The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 282: Grandpa Can’T Be Revived

When the old village chief heard Wang Yin answering the phone, he ran back to the house and turned on the Flyeye surveillance screen.

He wanted to find out who was calling Xiao Yinzi, so that he could inform the villagers as soon as possible so as not to offend him.

The more I fear Wang Yin in my heart, the whole village can let Wang Yin in at will.

No need to ask someone to lead the way, enter the space-time channel of the village, and bow to Xiao Yinzi.

What does it mean? It means that the God Lord really cares about Xiao Yinzi.

Even though he is the village chief and Xiao Yinzi is just the captain of the Godfly team, he has to stand up straight in front of Xiao Yinzi.

In the picture, a boy was so excited that he accused his grandfather of recognizing money but not people to the crowd.

The old village chief was heartbroken, my good grandson, my good son and daughter-in-law, why are you so stupid.

Don't you know how much the old man loves his grandson.

I can let you come up easily, will the old man not let you come up?

Before, it only cost 10,000 yuan for one person, and 30,000 yuan for three people, and you can get rid of your mortal status and enter Jianshan Village to become a fairy villager.

You are reluctant to spend 30,000 yuan. Is money so important?

Becoming a fairy villager in Jianshan a super wealth that cannot be exchanged for the entire Blue Star.

Fortunately, for 30,000 yuan, you missed the most free and happy fairy days.

The god master still didn't let the back door open, saying that the villagers who couldn't even give up 10,000 yuan, Huigen had long been polluted by money, and such people were not qualified to be godfly partners.

Money is indeed the root of all evil...the root of all evil, how can you give up your freedom and immortal life for money.

Those people who are still in Jianshan Village can become god flies to travel through time and space, and it really is 167 to take advantage of the sky dog ​​sitting on the ground.

I get it, I get it, they are... the demolition households who took advantage of Jianshan Village's loophole.

Otherwise, if they were outside, many would be reluctant to pay money to come back.

For example, knowing that something has changed in Jianshan Village, but still reluctant to spend money to come back, visiting relatives and many villagers, traveling through time and space as a partner, they are destined to miss them.

But now there is still a chance, 100,000 per person, you only need to spend 300,000, and you can return to Jianshan Village.

The old village chief silently prayed to the gods and worshiped the Buddha, hoping that his son, daughter-in-law and grandson would return to the village immediately after realizing their enlightenment.

He knows that their savings are enough to pay 300,000 yuan, come back soon, grandpa is waiting for you, father is waiting for you, the most free and happy days of immortals in Jianshan Village, peerless opportunities are waiting for you.

The old man also hid three fruits of time and space bestowed by the God Lord.

It's all the old man's cheeky face, after discovering the function of the time-space fruit on the day the god bestowed the time-space fruit.

He tried his best to hide the news, and let the old people in the three villages foolishly go out to buy things, so they got stuck.

This is the only time in the old man's life that he used the power in his hands to seek personal gain for his family, and it still fell on the family. You say it is annoying or not.

Little Yinzi knew about this matter, and it was all thanks to Little Yinzi's help in concealing it that the three old men went out of the village to buy things smoothly.

Now the old men in those three villages are still jumping and cursing at relatives' homes at the foot of the mountain (aecod).

They went out to buy trash cans in the village, and when they turned around, they were blocked by the fog and could not go back to the village.

No, you can go back, but you have to pay 10,000 yuan as a road toll. It's too bad and too dark. Old men have to pay the road toll when they go home. God, kill those gangsters, you shameless bastards.

It's even more shameless now. They can't go back until it's raised to 100,000 yuan. At 10,000 yuan, they have no money to pay.

I called back to the village and asked my sons, daughters, and grandchildren to come out and pick them up. My sons, daughters, and grandchildren all changed. They would only be on the phone, crying and calling dad and grandpa, but they couldn’t come out to pick them up.

After I came out, I asked a few old men to pay according to the rules. I didn’t have any money to borrow. On the phone, I tried my best to persuade the old man to borrow money from relatives outside. .

Sin, old man, what are we all born to, as long as money and no father.

The old village chief also called out the crime, good grandson, good son, good daughter-in-law... hurry back to the village.

If you don’t go back to the village to bring the toll next time, after the price increases to one million yuan, you will really lose your fate with Jianshan Village, the free and fairy life forever.

I will also lose my relationship with your grandfather and father forever.

The old man knew that even if his son and daughter-in-law emptied all their savings and borrowed money for emergency, they could make up five or six hundred thousand yuan at most.

Once the toll for the tour reaches one million yuan, the three of them will pay three million yuan. How can they go back to the village and stay in Fangzhong County forever.

Forget it... The God Lord forbids to introduce the situation of Jianshan Village to the outside world, otherwise he will erase his memory and throw it back to Fangzhong County.

If the children really can't come back, the old man will lose his memory at worst, let Xiao Yinzi throw him back to Fangzhong County, and let the children be ordinary people.

He didn't know that Wang Yin could have as many fruits of time and space as he wanted.

He is the supreme god in his heart, and he acts like a pug every day, circling around the little silver in the village.

A few space-time fruits are nothing, rather than Wang Yin helping him hide those old men, it is better to say that Wang disguise, he used the old village chief to drive away those old men.

When grandpa was around, those old men often made sarcastic remarks to run on grandpa.

Jianshan No. 1 is Wang Yin, who traveled to the world of innate gods and demons in the past, and reborn the ancestor bloodfly... After evolving to Poyuchao, the separated spirit and will.

Although his original body was condensed by the separated spirit and will after returning to Jianshan Village.

But the original body is the original body, and all the spirit and will of the original body are rounded from the origin of the blood, and it is the home of all separated spirit and will.

The will to separate the soul seems to be stronger than the original body, and belongs to the realm of transcending the universe, but it is incomplete.

Unless it can devour the original body and create a new home, the original body will always be its future destination.

It's just impossible, let it devour the original body and create a new home, just like letting ordinary people bully their ancestors.

Facing the ancestral ancestral hall, the children and grandchildren of Longguo will always think of repairing, renovating and rebuilding the ancestral ancestral hall on the original site of the ancestral hall.

You will not overthrow the ancestral hall of your ancestors. You will be struck by lightning if you bully your ancestors and destroy your ancestors. Other brothers, sisters, uncles and relatives will not allow you to be presumptuous.

You can renovate the ancestral ancestral hall if you don’t have the money to keep it old and abandoned on its original site, but you can’t overthrow it and don’t want it.

This is the reason why Jianshan No. 1 faced Wang Yin's original body.

This is true for all space-time souls. The main soul can swallow and fuse them, but they cannot swallow and fuse them.

This is the principle of eternal life that the Lord's soul dies and can be resurrected from them.

Otherwise, if everyone has evolved to the seven-star realm, why would they still recycle the smelted souls?

Unless they can get a great opportunity, the great fortune will evolve into a new complete main soul, allowing the two main souls to merge with each other to create a new self... to reach a higher level of life.

It's like Wang Yin, the main soul of the inner universe, spread the word that he, the original body of the outer universe, [grow up as soon as possible.

The gossip is over... When the old village chief sighed, Wang Yin was also very unhappy.

He was about to call Jianshan No. 1 to revive his grandfather's spirit and body, when his old classmate Li Wen called.

Tell him that you have arrived at the provincial road crossing in Shanjiao Village, and that your entourage is...I used to have a close relationship with him in Ban Hua Goudan.

After hanging up Li Wen's phone, he finally called Jianshan No. 1, but Jianshan No. 1 told him that his grandfather could not be revived.

Grandpa can't be resurrected, grandpa can't be resurrected.

This sentence buzzed and circled in his mind for a long time before he recovered.

He choked Jianshan No. 1 and roared: "You can revive me, why can't grandpa be revived.

Jianshan No. 1 had an innocent face: "Because before resurrecting you, I left my grandfather in this world, and completely wiped out all the soul and consciousness. "I will never be resurrected."

Wang Yin spat out old blood, jumped up and stepped on Jianshan No. 1, roaring heartbroken.

"Why...why...why are you doing this, that's your grandpa, it's your grandpa."

Feeling unrepentant after stepping on it, I rushed into the kitchen, took out a kitchen knife, and desperately chopped off Jianshan No. 1's head, wishing I could tear it into pieces.

However, his original strength is too low. Although Jianshan No. 1 has a split soul consciousness, he is an old skin who breaks through the universe and escapes the boundary.

No matter how he chops it, no harm will fall on it. .

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