The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter Two Hundred And Eighty Six

Dragon, yes dragon.

Li Wen's eyes were bloodshot, and he stared intently at Admiral Ye Wen, the phantom of the blue dragon looming.

He saw the dragon... He actually saw the dragon, God, he knew that he would be scared to death by Jianshan Village.

At the next moment, the heart is beating vigorously, and the grand ambition arises from the heart.

That is a dragon, he is the descendant of the dragon, how could he curl up on the ground.

Li Wen only felt a surge of hot blood gushing out from inside his body.

He raised his head and straightened his waist, stood up on the spot with both legs, and fixed his eyes on Admiral Ye Wen.

This is the totem of the Dragon Kingdom, he is the descendant of the dragon, so he must not be timid.

Gou Dan also saw the phantom of the blue dragon, his red lips were stretched into an O shape, but his heart was pounding. This... this is a dragon.

General Ye actually has a dragon on his body, he really is a real man.

The old village chief also saw it, but he didn't show surprise. The existence of the dragon soul and the fruit of time and space were introduced.

This is the soul of the Dragon Kingdom. As long as anyone who steps into the Dragon Kingdom...has a dragon soul on his body, and those who don't are all foreign spies.

For example, some time ago, under the instigation of Bird Kingdom in private, the one who threw the black bullet at Jianshan Village did not have the soul of Dragon Kingdom.

However, it has been disappeared by the God Lord and left the memory of Blue Star forever.

Admiral Ye Wen was also affected by the changes in his body, so shocked that his consciousness shrank in the sea of ​​consciousness and consciousness, unable to move.

He never dreamed that there was a dragon on his body, and it was a majestic big green dragon.

Not to mention that his consciousness could come to this magical place in his body.

From the perspective of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the big blue dragon is lifelike, circling the sky majesticly.

He looked at the outside world from the corner of the sea of ​​consciousness, just like Lan Xing looked at the sky.

After the sound of the dragon cry, the big blue dragon swung its tail, and it was about to break through the space and fly away.

General Ye Wen shouted anxiously: "Don't go, my Azure Dragon.

Outside Jianshan Village, Wang Yin was holding a long black whip in his hand, and was beating the souls of bloodflies separated from Jianshan No. 1 by an unknown number of generations.

Seeing the phantom of the green dragon on General Ye Wen, he was about to break through the space and fly away, shouting softly.

"When you wait so hard, don't run when you come out."

The black long whip and hula in his hand flew to Ye Wen's head, turning into a huge black net that covered the sky and covered the sky, tightly engulfing the phantom of the green dragon, no matter how hard it struggled and rolled, it couldn't get rid of it at all.

Qinglong Xuying was furious: "Who are you and why did you lock me up? If you are from the Dragon Kingdom, let me go. I'm going to find Lord Dragon God..."

Wang Yin quietly floated down to their positions, Gou Dan tremblingly stretched out his hand to say hello.

It's Xiao Yinzi, it's really Xiao Yinzi, I swallowed the words down my throat several times, no, this is not Xiao Yinzi, how could Xiao Yinzi fly, this is Ah Piao, yes it must be Ah Piao.

"Wang Yin has met Lord Dragon Soul, and he is right, I am the King of the Dragon Kingdom."

"However, I can't let you go for the time being. It's Wang Yin's luck to finally find your trace. It's also the luck of your lord. It's the luck of our Blue Star Dragon Kingdom, hahaha.

Trapped in the phantom of the green dragon, the dragon bearded without wind and the automatic dragon stared like a lantern, solemnly turned to Ye Wen's left ear, fixedly staring at Wang Yin for questioning.

"I don't understand what you are saying. How can there be people in the Dragon Kingdom that I can't see through? Who are you?"

Wang Yin rubbed his nose, if he didn't explain the words, he wouldn't understand them.

Waving to the sky boredly, the boring voice of Jianshan No. 1 appeared.

"The original body is at ease, from the moment the dragon soul appeared, I have dealt with all the dark and spies around you. Now this space is our private space."

"The light and dark clans in Jianshan Village are all subordinates of our Neiyu, so they are very safe."

Wang Yin felt relieved, without spies from the outer universe, the operation would be easier, and he stretched out his hand to hold down Qinglong phantom.

"My lord, be safe and don't be impatient. The boy is really under the lord. Wang Yin of Jianshan Village will step on the road of evolution by chance. He is going to start from the lord to join the heavens."

The phantom of the green dragon swims uneasy, it regrets appearing, why it can't figure out the existence of everything on its territory, why there are people in the sky above, how can it not perceive it.

"Who, who are you?"

The uneasy roar resounded through Ye Wen's sea of ​​consciousness. Admiral Ye Wen couldn't see the outside scene, thinking that Qinglong phantom was responding to him, and shouted excitedly.

"My big blue dragon, it's me, it's me, I'm here, go home and don't run around."

The world swayed for a while, and a huge gap appeared in the sky above Jianshan Village. A giant dragon with an unknown number of miles thick and an unknown number of kilometers long put its eyes to the opening of the hole.

A word suddenly sounded in the hearts of the entire Dragon Country people.

"God Lord, where is the body.

The blue star with the demon body of the universe has expanded to an unknown number of areas above the dragon country, and it emits the sound of the dragon without the universe.

"Ang Hung....1"

The body of the monster blue star moves in the mountains and rivers of the Dragon Kingdom. One body covers hundreds of planets. The head, claws and scales span an unknown distance in time and space. The majestic dragon god appears.

With the help of the god lord, the giant dragon eyes as big as a dozen planets penetrated time and space to look at the blue star of the outer universe, and the sacred and inviolable dragon language sounded.

"So that's the way it is, we all come from nothingness, only the outer universe is real."

"God Lord, God Lord, the supreme chaos in our inner universe is the demon king God Lord."

"Sure enough, what I got from Qinglong Mountain is a peerless great opportunity, and it is only then that I and the Blue Star Kingdoms can collectively evolve into the heavens, such a monstrous adventure."

Thousands of human beings, demons, ghosts, monsters and ghosts collectively shouted wildly on the dragon body.

"It's Lord Dragon God, it's Lord Dragon God, Lord Dragon God has appeared again, the demon citizens of the Dragon Kingdom, all monsters, spirits, ghosts...greetings to Lord Dragon God."

On the top of Qinglong Mountain, the Blue Star Hall of All Beings, the demon body and soul are connected to Jianshan No. 1.

"`~ You are saying that the opportunity of Hedao Outer Universe has appeared, and we will start to act now.

Consciousness spans an unknown distance in time and space, and arrives at No. 1 Yaoshenjianshan without cosmic connection, and nods in the sea of ​​Yaoshen consciousness.

"That's right, the main soul of the original body has retrieved the memory of the previous life, and knows all the secrets of evolution."

"All living beings in the Blue Star Mountains and Rivers where you are, including mud, rocks, dust, spirits and monsters, are the foundation of the outer universe of harmony."

"Waiyu Blue Star... ZO Time and Space Dragon Country Dragon Soul has appeared, let's start from the Blue Star base camp, the work on our own site is easy to do.

Different from the quiet conversation between the two, outside the Qinglong Mountain Temple, seeing the dragon god transforming, the monster mountains roared and the sea tsunami sounded continuously, this is the Dragon Kingdom Dragon God.

It is the totem in the hearts of all dragon kingdom sky demons, monsters, monsters and ghosts.

Since Lord Dragon God evolved from Blue Star, he has not appeared a few times in total.

The time when the first entity appeared was when the girl of the bird country, the birdman, the bird demon Wu was being cleaned up.

Although it appeared once before, it is so beautiful to clean up my sister Guodao, but it is not an entity but a spirit body.

From then on, the bird demon and the charming girl bird man surrendered to the majesty of the dragon god, and dared not offend her in the slightest.

It also appeared a few times later, when Lan Xing's father (Lee Li Zhao) broke into the universe and encountered great difficulties several times.

When all the giant monsters in the Blue Star land, human spirits, monsters, and undead are united to protect the Blue Star homeland.

Master Dragon God appeared again today, did something earth-shattering happen to Blue Star again?

The giant monster bird in the Bird Country is charming, with a huge and hot body, standing in the void of the universe.

There are about ten blue stars with big beautiful eyes, looking in the direction of the Dragon God of the Dragon Kingdom, with a complex and slightly excited expression.

"Is it you, you appeared again, what's the matter this time.

"Why does fate always favor you, you heartless person."

"Huh, that's not right, so that's the case, we are all from the inner universe of the God Lord, and we are about to start merging with the outer universe."

The giant demon island of the sister country is so beautiful, with delicate hands that are slender for an unknown number of miles, covering the same huge fragrant lips for an unknown number of miles.

"It's so big, the dragon master is so big, it's hard to beat the horse, who can bear it in such a day."

"What is Waiyu, Zhenmei wants to respond to the call of God, separate the spiritual consciousness, and accept the body of Waiyu island.".

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