The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter Two Hundred And Sixty Four: Awareness Has Guards

At this time, in the soul consciousness aperture of the Supreme Chaos Lord and in the black vortex channel, a green light quickly shot out of the chaotic blood sea and sky, turned into several light spots and disappeared.

The two of them checked the function of the false master's soul consciousness with great interest, but they didn't find these light spots that shot out the chaotic blood outside the sea and sky.

In the universe, the demon body is like a super planet, and it turns into an incomparably huge sky-supporting giant, pressing the super planet Ice Soul Fairy under her body, and devouring the ice soul fairy's innate essence liquid with all her strength.

Huge and incomparably more than a dozen blue stars, the super Gatling gun barrel sprayed endless refined uranium bombs, blasting the super planet Ice Soul Fairy into a cry.

"Demon King... Demon King, I am the planet of your human body, how could you treat me like this."

The demon body Wang Yin laughed loudly: "My human body is not me. You have always looked down on my demon body. Why didn't you think that my demon body is at the third level of the galaxy?" You are only at the earth level of the galaxy.

"It was only with the help of my human body that I reached the second level of the galaxy...hahaha."

In the super planet Ice Soul Fairy World, there are countless ice and snow elves with wings on their backs, waving their weapons and roaring "eight eight seven" at the sky.

"Demon, leave our world, leave our mother."

The demon body turned a blind eye to these little ones. When the human body left, he had already grown from a small star life to a super third-level galaxy life in the infinite universe.

No universe... It is a universe tailor-made for him. Super planets are everywhere, and galaxy-level planetary life is often seen, and there are even ninth-level galaxy-level beings.

Five million light-years away from it, there is a beautiful fifth-level galaxy planet life. After absorbing the Ice Soul Fairy's innate essence liquid, it will start to think of a way to incorporate that beautiful fifth-level galaxy planet life into its pocket.

If the human body hadn't met the Taiyin Saint, its strength would have been equal to that of the human body.

A little bit of green light in the beauty, penetrated the layers of time and space in the universe, and fell on it, the monster's body widened its eyes and its expression froze.

"Why is the main body turned into a half-corpse? Is there any mistake?"

Get up and throw off the super planet Bingpo Fairy, under the inexplicable will of Bingpo Fairy, quickly shrink into human size and fly back to Qinglong Mountain Temple.

When the consciousness entered the sea of ​​consciousness of the demon soul, a blowfly, which was exactly the same as it was when it was not transformed, quietly floated above the sea of ​​consciousness of the demon soul and buzzed to send a message.

"You heard me right, our first main soul possesses human beings, has been polluted by the blood of the doomsday in the inner universe, and has no right to take over my supreme will. Now you will automatically upgrade and become the second main soul."

"Please don't upgrade your main soul to possess manifest qualifications, and share them with the first master soul possess manifestly, otherwise you will lose the master soul possess manifest qualifications forever, and the third-ranked soul will be divided and inherit the master soul possess manifest qualifications."

"My latent guardian soul... I have dispersed to search for each soul, until I find a suitable replacement for us, and the soul of the Supreme Chaos Lord appears, perfectly controlling our supreme body."

I'm going to die... The demon body Wang Yin's gums are hurting, and there is something wrong with the human body.

Caught by the sage of Taiyin, he used the realm of the sage of the heavenly way, the method of extinction of different blood and the same return, and merged with the human body and all the true blood clones.

Including the third physical body and the blood fly body of Ant God Star, none escaped. The only one who escaped was him, who left the heavens and worlds early and entered the second demon body of No Universe.

He knew about this, and the human body had shared memories with him.

As the second hand of the supreme will plan, the place where he is asked to come is the upper realm of the world of innate gods and demons, the subordinate universe of Wujie, a world of life on a planet, and a universe at the same level as the world of innate gods and demons.

He was also surprised when the human body got back the supreme chaotic memory and offered it to him.

I didn't expect that when I fell into the cave of Qinglong Mountain, entered the non-universe with Blue Star's father, and evolved into the current third-level galaxy demon body, it was all due to the will of the supreme chaotic body and the arranged extinction and reconstruction of life.

The purpose is to restore the power of the Supreme Chaos ontology and the ancestor of the Heavenly Bloodfly to break through the universe.

Now the situation has changed again. The human body is polluted by the sage of Taiyin and the first generation of different blood saints. The will of the soul cannot take over the consciousness of the supreme chaotic will, and cannot control the body of the supreme chaotic body and the body of the ancestor bloodfly.

Therefore, in the Supreme Chaos Lord's Soul Aperture, the potential guardian souls will enter the authority of the Chaos Lord's Soul Aperture, and a number of copies will be distributed to them in order of size.

Because he is the largest demon avatar soul, he is ranked first after the first human main soul, and is the second largest successor main soul. There are countless avatars behind him, and he has also received the authority of the main soul's emperor secret key.

The sub-soul of submerged protection is the green light spot flying out of the black vortex of the main soul's consciousness orifice channel.

These points of light are Wang Yin's supreme chaotic body, the soul guards arranged in the black vortex channel when the ancestor bloodfly was preparing for nirvana and reconstruction.

They have only one duty and task, which is to test whether the will of the soul who came to take over the supreme chaos and the main soul consciousness aperture is qualified. Only the pure main soul will can enter the main soul consciousness aperture through the black vortex.

Wang Yin's human body has been fused and polluted by the first generation of different blood saint queens. He is the healthy enemy of the inner universe, the heavens and the world, and naturally cannot enter the main soul consciousness aperture.

Being able to come to the main soul of chaos and the soul chamber outside the consciousness aperture is also because Wang Yin's human body is the main body of the supreme chaotic soul.

But it is not allowed to enter the main soul consciousness aperture, unless he cleans up all the blood pollution on his body, not only in the cells but also on the soul, but these Yin will not let him clean up.

Changes are worse than plans, and the twists and turns made Yaoshen dizzy and dizzy with anxiety.

According to the meaning of potential protection and soul division, he can connect with the main human soul body, but he cannot share the qualification he obtained to replace the main soul with the human body, otherwise even he will lose this qualification


The first Alien Blood Saint Empress really didn't do anything human. Her human body, all true blood clones, and the blood fly of the third flesh body were all polluted by alien blood, and couldn't enter the chaotic main soul consciousness aperture. Now all hope is pinned on him, the demon.

If the demon body fails, you have to...return to the chaotic body, and it has nothing to do with rebuilding the main human soul in its inner universe.

The guards who dive into the channel of the main soul's knowledge aperture will look for other parallel souls of the ancestor bloodfly in the world of innate gods and demons, or look for the parallel souls of the original body that was struck by lightning in the time and space of the Dragon Kingdom in Jianshan Village.

The problem is that it would be fine if the Longguo space-time and parallel souls from Jianshan Village are in charge, since those are still his parallel souls after all.

He can immediately notify the human body, and he will sever his soul together as soon as possible, and transfer the consciousness of the soul to Jianshan Village, the most powerful soul in the parallel time and space of the Dragon Kingdom.

Adhering to the will of the soul and the principle of the most powerful recovering and fusing other souls, everything is still up to him.

But if the world of innate gods and demons, other parallel time and space, and other souls of the original bloodfly of the ancestors of the heavens are superior, he will be in trouble.

Such an existence, and other parallel time-space ancestor bloodfly souls, are definitely not bad.

Back then when he was reborn as the innate ancestor bloodfly, it was an accident when his soul was in possession of him. The body of the innate ancestor bloodfly in his infancy, that is to say, only the ancestor bloodfly in this world of innate gods and demons was his reborn body.

The souls of the ancestors of the innate gods and demon world and other parallel time and space are the bloodflies of the earth tribe in the original chaotic blood sea, and have nothing to do with him.

If the souls of other parallel time and space, the ancestor bloodfly are divided, and this physical body of the chaotic main soul, the body of the chaotic main soul, the hidden protection score of 4.3 soul guards is recognized as the main soul, it is very likely that the original bloodfly of the original ancestor Complete resurrection.

After all, when he became the ancestor bloodfly, because he had no practice experience, with the help of the powerful talent of the bloodfly, he quickly evolved to the meaning of the seven stars with the help of his modern knowledge reserve of Longguo time and space human in Jianshan village.

Because he has no experience in evolution, he has not seriously smelted, the congenital gods and demons in other parallel time and space, the innate ancestor bloodfly splits the soul.

Later, when he learned about this knowledge of evolution, he was already the Patriarch of the Inner Universe Sacred Realm, and in the world of all innate gods and demons, he didn't pay much attention to other parallel time and space souls.

Now the hidden guardians of the chaotic consciousness aperture do not allow him to enter the main soul consciousness aperture, and search everywhere to replace the main soul consciousness aperture, which makes this biggest crisis follow.

When he was killed by the ancient pit, reborn as the ancestor bloodfly, and hit the seven-star realm.

Recycling and merging the world of innate gods and demons, and other parallel parallel time and space ancestor souls are not very thorough. "Maybe there are many ancestor souls that slipped through the net."

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