The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 285 Reporting To The Dragon God

The green mist is weird, you can't see your fingers when you reach out five steps away, but you can see clearly within five steps.

When the old village chief didn't show up, he was in the mist five steps away, and he couldn't see a shadow at all.

It wasn't until he stepped out of the green mist and entered within five steps that Admiral Ye Wen and Li Wengou Dan knew that someone was coming to his side.

Li Wen Goudan quietly followed the old village chief, and General Ye Wen walked towards Jianshan Village behind him.

Admiral Ye Wen is not as disciplined as they are. He came to Jianshan find out the secrets of Jianshan Village.

Looking at the front of several people, the god fog searchlight moved with them.

As if in the mouth of a huge monster, there are countless demons and ghosts around...waiting for them to enter the mouth.

Admiral Ye Wen looked at the old village chief, turned a blind eye to the old village chief's erratic figure and asked:

"Is it difficult to see things five steps away from Shenwu? It has a great impact on the life of Jianshan Village.

As a military giant, he has experienced many things.

Xu Jianfeng was born in an ancient martial arts family, and his background is even more mysterious.

Don't look at his middle-aged appearance, he is actually a seventy-year-old grandpa

The old village chief walked in front like a ghost, Li Wen's eyes flickered, and he tried not to look at the old village chief's figure.

He regretted coming to Jianshan Village a bit. He was curious when he didn't come, but he was very mysterious and frightened when he came. 04 The old village head walks like a piao, and he feels like he can ride the wind at any time.

Why didn't I know before, Brother Yin's hometown is so weird, Brother Yin hides this so deeply.

"Shenwu only restricts you outsiders, not the villagers of Jianshan, and there is no hindrance in Maizi's eyes.

Knowing what Admiral Ye Wen was thinking, the old village chief reminded him with a smile after answering.

"If General Ye has any ideas, it's best not to try."

"Just now you took out the magnifying glass and saw the fiery red particles, it is the anger of our village chief."

"He's on fire today, it's best not to touch him, or I won't be able to keep you guys.

"As you can imagine...if the fiery red particles explode, the entire Blue Star will suffer.

Gou Dan sticks out his tongue, what he said is a bit scary, is their captain a monster.

Her eyes were fixed on the feet of the old village chief. She had always been courageous and wanted to get rid of it very much. How did the old village chief do it, and her walking posture fluttered.

It's just that there is always a cloud of green mist around the old village head's feet. No matter how hard she tries, she can't see how the old village head walks.

I can't help but feel hairy, Jianshan Village can't be Apiao Village.

She didn't know that after the old village chief ate the time-space fruit, the energy of the time-space fruit filled his whole body, and he hadn't mastered it yet.

If you don't work hard to suppress your body shape, you will really know how to kick your feet down when you take a step, and you can jump to the sky with one step.

Under the suppression of this kind of effort, in the eyes of her and Li Wen, she looked like a piao when she walked, and she was as light as a ghost.

In the mysterious inheritance, Admiral Ye Wen has seen the scene of a peerless tall person who is as light as a swallow, stepping on the leaves and floating in the air.

Knowing that Jianshan Village is unusual, the behavior of the old village acceptable.

I am even more sure that Xu Jianfeng reached the sky in Jianshan Village.

However, when the old village chief confirmed that the fiery red particles were indeed very dangerous, General Ye Wen almost expressed his dissatisfaction.

How can such a dangerous thing be let go here, I must try to solve this matter when I go back.

"Oh... according to the old village chief, the fiery red particles are probably caused by personal emotions."

The old village chief walked forward and stopped, turned around and glanced at General Ye Wen with a smile.

"That's right, General Ye knows why Jianshan Village is still so stable until now.

Admiral Ye Wen was secretly delighted, it would be best if you can take the initiative to speak out, and said in a listening posture.

"Appreciate further details."

The old village head: "Because someone once had the same idea as you, thinking that such a dangerous thing, how could you let it go here, and dropped a black bullet at Jianshan Village after returning.

"As a result, you should have guessed that Jianshan Village is still here, so naturally... it has disappeared from Blue Star's memory."

Admiral Ye Wen was terrified, how did the old man know what he was thinking, and asked calmly on the surface.

"What did you say, old village chief, please don't play tricks on Ye."

Seeing General Ye Wen's hidden anger, the old village chief pointed forward without explaining.

"Our current location is a small hill. Go down the road...800 meters ahead is Jianshan Village."

"Is it playing tricks on the general, the general can see for himself."

Li Wen and Gou Dan stretched their necks and looked in the direction the old village chief pointed... nothing.

Whispering: "What are you looking at...except for the green mist, isn't it still green mist?"

General Ye Wen's expression changed drastically. As soon as the old village chief finished speaking, he sensed countless Pan Fang's arrogance rising from the ground to Xiaohan from a low-lying area 800 meters ahead.

That feeling is more frightening and desperate than being in the blue star and encountering the most destructive black bomb thrown by the enemy... about to explode.

There is more than one momentum, there are hundreds, what is this... what are these.

Is this the secret of Jianshan Village, Ye Wen muttered to himself in a daze.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that the thick green mist 800 meters ahead suddenly became transparent.

He saw it...he finally saw it.

Under the cover of the dense fog, there is an unknown size and strangeness, and the whole body is blood red like a demon fly.

The largest hovers over Jianshan Village, at least thirty feet high.

The other fifteen feet high and low, the strange blood-red demon flies, and the three-foot-tall one has hundreds of blood flies.

This is what I saw when the dense fog in front of me dispersed, and I don't know how much it has not dispersed in the dense fog.

Above these terrifying and weird blood flies that looked like gods and demons, there was a man with a cold face and a tyrannical breath floating.

The man held a long black whip and lashed at the sight range fiercely, like a strange blood fly descended from a god and demon.

"Jianshan No. 1 labor and capital can't beat it, and can't you get so many generations of evil animals separated from you?"

" miserable grandpa, you all must die."

Papapapa, the long black whip pierced through the void, and with a screeching piercing sound, it landed on many huge and strange blood flies.

Among them, the biggest one, about 30 feet long, shrunk its head in a humanized way, and retracted its two blood-red wings behind its buttocks.

Fifteen meters tall, the terrifying bloodfly didn't have time to run away, so it simply lay down on the spot with its belly exposed, obediently let the tyrannical man in mid-air whip it.

Anyway, they have rough skin and thick flesh, and they will die if they are whipped a few times.

The most unlucky thing is that the blood flies are weak and weak, and they are buzzing and crying after being beaten to pieces.

Many villagers wearing green shirts, carrying 817 blood-red wings, and wearing fly helmets complained loudly.

"Captain, don't hit my godfly, why are you so angry, just come at us."

"My son, my son, serving this tyrant's subordinates, your life is miserable, I want to complain to the Lord God."

"Fuck, your flies were brought by this tyrant. They don't mind being beaten, but you have a fart."

"It's just complaining about the Almighty, don't you know that the Almighty and him wear the same pair of pants.

Li Wen and Gou Dan also saw... this weird and terrifying scene, and at the same time they were so frightened that they sat down on the ground.

Li Wen's lips turned blue and he couldn't speak, but Gou Dan stuttered.

"Is that Xiao Yinzi? Li Wen, open your eyes wide and see clearly. Is that man... is Xiao Yinzi?"

Li Wen panted hard, he only felt that today he encountered a great evil, and let him see this scene after scene, and the scene is not complete until it scares people to death.

It's over, it's over, he will definitely be scared to death in Jianshan Village today, he managed to catch his breath, and squeezed out a few ministers.

"'s Brother Yin."

Admiral Ye Wen was also shocked by the sudden scene 800 meters away, and couldn't breathe well.

Just as he was preparing to concentrate on dealing with the accident, there were cyan ripples between his eyes, and lightning rushed out from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Ripples formed the faint shadow of a blue dragon, protecting him in it, looking forward tremblingly, dozens of raging flames were invincible.

Long Ming sounded, low and angry.

"What are these, what are these?"

"It's all existences that Blue Star has never seen before. I want to report to Lord Dragon God as soon as possible."

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