The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 273: Come On, Make Yourself Angry

Yin Wu was so angry that his eyes were red, and he pulled Wang Yin's human body from the heavens, and immediately studied how to be born and more knowledge about mutated anger.

The separation of Jianshan Village's spirit and soul is right, she really can't beat Wang Yinneiyu's human body.

Pulling the Divine Lord to blew herself up, the outside world separates the soul from the original body and the demon body, but I can't wait for her to do this.

Not only can they upgrade the position of the main soul, but they can also take the opportunity to eliminate her, the Holy Queen of Alien Blood.

So it is wrong to say that she uses the method of extinction and same return to assimilate with the human body in the chaotic will, and there is me in you and you in me.

No... She doesn't admit that this is a mistake, she wants to turn the mistake into the right way, God Lord, please make me angry.

She must use massive mutations to get angry, change the heavens and worlds, change the structure of the soul consciousness aperture of the supreme chaos master, and settle in the soul consciousness aperture of the supreme chaos master.

The control platform of the false master Soul Aperture is only a fake temporary control platform after all.

She heard it, once a new main soul is born to settle in the main soul consciousness aperture, the fake master soul consciousness aperture platform will be disbanded by the new main soul, and she will be swept out of the high chaotic sea of ​​consciousness on the car.

Unless she can reach the Po-Yu Da Zizai detached state before then.

Transcend the supreme chaotic will of the heavens in the inner universe, reach the world of innate gods and demons outside, and possess her independent chaotic body.

Nil Mie Tian, ​​with ten heads and ten claws, is a complete corpse holy book, pulling the enchanting and charming magic girl with a fragrant body, a viscous and foul-smelling liquid that has not recovered, and a black and virus-like body roaring loudly.

"The holy empress has disclosed the secret of generating mutated anger."

"Creating mutated anger, we need to quickly create mutated anger, order it quickly, let all the children of different blood and demon descendants work overtime to create mutated anger, hehehe."

Enchanting, charming, and fragrant all over, the magic princess was also revealed by the Holy Queen, the secret of generating mutated anger, which made her giggle coquettishly.

"Okay, okay, everyone creates mutated anger, and the heavens and myriad worlds will belong to our alien blood race and demon race."

"Come on, come on, mutate and get angry, let's make it happen to your heart's content.

Trembling with excitement, the magic girl didn't care to maintain the enchanting and charming image of a fragrant woman, which exploded like a firecracker and turned into a viscous, foul-smelling, black woman's demon body again.

Wrapping ten heads and ten claws full of dead corpses, he opened his terrifying and ferocious mouth and roared: "Consecrate the original corpse holy book, the request of the holy queen is the strength of this demon, ah ha ha ha."

The Heart Base Camp of the Alien Blood Race and the Evil Demon Race, the Ya Daqian World God Realm, and the countless different blood Daqian Worlds, God Realms, Demon Daqian World, and God Realm that are hidden in the dark are all boiling at this moment. The master handed down the secret of creating mutated anger, producing mutated anger day and night.

Wang Yin's ancestor bloodfly, the inner universe and the heavens and myriad worlds, filled with gunpowder smoke in a day, and an unknown number of different blood races, demons, rushed to the world from various dark corners of space to wantonly flog and torment all beings to create mutated anger.

The other super holy lands that have not been polluted by the strange blood, the supreme ruler of the Great Thousand God Realm, have entered their respective Great Thousand Worlds below.

Help all living beings in the heavens and all realms to eliminate the evil demons of the doomsday natural disasters and alien blood races that purify and cholera the world.

Wang Yin looked at the crazy Yin Wu: "I've had enough women, do you really want to destroy our inner universe, the heavens and the world, and the disasters?"

Yin Wu had finished venting, she was just upset, being given eye drops to her face to face by the God Lord made her feel very depressed.

Restoring the solemn and skilled appearance, watching the heavens and the world in the time-space mirror, all kinds of messy blood demons, whipping all beings to create mutated angry scenes.

Hehe smiled and said: "God Lord, don't be nervous, the supreme chaotic will, the heavens and the worlds are not only your body, it is also the home of us, the living beings born in the heavens and the worlds."

"How could I be willing to destroy it? If I really want to destroy it, I just need to release all the different blood demons from all the heavens in my inner universe, and I can destroy it quickly."

"After all, my current strength is the Alien Blood Saint Empress of the Heavenly Dao Sacred Realm."

"It's still the holy queen who walks in the chaotic body with you, the spirit and will die together, and merges into one.

"I want to collapse the heavens and worlds, who can stop me in the heavens and worlds."

Wang Yin's complexion collapsed, Yin Wu, where do you put this king, I am the supreme chaotic will of the heavens and worlds, can't stop you, do I still want face.

"Then what is your purpose for doing these things? I really hope that your blood will mutate and become angry, so that you can change the structure of the law of chaos and let us enter the main soul consciousness.

"What's more, the mutated anger can only be produced after the death qi is perfect. Those alien blood races in the world are so weak, how can there be mutated anger."

Yin Wu smiled proudly: "No, you misunderstood it. Mutated anger doesn't come from perfection of death qi, but only comprehension comes from the perfection of death qi. How can mutated anger appear?"

"As for my purpose, of course it is to let you know my strength. If you don't obediently take me out to the outside world and make me anxious, you will smash your chaotic body and the heavens and myriad worlds into pieces.

"Even if you can't be destroyed, your external soul, the original body, and the demon body will have to be rebuilt for an unknown number of years before you can restore your memory of strength."

So you just hide what you have realized, how to get mutated and angry, so that no one will know.

Because the heavens in the inner universe have perfected the law of doomsday and the law of death energy, and you are the only one who realizes the mutated anger. If you hide it, others will not know the secret, right, cunning woman.

Wang Yin has become accustomed to this, and if this woman is not cunning, she will not let him be fooled and tie him firmly to her boat.

0...asking for flowers...

"So it's up to you, I won't take you out to the outside world, or you can try to reach the Chaoyu Transcendence Realm as soon as possible, so that not only can you go out, but I can also become your super helper."

"Isn't it a super virtuous wife?"

"You think too much, a good wife refers to a woman, and I am a man.

"Why should women be divided into men? Men can also be idlers."

"Perhaps you are right, but you also need to have the ability to let me be your helper man."

"It will definitely... It won't be long before you will surrender to me honestly.

"Hehe, I'm waiting for your confidence. I'm afraid that you will be wiped out by this king's chaotic master soul before that day."

"You mean that, what Jianshan Village Longguo time and space, your original body.

"I know it, and you must know these things."


"Of course, if I don't even know about you, what's the point of me using the method of extinction and return.

While chatting, the two looked at the chaos of the heavens and worlds in the inner universe. Their eyes passed through the false master's soul consciousness aperture platform, and the eyes of the ancestor bloodfly under temporary control looked out into the chaotic sea of ​​blood.

At an unknown distance, countless innate gods and demons hid in the dark, tremblingly observing the chaotic sea of ​​blood, with a semi-rigid posture, the ancestor bloodfly.

This blood fly beheaded dozens of Pan clans, did the people who said it died deliberately deceive gods and demons?

Not to mention how far away in time and space, Jianshan Village Longguo time and space Wang Yin, lay on the bed and fell asleep.

"So your hope is this sleepy, your original body?"

Wang Yin smiled, Yin Wu knew his original body, knew that he had separated to look for Jianshan No. 1 in Jianshan Village, it was because of Yin Wu's spirit and will that he had been integrated with him, so it's not surprising.

Jianshan No. 1 entered his mind and soul, and reported to him as soon as Yin Wu knew.

"That's right... so what if you know, you can only see all this from the eyes of the chaotic blood sea, the ancestor bloodfly."

"Your mind, soul and will can't go out [trapped in my hands, Xie Tian, ​​Zhong is just a flash offender."

Yin Wu bit her red lips, this is indeed the most annoying thing.

She clearly knew what the other party was doing, but because she couldn't go out, she could only watch him helplessly, and it felt very painful to achieve the goal step by step.

"I'm indeed a prisoner and I can't get out. Why don't you stay with me?"

"No, you're wrong. Although I can't get out, I'm separated from the outside world, and Jianshan No. 1 can act on my behalf, not to mention that I still have my original demon body, hahaha."

Yin Wu was so angry that his eyes turned red again, and he couldn't deal with you after being so proud of himself.

"The little thief lies down, gets angry and hands over an inch.".

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