The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 283 Human Nature Is Complex


Wang Yin lost his soul and cried out in sorrow.

The howling sound pierced the clouds and cracked the rocks, and the green mist in Jianshan Village instantly boiled red with blood, and everything trembled.

Jianshan No. 1 made a swift move, healed the grief of being torn apart by the original body, and the destruction of time and space involved... and the panic of all beings.

The strength of the original body is low, the main soul has been there before, and Poyuchao exists beyond the realm.

The destructive effect of heart-digging pain is not something that the ordinary world and Jianshan Village can bear.

Grandpa is gone, I can't survive at all, the soul information... disappears from the world forever.

These days... there is no trace of grandpa, and he will never come back.

It's all made by Jianshan No. 1. Jianshan No. 1 said that in the future, he will integrate the inner and outer universes, and want to transcend the heavens and worlds, break the emptiness outside, and the supreme chaos.

There can be no family fetters that can shake his will.

And grandpa is the only one who can shake the fetters of his transcendence.

Therefore, Jianshan No. 1 completely wiped out the soul of grandpa from the outer universe, the heavens and the worlds, the Blue Star Great Thousand Time and Space, and the space between heaven and earth.

Yes, Jianshan No. 1 wiped out all the grandpa's souls in the parallel time and space of the Outer Universe Blue Star Daqian for the sake of safety.

Even if grandpa has never stepped into the cultivation and evolution, and has never taken back and smelted other parallel time and space souls.

But in order to prevent Jianshan No. 1, Grandpa's soul was separated in other parallel time and space, and a great opportunity appeared to change life.

I chose to kill the wrong and never let it go, and wipe everything clean.

How can a blue star ordinary human soul, divided into parallel time and space, resist the eradication of Poyuchao, Jianshan No. 1?

So grandpa has really disappeared, and the past and future in all directions, all time and space are no longer traces.

Not only the grandfather, but also the grandmother who passed away many years ago, and the parents and elder brother who passed away unexpectedly... have blurred memories, and the souls of parallel time and space have all been wiped out.

It seems to say that the eldest brother was very young and bloody when he died, and his spirit and will were very solidified.

I have been reincarnated and reincarnated into someone else, and now I am in my teens, and suddenly I accidentally fell off the building and died.

How could you be like this, Jianshan No. 1, how could you be like this, Jianshan No. 1.

Jianshan No. 1 is the soul consciousness separated from his past self, who traveled through the world of innate gods and demons.

It means that Jianshan No. 1 is him, and what Jianshan No. 1 chooses to do is what he will do in his subconscious mind for the sake of detachment and freedom.

Pain...Boundless pain, issued from the depths of the soul, drowned him deeply.

Eyes red... dizzy...difficulty breathing.

Is he such a person, is he the one who will wipe out his relatives with his own hands.

Jianshan No. 1 looked at the original body, with a very curious expression on his tearful expression.

"You have already died, and now you are alive again, so there is no need to be so sad.

Wang Yin pointed to Jianshan No. 1 with a trembling hand.

"You, you can still say such things."

"Are you my soul from the past, or are you a human being?"

"You also said that you are the most humane consciousness in the former master Hun Poyu's detached will, which was separated to find Jianshan Village.

"I don't think you are human at all."

Jianshan No. 1 was neither angry nor annoyed, and looked at Tianwaidao leisurely with two big eyes.

"No... Yuanshen, you are wrong, this is human nature."

"That's why the former main soul separated me from Kunwai Baojian Mountain Village.

"Because the former master soul knew that only my purest humanity can accomplish the most painful things."

Human nature, human nature, human nature... Wang Yin got it.

Jianshan No. 1 is indeed the most humane consciousness in him.

The consciousness is that my life is up to me, not up to the doctor.

I would rather let the people of the world down than the people of the world can't let me down. Egoism evolves consciousness.

Everything is based on achieving the goal, and in order to achieve the can be selfish and unscrupulous.

What's more, Jianshan No. 1 still thinks that he has already died once, and his grandparents, parents, and elder brothers are all dead people, so there is no need to feel guilty about erasing them.

Anyway, they...are already dead, he has no obligation to revive them, so why feel guilty.

They didn't know that he was so capable now that he could bring the dead back to life, so they wouldn't come out and blame him.

Even if you want to blame him, they are already dead, so you can't blame him.

Sure enough, this is human nature, the most egoistic human nature in his subconscious.

Wang Yin swung the kitchen knife frantically, hacking at the wolf and chopping up the first floor of Jianshan.

"Get out of here...don't ever let me see you."

Jianshan No. 1 shrugged, muttered and turned to leave.

"What do you pretend, I'm not doing it for our own good."

Sure enough, human nature is complicated. When you appear in different human natures, you decide to think about group feelings...they are all different.

The ancestor bloodfly's pseudo master soul consciousness aperture controls the platform, and Wang Yin, the human body of the inner universe and the heavens, suddenly felt a pain in his heart.

Extreme sadness welled up from his heart, causing him to burst into tears suddenly.

Holding him day and night... making a mutation angry, Yin Wu was taken aback, quickly took out a handkerchief, and helped him wipe his red eye sockets.

"God, what's wrong with you, has something changed?

Wang Yin's gaze penetrates layers of time and space, looking at the center of the Outer Universe Blue Star Great Thousand Time and Space, Jianshan Village is going crazy.

"It's my dearest relative, and I will never come back."

Yin Wu followed his line of sight, looked towards the direction of Jianshan Village, understood all the cause and effect, embraced him and sighed softly.

"Isn't that what you want.

Wang Yin covered his face with his hands, holding back the sadness pouring out of his heart, too much time had passed, if it wasn't for the transmission of emotions from his original body, he would have almost forgotten what his grandfather looked like.

"No... No... This is not the result I want, it's not like this, I should have thought of this earlier and stopped Jianshan No. 1."

Yin Wu broke his hand away and looked at him with pity.

"This is the result you want, it may not be what you want now, but it is definitely what you wanted in the past, when you reached the boundary of Chaoyuchao.

0…ask for flowers……

"Otherwise you won't separate out the consciousness of absolute egoism in human nature. Jianshan No. 1 will deal with the outer universe and the original body left over from Lanxing Jianshan Village."

Wang Yin shook his head frantically: "'s not like that, I don't have this idea."

Yin Wu sneered: "That's it, you have only now conveyed the grief of your original body, knowing that your grandfather and family have been dealt with by Jianshan No. 1, and there is nothing you can do.

"It's because the previous you have instructed Jianshan No. 1 to conceal this incident from you, and handed over the handling power to Jianshan No. 1."

"From the perspective of human selfishness, you are deceiving yourself and others, and you are unwilling to face your inner decision-making."

Yin Wu's merciless words quickly lifted Wang Yin's emotional scars.

All kinds of sadness, anger, guilt, and remorse filled his heart. The heavens and worlds of the inner universe suddenly changed, and the sky was full of flames.


All the laws of the avenue of chaos quickly collapsed and dissipated, and the law of the doomsday avenue rapidly expanded and covered the sky.

There is a smile on the corner of Yin Wu's mouth, today is today, if she can seize the opportunity, today she may be able to step into and transcend the realm in one step.

Completely control this supreme chaotic will, and step out of the outer treasure heavens to feel at ease.

It's a pity that before she succeeded, Jianshan No. 1's icy voice was injected into Wang Yin's mind like a tranquilizer.

"The main soul wakes up, the main soul wakes up, and when we reach Dazizai, we can regain the consciousness of grandpa's soul. You don't have to regret and feel guilty."

"Isn't this all planned by us? Look at the time and space of Neyu Lanxing Z2, the old Wangtou and Mrs. Wang of Wangjiacun who were taken away by the demon body, and the father and mother of Z1 time and space."

"It's you who are evolving, how to revive grandpa, the causal process of father and mother."

For him, Wang Yin was born in the blue star of the inner universe, and his closest relative was the blue star of the inner universe. It was as if the frozen nectar of thousands of years was blowing into his soul consciousness. With the help of Jianshan No. 1, Wang Yin finally calmed down.

Looking back from the Jianshan Village in Waiyu, it penetrated countless time and space and landed on the blue star of the demon body.

Looking at the time and space of Neiyu Lanxing Z1, it really looks like the father and mother of Outer Universe Jianshan Village in childhood memories.

His face was suddenly embarrassed. I didn’t get back the memory of the past life back then. I don’t think so, but now I have the memory of the past life back. Seeing the appearance of the old father and mother of the demon body Blue Star, how did he become like a grandpa and grandma?

Is it thanks to grandpa in human nature, raising him to be a father and a mother? Grandma is taking credit for grandpa.

He turned around and slapped Yin Wu's face with a slap, the blood died away and fell under the law, his face also swelled up, this woman was so vicious when she fell into trouble.

Yin Wu giggled and didn't take it seriously: "I'm in a good mood, well, let's continue to create mutant anger.

Wang Yin is heartbroken, you are learning from thick black, right? Can you be more realistic?

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