The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 274: Godfly Squad

"Ahead is Jianshan Village."

With a cold face, Xu Jianfeng asked the old man who led the way, if it wasn't for the old man who charged too much, and charged him 10,000 for a few kilometers, it would still be 10,000 for each person, and an extra 10,000 for each additional person, he really didn't mind smiling.

The old man is cheerful and kind, his smile is like a chrysanthemum, and he is earning a lot of money today. The guests don't just have a cold face, they can spit at him.

"Yes, Jianshan Village is 800 meters ahead."

"Look, the place where we are standing now is a small hill, go down the road, and the place is covered by clouds and fog.

Standing on the side of the road, Xu Jianfeng looked down, the green thick fog covered the fog, and there was no shadow of the village.

Hum... there was a strange sound of flapping wings, and it flew across the air not far away, and the air flow brought out stirred up the dense fog around it, rolling out a strange vortex.

Xu Jianfeng's sharp eyesight, trying to penetrate the thick fog, looked at the strange winged creature, but it was difficult to see what it was.

The old man who led the way chuckled: "Seven Fifty Zero" "Don't look at it, it's a god fly, protected by the god fog, you can't see it."

Sighing helplessly, he also knew that he couldn't see it, not to mention the naked eye. In the army, he used satellites, but he couldn't see through Jianshan Village, which was a dense green fog with a diameter of ten kilometers.

Otherwise, he would not have personally risked himself and came to Jianshan Village to understand the situation.

I only know that there are countless huge creatures flying back and forth in the clouds and mist.

This matter started a month ago. In the sky above Zhongxian in January, an image suddenly appeared covering the entire county.

In the image, there is a boundless and ferocious sea of ​​blood, countless monsters similar to gods and demons, and there are also very terrifying giant flies.

Netizens filmed everything they saw and uploaded it to the Internet, like a hurricane blowing across Blue Star, causing people from countless countries to frantically rush to Fangzhong County, just to see... the true face of the bloody sea god and demon in the video.

But when everyone rushed to Fangzhong County, they discovered that the image of the blood sea god and demon above Fangzhong County had completely disappeared without a sound.

What's even more strange is that everyone has forgotten about this, and they don't know why they came to Fangzhong County.

The ignorant netizens, and the official investigation of online video images, chat records of all Blue Star netizens, found the truth of the matter.

It's just that everyone seems to have collective amnesia, forgetting this matter in their minds. After knowing the truth, some people even went to the official theory to accuse Fangzhong County of false marketing propaganda.

Fortunately, he calmed down under the official appeasement, and found that things were unusual.

If it is Fangzhong County's false marketing propaganda, the only way is to block all their memories.

If Fangzhong County has a means of blocking memory, why would it still engage in false marketing to deceive everyone to come here? Is it unnecessary to take off your pants and fart?

Not to mention shielding memory, even covering more than 100 kilometers in Fangzhong County with a huge and clear image, I have never heard of Blue Star or any country that has such a powerful technology.

This is a clear image with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers, not tens of meters.

What's more, after these images disappear, Fangzhong County seems to have entered another time and space. Although there is still day and night, the sun, moon and stars have completely disappeared over Fangzhong County.

The environment of the whole county is bright red, which makes people think of the monstrous sea of ​​blood captured in the video.

It's as if the sea of ​​blood has been over Fangzhong County, preventing everyone from seeing it, and at the same time covering up the sun, the moon, and the stars.

Longguo officials attach great importance to everything that happened in Fangzhong County. When they dispatched a team of experts to investigate, another strange incident happened.

It is just below Fangzhong County, a place called Jianshan Village, where a thick green fog protrudes, covering the entire ten-kilometer area around Jianshan Village.

Whether it is high-altitude dialysis of military satellites, close observation by fighter jets, or various high-tech perspective imaging tools, it is impossible to see clearly the contents of the green fog.

Anyone who wants to enter Jianshan Village must follow the mountain road to enter. If they enter from other places, they will disappear. Sending drones to investigate... is also completely missing.

Finally, after paying the cost of two helicopters and one fighter jet disappearing into the thick fog, the senior officials of Longguo finally calmed down and instead sent manpower along the mountain village road to explore the situation in the foggy area.

This exploration made everyone feel pained. Along the mountain village road, it is indeed possible to reach Dajianshan Village.

The premise is that the aborigines of Jianshan Village must lead the way, that is to say, without the aborigines of Jianshan Village leading the way, if you walk into the green fog on the mountain road in Jianshan Village... you will still disappear.

Only the aboriginal villagers of Jianshan Village can enter and exit this rural road covered in thick green mist unimpeded.

When it was found that Jianshan villagers could freely enter and leave the dense green mist on Jianshan Village’s rural roads, Longguo officials dispatched to Fangzhong County to investigate the blood sea god and demon image incident. Aboriginal people lead the way.

Sure enough, under the guidance of the aborigines of Jianshan Village, someone successfully entered Jianshan Village and came out.

However, everyone has also discovered that it is a very headache to find the aborigines of Jianshan Village to lead the way.

After several attempts, I realized that the aborigines of Jianshan Village can only bring at most three outsiders into Jianshan Village every day.

How can this solve the problem? The national team of folk netizens waiting outside to enter Jianshan Village is a sea of ​​people.

As a result, only three people can be taken with each day, and the villagers of Jianshan suddenly discovered a golden avenue to get rich. Free takers become paid takers in seconds, and the price soars to 100,000 yuan a day...

The aboriginal villagers of Jianshan Village work in shifts from house to house, and every day the family whose turn it is sends one person out of the village and earns 10,000 yuan to lead the way to the village.

You can't think that 10,000 yuan is too cheap, because the black market price of non-governmental netizens and national investigation teams has already risen to 100,000 people, and you have to queue up according to seniority, and the queue will be three months later.

Therefore, the Jianshan villagers charged 10,000 yuan without middlemen, and it was a conscientious first-hand wholesale price.

Of course, a strong national team has an excellent ability to jump in the queue. Xu Jianfeng adopted a strong jump in the queue, otherwise the flowers will all wither after three months.

The green mist was like life churning endlessly, and there was no one within five steps away. It seemed that countless monsters were hiding in it, and the terrifying and abnormal life breath made him break out in cold sweat.

At the same time, a strong vitality permeated his whole body, and he felt that the old wounds from previous battles on his body were recovering quickly.

Finally entered the village, giggling... giggling, the child's crisp laughter came, and two huge black shadows flew past his head, scaring him to quickly reach out and touch his waist.

A big hand, full of flesh and blood, held down the palm of his waist in time.

"Don't panic, it's the Godfly Squad, play with the children, disturb them, you can't get out of the village."

Xu Jianfeng looked at the old man beside him, feeling extremely vigilant in his heart, and the one who stretched out the palm of his weapon to hold him down was this cheerful and inconspicuous old man.

He is a super expert in the army, this humble old man can hold him down, and the reaction and speed of drawing a weapon, is Jianshan Village so hidden. 4.3

Glancing at the old man's palm full of flesh and blood, Jian Feng asked nonchalantly.

"What is a godfly?"

The old man who led the way, seeing that Xu Jianfeng's mood had stabilized, let go of his palm, put his hand behind his back, and replied with a blushing face in admiration.

"God Fly is the God Lord, who gave me the supreme angel of Jianshan Village. The world is about to undergo a great change. The angel is the protector who helps us and protects our homeland."

Seeing that the old man was willing to answer, Xu Jianfeng heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly asked questions one after another. He just came in to find out the situation, and most likely he didn't know where to ask.

"Who is the God Lord, and what is the upcoming big change."

The old man who led the way turned his head and took a deep look at Xu Jianfeng. He knew what the weapon on his waist was. He was not the only outsider who quietly brought weapons in these days.

But so what, those who didn't listen were dragged into the green mist by the godfly, it's not bad for this man to listen, at least he saved his life. .

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