The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 281: The General Leads The Way, Feeling So Panic

Hang up the phone... The little boy has a cute expression on his face, looking at the girl next to him hesitating to speak.

The girl was twenty-five or six years old, with bright eyes and white teeth, fresh and beautiful. Seeing the little white face with a confused expression, she asked.

"Why, isn't that guy coming to pick him up?"

Li Wen scratched the back of his head: "No, Sister Dan, Brother Yin told us to take a taxi up there, and said it only cost ten yuan."

The girl's beautiful eyes widened: "What does he mean, don't you welcome us?"

"Who doesn't know now that the Misty Mountain Road in Jianshan Village can't be entered without someone to take it."

"Forget it if you're not welcome, let's go back to the deep sea."

The little boy hurriedly comforted the girl, and finally came to the gate of Jianshan Village, and returned as soon as he said.

"Sister Dan, don't worry, it's not that Brother Yin doesn't welcome us, it's that he can't leave because he has something to do. He knows that we are at the intersection of the provincial road in Shanjiao Village. It is very convenient for people to come and go and take a taxi.

Tun Tun saliva: "Still talking...still talking....

The girls called Sister Dan saw the little boy, and couldn't help urging her anxiously.

"What else to say, don't hesitate."

Li Wen finally said: "I also said that there is no need for someone to lead the way, just ask the driver of the motorcycle to go directly to the village, but only the two of us, one driver of the motorcycle."

There is nothing to say about this, is there a need to hesitate, Sister Dan has a puzzled expression on her face, and before she can react, there is already a lot of crap around.

"Did you make a mistake, Jianshan Village Misty Road, can you go through the back door?"

"That's right, that's right. Didn't you say that if you enter the village road, the Shenwu blockade must be led by the villagers before you can enter, otherwise you will disappear."

"It's must be hype. Those missing people are trustees. Maybe they have already returned home and are happy counting money."

"If there is an inside story, there must be an inside story. Protest...resolutely protest, and knock down all false hype."

"No, no, brother, don't get excited. Even if Jianshan Village is making false hype, will the officials help with the hype? Look at the sky, it will fly around in a few minutes. The latest state-of-the-art patrol fighter jets of the official family will dispatch at least nine of them every time. .”

"Who has the ability to let the officials send out so many new state-of-the-art fighter jets to cooperate with the hype."

There was silence at the scene. Countless people pulled camping tents and planted on the side of the provincial road in Shanjiao Village, and turned into the direction of Jianshan Village. Crowds were stationed on the side of the village road, and they were collectively silent.

Yes, this is weird that anyone can see. The country will not make such a big fight to hype up a village.

Not only the most cutting-edge fighter jets of the Dragon Kingdom whizzed past every few minutes in the sky.

Not far away, the armed fortress stationed with heavy troops, armed with live ammunition and armored torrents all show that the green fog in Jianshan Village is terrifying.

In this case, the people in Jianshan Village directly let a man and a woman beat them up by themselves.

Either they are playing tricks on them... or Jianshan Village has the power to override the rules and can grant others the right to ignore Shenwu and block them.

Judging from the performance of the people in Jianshan Village freely entering and leaving Shenwu, perhaps they really have this kind of supreme right.

What kind of ability is it that allows the Blue Star countries to be helpless against Jianshan Village, and to have such a right that no country can intervene?

Breathing heavily, someone finally spoke cautiously.

"Everyone, please stay calm, maybe only these two guests, the one on the phone, have this right.

"My cousin's house lives above, and I have also called. No matter whether it is my cousin, cousin, or my aunt and uncle's family, no one agrees to take me into the village for free, otherwise I will clock in in the morning."

"I also testify that my second uncle's house is on the top, and he never agreed to come out and take us to his house for free, otherwise we would have already gone up."

"I regret it too. When the price of leading the way is 10,000 yuan, I should have asked my grandfather to take me there."

"At that time, I heard that my grandfather turned his face and was ruthless. He had to pay 10,000 yuan to take me up the road, and I was the only one who took me up. Every extra one would add another 10,000 yuan, which made me and my parents mad. The old man turned his face and refused to recognize anyone. Almost broke ties with us."

"As a result, it has increased tenfold now, and the toll fee is 100,000."

"Are there any gods in my Tiantian village? Ask my grandpa and hang up directly.

"Fucking brothers, you are so pitiful, your grandpa is so awesome."

"The little girl is also very impressed. This is a real uncle. You should hurry up and go there in the morning. Now the price has risen to 100,000. Maybe after a while, it will increase to millions."

"While it's early, it's one hundred thousand yuan, not ten yuan. If you want to go, you have to pay for it."

"Besides, if there are three members of our family who will go, the three people will get 300,000 yuan, and if one person goes, he will be scolded to death by the other two."

"What's more, I really took the money, what if it's not worth so much money, we can't live well."

Speaking of something, the crowd suddenly thought of something here, and their eyes quickly focused on the little boy Li Wen and the beautiful girl Sister Dan. Isn't this the kind of free ticket that is ready-made, and you don't have to wait in line.

Mo's master, who was the closest, was the first to react and rushed out quickly.

"I, I, I...Little brothers, I will take you there, free, free, all free.

"And me and me, beautiful and handsome guy, I'm Daben, I'll make you lose for free."

"One hundred thousand and one hundred thousand, here is a free opportunity to enter Jianshan Village without spending one hundred thousand, and you don't have to wait in line."

"Brothers, I will take you in with bicycles. Bicycles are the best means of transportation to enjoy the scenery along the road."

"Beauty, you are so beautiful, let your boyfriend ride in my car, I am a photographer, I can take pictures for you for free."

The sudden enthusiasm of the crowd frightened the boys with fair faces and the fresh and beautiful girls.

They came to the side of the provincial road in Shanjiao Village and saw that there were three floors inside and three floors outside. Along the rural road to Jianshan Village, they set up various simple tents and studied the Shenwu people in Jianshan Village in full swing. up.

In the end, after only a few words, these crowds rushed forward like wasps, crying and begging to send them to Jianshan Village for free.

If their eyes fell on anyone, that person would immediately be overwhelmed by the crowd, dragged away from the spot and thrown somewhere.

He was still riding in a fart car, fighting over the fight to send them off.

~Bang, bang, bang. "

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa....

A sharp and piercing siren sounded from above the crowd, followed by three crisp blasts in succession. Not far away, heavy troops were stationed on the armed fortress, and loudspeakers shouted three kilometers away.

"Quiet and quiet, loud noises are prohibited in important military areas, and those who violate it will be expelled from the Dragon Kingdom and never enter.

"Quiet and quiet, loud noises are prohibited in important military areas, violators will be expelled from the Dragon Kingdom and will never enter. y

The crowd fell silent again, looking at each other and peeking at each other.

What is the reason for this? When did Shanjiao Village become a military center? In order to send someone away...does the military need to fire warning shots?

Also, if you warn, you will warn, and the punishment is too heavy. Is it necessary to expel offenders from the Dragon Kingdom and never enter.

Well, no matter what, the effect is great, and the crowd no longer dare to clamor and compete for a man and a woman to go to Jianshan Village for errands.

The respective rules returned to their original positions, and they only kept their eyes eagerly, paying attention to Li Wen and Sister Dan. It is self-evident that they long for them and immediately choose themselves.

Li Wen and Sister Dan, have they ever seen such a scene before, their whole bodies were drenched with sweat, and they were at a loss as to what to do.

They looked at each other in embarrassment, did not dare to look at the crowd, lowered their heads and hurriedly (Zhao Liaohao) wanted to walk away, they could walk to Jianshan Village.

There was a rumbling high-horsepower engine, and a deep roar came. A mighty Humvee military vehicle with clear water chestnut angles, with a threatening aura, rushed out of the heavily guarded armed fortress, and stopped beside the two of them with a screeching brake.

The car door opened... A middle-aged soldier with dazzling epaulets came down and motioned to the two to get into the car.

"Ye Wen of the Central Military Region, can you send the two of you to Jianshan Village?"

Li Wen, a handsome boy, and Sister Dan, a beautiful girl, almost fainted.

Isn't this the Dragon Kingdom military tycoon that is often reported on the official news... General Ye Wen? The two of them trembled and panicked.

"It's General Ye, no no... don't want it."

"I...we won't...not go to Jianshan Village, is that okay?"

Admiral Ye Wen smiled: "Of course, it's not allowed.

Heh heh... After finally getting an opportunity to jump in the queue, the person contacted by the other party is obviously a person in Jianshan Village who can restrain Shenwu. How could he let it go so easily.

Xu Jianfeng, this kid, went to Jianshan Village and became his immediate boss.

Do you know how aggrieved this general is? .

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