems that the ancestor of the bloodfly is not dead yet, so don't offend it with big words."

The giant called Heimu rubbed his belly and stood up, angrily kicking his giant legs: "Dashi, you are too cowardly, so what if you are not dead, smash it into ten thousand pieces and roast it into your stomach" Even if it can recover, Has become shit.

He raised the giant tree again and shouted: "Let's go, we must deal with it today, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

In the supreme chaotic sea of ​​consciousness, in the smooth and tender space, Yin Wu and Wang Yin peeked at each other and complained at the same time.

Yin Wu's charming face was anxious: "What's going on, can't you enter the Chaos Lord's soul consciousness aperture, God Lord?"

Wang Yin's head was full of confusion, and the sage's mid-stage spiritual consciousness was flowing, and he slammed into it again, and was shot back in a fast-rotating black vortex in the center of the slippery space.

He was forced by Yinwu to use the method of extinction of different blood and returning to the same place. After all the flesh and blood cells merged into Yinwu's flesh and blood cells, Yinwu finally felt relieved and bold, and tried his best to call in the congenital essence liquid of the realm of heaven and saints for him to devour.

In a very short period of time, his human body strength has been raised to the middle stage of the Holy Realm.

The heavens, the supreme gods, the holy land, and the sound transmission law of the Great Dao have completely quieted down. Knowing that the will of chaos has been wiped out, after the first generation of different blood saints, the empress Ji Mie took refuge in the knot, the hearts of the saints died, and there were very few congratulators in the cloudy sky Not much.

Most of the saints in the holy realm were even more pissed off by the news. They actually heard the will of the supreme chaos, and they were married by the first generation of different blood saint queens of Ji Mietian by using the method of different blood nirvana and the same return.

Who should they turn to to defend their rights.

Is there still a goal to strive for? No, the goal of struggle has been assimilated by the different blood.

Still struggling, hurry up and study how to make different blood evolve.

Seeing that Wang Yin's strength had reached the middle stage of the Holy Realm, Yin Wu happily pulled his soul will and rushed straight into the sea of ​​void and chaos, and was about to take over the supremacy of the heavens and the world.

Unexpectedly, she and Wang Yin came to the smooth and tender space, outside the chaotic master's soul consciousness aperture, and she and Wang Yin's spirit and will were caught in the smooth and tender space, and the final chaotic master's soul consciousness orifice channel vortex was firmly blocked from entering.

Wang Yin was also very anxious, and finally reached the middle stage of the Holy Realm, and was tricked into a husband and wife by Yin Wu, who could control the Supreme Chaos body, but the Supreme Chaos Master Soul Consciousness Aperture told him, I'm sorry you are not pure and I don't want you.

Wang Yin, who tried several times but was unable to enter the consciousness aperture of the master of chaos, after figuring out the reason, could only lean decadently against the smooth and tender space barrier, facing Yin.

"If you don't go in, you can't go in. You will turn me into a half-zombie. This king is no longer a pure soul life. The main soul consciousness does not accept my soul will."

Don't be impatient, the old lady has spent such a big price, and you actually told the old lady that you can't do it, then the old lady will die.

"If you can't do it, you have to give it to my old lady, you are a useless man, how can you lose the chain at a critical moment."

0...asking for flowers...

Wang Yin was so angry that she turned over and got up, pulled Yin Wu over and slapped her ass with two slaps.

"Dare to say that you are useless as a man, you are not enough to deal with, the Wang family's swordsmanship will die."

Three days later, Wang Yin said helplessly: "No, there is really no way to get in. The main soul of chaos will not tolerate even a trace of impurity. I am half human and half zombie, and the main soul's consciousness aperture is unwilling to open."

"Now there are only two ways to control the chaotic body and gain the freedom of breaking the universe."

"One, you completely withdraw from my physical cells and restore my clean and pure soul will, and the other is to build a pseudo-chaos consciousness hole outside this chaotic main soul consciousness aperture, and control the heavens and worlds instead of the chaotic main soul. Choose that."

Yin Wu is soft and weak, resting on the smooth and tender space barriers [rolling eyes.

"It's a dream to think that this empress will leave you. The method of death and return of different blood, once you use it and cannot be withdrawn, you just accept your fate. From now on, you can only live with this empress forever."


Wang Yin took a deep breath: "OK, if you are ruthless, then there is only the second way, to build a pseudo-chaos consciousness aperture, and take charge of the heavens and worlds on behalf of you.

Yin Wu was curious: "Is this okay? What's the difference?"

Wang Yin was aggrieved, the primordial bloodfly, the primordial primordial body of the supreme chaos, was made by Yin Wu so that he could not return and could only take care of him, so he replied angrily.

"Of course there is a difference. This difference cannot be seen in the inner universe, the heavens and the myriad worlds, but outside, the body of my ancestor bloodfly will become a half-corpse rigid life, just like the zombies in the movies in Blue Star's modern time and space. I am Zombie Fly Hehe."

"It's the same situation as you, the sage who unites with the life-seeking saint and controls the blue sky and the supreme heavenly sage."

"I didn't expect that you would have turned Jue, the supreme saint of the blue sky and blue sky, into a puppet being manipulated. The heavens and the world still don't know anything about it. Your doomsday law virus is really awesome.

Yin Wu smiled modestly: "This is after becoming a sage of Taiyin. At that time, it was only to help Taibai and refine Lanxing Daqian Dao, but I didn't expect to pull out Jue, a sage of the highest heaven.

"So Zhuoming helped me cover up the secrets of heaven, Jue couldn't see my body as the blood saint empress of Nirvana Heaven, and Song Dang me as the descendant of the rising Taiyin saint from the blue star greater than the chance."

"It's because of my mental calculations and my carelessness that I got my saint-level doomsday blood virus."

"However, Jue's strength is too high. He is the supreme saint of the heavens. He suppressed the virus and did not break out. Because of this, he couldn't be distracted. He was polluted by me and Zhu Ming again and again, and he became the current saint. An immortal puppet."

When the two talked, they tapped bullets to smooth the space, and Wang Yin built a simulated similarity, 99% consciousness control platform according to the structure of the consciousness of the master of chaos in his mind, and attached it with the soul of Yin Wu. .

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